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Office of Pesticide Programs' Aquatic Life Benchmarks

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The aquatic life benchmarks (for freshwater species) provided in the table below are based on toxicity values reviewed by EPA and used in the Agency's most recent risk assessments developed as part of the decision-making process for pesticide registration. The Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) in EPA relies on studies required under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as specified at 40 CFR Part 158, as well as a wide range of environmental laboratory and field studies available in the public scientific literature to assess environmental risk. Each Aquatic Life Benchmark is based on the most sensitive, scientifically acceptable toxicity endpoint available to EPA for a given taxon (for example, freshwater fish) of all scientifically acceptable toxicity data available to EPA. EPA's goal is to add to these benchmarks annually.

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Relationship to Ambient Water Quality Criteria

Both OPP and EPA's Office of Water (OW) have responsibilities for evaluating aquatic toxicity data to assess the ecological effects of chemicals in surface water. Effects assessments under both program offices are developed with high quality data pursuant to parallel but somewhat different rigorously peer-reviewed assessment methods.

The table below provides aquatic toxicity benchmarks, a reference for the most recent risk assessment conducted by OPP for each pesticide, and ambient water quality criteria, if available.

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Use of Aquatic Life Benchmarks

EPA worked initially with the USGS to identify aquatic ecotoxicity benchmarks values from risk assessments developed by EPA for individual pesticides during the recently completed re-registration program. The Overview Document and ecological risk assessments developed for individual pesticides provide useful information for understanding how these ecotoxicity benchmarks were developed and the uncertainties associated with each benchmark. Comparing a measured concentration of a pesticide in water with an aquatic life benchmark can be helpful in interpreting monitoring data, and to identify and prioritize sites and pesticides that may require further investigation.

These aquatic benchmarks are extracted from the most recent publically available OPP risk assessment for the pesticide and are based on the most sensitive aquatic toxicity data of the distribution for each taxa. Benchmarks, developed for baseline risk assessments, are estimates of the concentrations below which pesticides are not expected to harm aquatic life. OPP may further refine a risk assessment based on the full distribution of toxicity data for a given species, using point estimates, species sensitivity distribution approaches, or probabilistic methods.

OPP and OW are actively working together to harmonize the high quality, peer-reviewed scientific approaches that now underlie both programs. A harmonized approach will result in consistent tools and approaches for all stakeholder communities to use in ensuring the protection of aquatic ecosystems.

