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2009 Bench-to-Bedside Awards

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Originally established in 1999 to integrate the work of basic and clinical scientists on the NIH campus, the program expanded in 2006 to encourage partnerships between intramural and extramural programs. To-date, more than 400 principal and associate investigators have collaborated on 135 funded projects with ~$24M distributed in total bench-to-bedside funding.

Once again, the program will expand so that extramural principal investigators with an existing NIH grant (e.g., researchers at CTSA sites) may initiate proposals by seeking an intramural partner at NIH to be the project leader and point of contact. To identify an intramural collaborator, extramural investigators can consult the NIH’s database of all current intramural research at

Doctors standing next to a patient bed.For awards involving extramural partners, extramural funds will be directed as an administrative supplement to an existing grant. If indicated, the amount of funds to extramural investigators may be increased to cover indirect costs. The grant must be eligible to receive administrative supplements for two years and the support must be consistent with the approved aims and objectives of the grant. Principal investigators for all awarded projects will be required to submit an annual progress report.

Research proposals can fall into one of seven categories: pharmacogenomics, behavioral and social sciences, rare diseases, AIDS, minority health and health disparities, women’s health, and general projects.

The Bench-to-Bedside program will introduce a new electronic venue, proposalCentral, to aid investigators in submitting a letter of intent and in collaborating online with the project leader on developing a proposal for submission. Investigators are encouraged to print tip sheet #1 as a guide for using this online resource - proposalCentral can be accessed at [disclaimer]

FY 2009:

A Quantitative Assessment of the NIH Bench-to-Bedside Program: Accomplishments of the First 100 Projects, 1999-2006 pdf icon
This comprehensive review of the bench-to-bedside program was completed in July 2007. Investigators representing 64 of the 100 projects funded through FY 2006 provided status reports on their projects and overall perceptions of the program.

Previous Awards Funded
2008 |2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

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This page last updated on 05/7/09

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