new jersey department of environmental protection
site remediation program

SRP Logo - Site Remediation Program: Saving - Restoring - Protecting -Information to help the public with cleanups
srp.brownfields - Restoring urban areas
srp.homeowner  - Guidance for homeowners - Information about sites, regulations, finances, and procedures for businesses and industries

NJDEP Public Records (OPRA)

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For Your Information...

Top 10 Links from SRP Take a look at this annotated list of the 10 top links and see the interesting things you can find.

DEP Enhances Public Outreach for Contaminated Site Cleanups

The DEP is implementing new requirements for enhanced public-outreach by those responsible for contaminated sites cleanups. They will have to post signs or distribute notification letters informing local residents of work progress.

“While the DEP posts an on-line contaminated site list and makes every effort to make site information available to anyone who requests it, the public may not know how to access it nor have the time to seek it out... This initiative brings important information about site cleanups right to their communities and into their homes.” -DEP Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson's comments from the September 3, 2008 DEP press release about the new initiative.

For more information:

SRP Data Resources

DEP Data Miner Reports
Other SRP Data Resources

What's New!

Legislative Reform Stakeholders Process

Site Remediation Reform and Licensed Site Professional Bill

Other Documents


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