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OPP Aquatic Life Benchmarks (µg / L)
Pesticide CAS number Fish Invertebrates Nonvascular Plants Vascular Plants Office of Water
Aquatic Life Criteria
Acute1 Chronic2 Acute3 Chronic4 Acute5 Acute6 Maximum
Acephate 930560191 416,0005,760550150> 50,000
Acetochlor34256821 1901304,
Acetochlor degradate
Ethanesulfonic acid (ESA)
> 90,000> 62,5009,900.00
Acifluorfen62476599 15,500< 1,50014,050> 265189
Acrolein 10, 13107028 711.4< 15.57.12872
Alachlor15972608 9001871,6001101.642.3
Alachlor degradate
Ethane sulfonic acid
187022113 52,00052,000
Alachlor degradate
Oxanilic acid
184992444 47,50047,500
Aldicarb 9116063 260.46101> 5,000
Aldicarb sulfoxide1646873 3,57021.5
Aldicarb sulfone 21,000140
Ametryn834128 1,80070014,0002403.6710
Atrazine 71912249 2,6506536060137
Atrazine degradate
2163680 > 1,500> 2,050> 10,000
Atrazine degradate
> 50,000> 50,000
Atrazine degradate
8,500> 63,0002,500
Atrazine degradate
Azinphos methyl 986500 0.180.0550.080.036
Azoxystrobin13860338 23514713044493,400
Benfluralin 81861401 34.851.910,54015.5> 100
Bensulide 10741582 3603742901,500
Bentazon 850723803 > 50,000> 50,0004,5005,350
Bromacil314409 18,0003,00060,5008,2006.845
Butylate 102008415 1052105,950
Carbaryl 963252 1106.80.850.56601,500
Carbofuran1563662 445.71.1150.75
Carboxin5234684 60042,200370670
Captan 10133062 13.116.54,200560320> 12700
Clopyralid57754855 984,00056,500
Chloropicrin 1376062 < 8.49< 36
Chlorothalonil1897456 5.2531.80.66.8630
Chlorpyrifos2921882 0.90.570.050.04140 0.0830.041
Coumaphos 1056724 17011.70.0370.0337
Cycloate1134232 2,2501,300
Cypermethrin52315078 0.1950.140.210.069
Dacthal (DCPA) 81861321 15,00013,500> 11,000 > 11,000
2,4-DB 1194826 1,0007,500932
2,4-DB-DMAS 11 1,56710,150
Diazinon 10, 13333415 45< 0.550.1050.173,700 0.170.17
Diazinon degradate
> 50,500> 51,000> 109,000
Dicamba 8, 111918009 14,00017,30061> 3,250
Diclobenil 131194656 2,465< 3301,8505601,00030
Dicrotophos141662 3,1506.350.99
Dimethenamid163515148 3,1503006,0001,020148.9
Dimethoate 960515 3,10043021.50.584
Disulfoton 9298044 19.541.950.01
Disulfoton sulfone > 4,60017.50.14
Disulfoton sulfoxide 8 30,000321.53
Diuron 10330541 35526801602.4
Endosulfan115297 0.420.112.90.07 0.220.056
Endosulfan sulfate1031078 1.9
EPTC759944 7,0003,2458101,4005,600
Esfenvalerate 966230044 0.0350.0350.0250.017
Ethalfluralin55283686 160.4302425
Ethoprop13194484 15024228008,400
Fenitrothion122145 860461.150.087
Fenthion 855389 415.07.52.600.013400> 2,800
Fluometuron2164172 32011030220
Glyphosate 101071836 21,5001,80026,60049,90012,10011,900
Glyphosate isopropylamine salt38641940 42,450
Glyphosate degradate
aminomethyl phosphoric acid (AMPA)
Hexazinone51235042 137,00017,00075,80020,000737.4
Imazapyr 8, 1081334341 > 50,00043,10050,00097,10011,500 18
Imazamox 8114311329 > 59,500> 61,000> 4011
Imidacloprid 8105827789 > 41,5001,200351.05> 10,000
Iprodione 8, 1036734197 1,550260120170330> 12,640
Isoxaflutole 8141112290 > 850> 7501104.9
Isoxaflutole - rpa202248 8 > 15,300> 29,8005,00075
Lindane (gamma HCH)58899 0.8502.90.50054 0.95
Linuron 9330552 1,5005.58600.0913.72.5
Malathion 9121755 0.2950.0140.0050.0000262,04024,065
Mancozeb8018017 23029047
Maneb12427382 216013.4
Mancozeb and Maneb degradate
> 251,00037,320134,5002
MCPA acid 1194746 300170
MCPA sodium salt 8, 11 > 34,000> 92,000
MCPA DMAS 11 48,00012,00041,00011,000160130
MCPA EHE 11 3809017020
MCPB6062266 1,95025,000380210
MCPP-p acid 1016484778 > 45,50050,800
MCPP-p DMAS 86642394 > 46,500141,300
Metam sodium137428 25.627.5254590
Metalaxyl 857837191 65,000> 9,1006,2501,200140,000 85,000
Mefanoxam 870630170 > 60,50014,00077,000
Methamidophos 8, 910265926 12,50048.9134.5> 50,000
Methidathion 10950378
Methomyl 916752775 160122.50.7
Methiocarb2032657 218503.50.1
Metribuzin21087649 21,0003,0002,1001.298.7130
Methoprene40596698 3804816551
Methyl bromide74839 1,9501001,3002,200
Methyl parathion 13298000 925< 100.4850.2515,00018,000
Methyl paraoxon950356 1.151
Metolachlor51218452 1,6001,0005501821
Metolachlor OA8 > 46,5507,70057,100> 95,100
Metolachlor ESA 8 24,000> 54,000> 99,450 > 95,100
Molinate 102212671 1053901703402203,300
Naled300765 462.90.04525> 1,800
Naled DDVP 505.20.0330.0058
Napropamide15299997 3,2001,1007,1501,1003,400
Norflurazon 827314132 4,050770> 7501,0009.758.2
Oxydemeton methyl 8, 9301122 36559546> 100,000
Oxyfluorfen42874033 101.51.340130.290.35
Oryzalin 819044883 1,44022075035842> 15.4
Oxamyl 1023135220 2,1007709018012030,000
Pebulate1114712 3,1503,3152301,800
Pendimethalin40487421 696.314014.55.412.5
Permethrin 1652645531 0.3950.05150.01060.001468
Phorate 8298022 1.1750.340.30.21> 1,300
Phosmet 8732116 353.21.00000.834> 1,800
Picloram1918021 6,50055034,15011,8004,900
Pinoxaden243973208 10,0001,2004,300
Pinoxaden (NOA 497854) 8 > 51,500> 960> 50,5005,800 > 100,00010,000
Pinoxaden (NOA 447204) 8 > 60,000> 60,00095,600 > 93,500
Profenofos41198087 7.0520.4650.2
Prometon 101610180 6,0009,50012,8503,50098624
Prometryn7287196 1,4509,2951,000111.8
Propachlor1918167 8539513.5
Propanil709988 1,1509.16008616110
Propargite2312358 591637966.275,000
Propetamphos31218834 941.65
Propiconazole60207901 425952,400934,828
Propoxur114261 1,8505.5
Propyzamide 8, 923950585 36,0007,700> 2,800600> 4,000 1,180
Resmethrin10453868 0.140.321.550
Rotenone 1083794 0.971.011.8501.25
Simazine122349 3,2009605002,00036140
Sulfosulfuron 8141776321 > 45,000100,000> 48,000102,000400 1
Tebuthiuron34014181 53,0009,300148,50021,80050135
Telone542756 54045707,90020,000
Telone degradate
3-chloroacrylic acid
Telone degradate
3-chloroallyl alcohol
Temephos3383968 1,7455
Terbacil5902512 23,1001,20032,50064011140
Terbufos 1013071799 0.3850.640.10.03
Thiobencarb28249776 28050117770
Thiram 10137268 21530105170.61401,600
Tralkoxydim 887820880 > 3,750> 87,0002,1007,700 2,600
Triallate2303175 6003845.5131202,400
Triasulfuron 8, 1082097505 > 50,00068,600> 50,000105,000
Tribufos78488 122.53.513.51.561481,100
Triclopyr 1455335063 180104,00085080,700100880
Trifluralin1582098 20.51.142802.47.5243.5
Ziram 10137304 9.7101243967370

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aStephan, C.E, D.I. Mount, D.J. Hanson, J.H. Gentile, G.A. Chapman, and W.A. Brungs. 1985. Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses. EPA PB85-227049.

bU.S. EPA. 2004. Overview of the Ecological Risk Assessment Process in the Office of Pesticide Programs. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. Office of Pesticide Programs. Washington, D.C. January 23, 2004.

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