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The Science of Mental Illness

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References and Figure Credits


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  47. Weinberger, D., Torrey, E.F., and Berman, K. 1990. Schizophrenia PET scan. Retrieved July 13, 2001, from
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Figure Credits

Teacher Background
5: digitalStock; 7: Corbis.

Lesson 1
1.2a: Eyewire; 1.2b, c: Corbis; Master 1.3: Daniel Weinberger, M.D.; E. Fuller Torrey, M.D.; Karen Berman, M.D.; NIMH Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, Division of Intramural Research Programs, NIMH, 1990.

Lesson 2
Opener: PhotoDisc; Master 2.8: Vastag, B. 2002. Decade of work shows depression is physical. Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(14): 1787–1793. Copyright © 2002. American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Lesson 4
Master 4.2: Archives of General Psychiatry, July 2001, 58: 638. Copyright © 2001. American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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