release.txt SEAWAT Release Notes This file describes changes introduced into SEAWAT Version 4 with each official release; these changes may substantially affect users. In this file, packages and processes are referred to by their 3-or 4-character abbreviation. NOTE: Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. o Version 4.00.02 4/29/2008: Corrected two programming errors, both related to memory conflicts. The MNW Package may not have worked correctly in previous versions of SEAWAT Version 4. Also, the OBS Process may have had a memory conflict with the MT3DMS Process. o Version 4.00.01 4/29/2008: Corrected a programming error caused by implementation of the flow field update control option. The error resulted in dcdt terms that were too large. o Version 4.00.00 3/28/2008: This is the first public release of the SEAWAT Version 4 program, which is documented in Langevin et al. (2007). In addition to the new features, this release contains fixes for several bugs found in earlier SEAWAT Versions.