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Calendar 2002

December 2002

December 3-4, 2002
Sustainable Construction Practices: Concrete and Asphalt

Portland, Oregon
Contact: Lauren Heine, Zero Waste Alliance
Telephone: 503-279-9383
e-mail: lheine@zerowaste.org
Website: http://www.cwest.orst.edu/news/construction/ EXIT EPA

December 3-4, 2002
Environmental Management Systems for Federal Facilities

Arlington, Virginia
Contact: ABS Consulting
Telephone: 301-921-2345
E-mail: giinfo@govinst.com
Website: http://www.govinst.com/ EXIT EPA
(Select "Training Solutions", then "Environmental Management")

December 3-6, 2002
National Compliance Assistance Providers Forum 2002

San Antonio, Texas
Contact: Sandi Jones, U.S. EPA Office of Compliance
Telephone: 202-564-7038
e-mail: jones.sandra@epa.gov
Website: http://mng-unix1.marasconewton.com/caforum/ EXIT EPA

December 8-10, 2002
Sustainable Products Training

Sundance, Utah
Contact: Sustainable Products Training
Telephone: 202-338-0313
E-mail: info@sustainableproducts.com
Website: http://www.sustainableproducts.com/sundance/agenda_reg.pdf EXIT EPA

November 2002

November 7, 2002
Mercury Use and Reduction Workshop

Spokane, Washington
Contact: Danielle Kean, Washington State Hospital Association
Telephone: 206-577-1826
E-mail: daniellek@wsha.org
Website: http://www.wsha.org/mercuryuse.htm EXIT EPA
(Select "More Info" under "Education Opportunities")

November 7-9, 2002
Conference on Ecolabels and the Greening of the Food Market

Boston, Massachusetts
Contact: Willie Lockeretz, Tufts University
Telephone: 617-627-5264
e-mail: willie.lockeretz@tufts.edu
Website: http://nutrition.tufts.edu/conted/ecolabels/ EXIT EPA

November 12, 2002
Eco-Design: State of the Art in the Japanese Electronics Sector

London, United Kingdom
Contact: Centre for Sustainable Design
Telephone: 44-0-1252-89-2772
e-mail: mcharter@surrart.ac.uk
Website: http://www.cfsd.org.uk/ EXIT EPA

November 13-15, 2002
First Annual U.S. Green Building Council International Conference and Exposition

Austin, Texas
Contact: U.S. Green Building Council
Telephone: 202-828-7422
Website: http://www.usgbc.org/expo  EXIT EPA

November 14, 2002
Mercury Use and Reduction Workshop

Vancouver, Washington
Contact: Danielle Kean, Washington State Hospital Association
Telephone: 206-577-1826
E-mail: daniellek@wsha.org
Website: http://www.wsha.org/mercuryuse.htm EXIT EPA
(Select "More Info" under "Education Opportunities")

November 19, 2002
Sustainable Innovation

Surrey, United Kingdom
Contact: Russell White, Centre for Sustainable Design
Telephone: 44-0-1252-892772
E-mail: rwhite@surrart.ac.uk
Website: http://www.cfsd.org.uk/sustainableinnovation.pdf EXIT EPA

November 20, 2002
10th Annual Waste Reduction and Energy Efficiency Workshop

Livonia, Michigan
Contact: Michigan DEQ Environmental Assistance Center
Telephone: 800-662-9278
e-mail: deq-ead-env-assist@michigan.gov
Website: http://www.deq.state.mi.us/eforms/
(online registration form) EXIT EPA

November 27-29, 2002
Pollution Prevention Planning: P2 Planning and Beyond

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Contact: Dalhousie University
Telephone: 902-494-6079
E-mail: cte@dal.ca
Website: http://www.c2p2online.com EXIT EPA
(Select Conferences and Training)

October 2002

October 3-4, 2002
Smart Design Forum 3

Washington, DC
Contact: Marty Malloy, Sustainable Washington Alliance
Telephone: 804-360-1500
e-mail: malloymsm@aol.com
Website: http://www.swampnet.org EXIT EPA

October 7-9, 2002
Laboratories for the 21st Century 2002 Annual Conference

Durham, North Carolina
Contact: Eastern Research Group
e-mail: labs21@erg.com
Website: http://www.epa.gov/labs21century/conf/index.htm

October 9, 2002
Building Green with LEED in New Jersey

Trenton, New Jersey
Contact: Carol M. Broccoli, Cook College Office of Continuing Professional Education
Telephone: 732-932-9271
e-mail: broccoli@aesop.rutgers.edu
Website: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dshw/recycle/events.htm EXIT EPA

October 9-11, 2002
8th European Roundtable on Cleaner Production

Cork, Ireland
Telephone: 353-21-4293873
e-mail: ercp@cit.ie
Website: http://www.ctc-cork.ie/ercp/ EXIT EPA

October 10, 2002
ISO 14001 - Aspects and Impacts of an Environmental Management System

Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact: North Carolina State University's Industrial Extension Service
Telephone: 919-515-2358 or 1-800-227-0264
e-mail: IES_Services@ncsu.edu
Website: http://www.ies.ncsu.edu./library/includes/
CatCourseDetail.cfm?PID=283&CP=4&GC=ev EXIT EPA

October 13-16, 2002
Green Solvents for Catalysis: Environmentally Benign Reaction Media

Bruschal, Germany
Contact: Barbara Feisst, DECHEMA
Telephone: 49-69-7564-333
Fax: 49-69-7564-441
e-mail: feisst@dechema.de
Website: http://www.dechema.de/veranstaltung/
gsfc2002/englisch/index.htm EXIT EPA

October 14-16, 2002
Implementing an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Contact: Excel Partnership
Telephone: 1-800-374-3818
e-mail: xlp@xlp.com
Website: http://www.xlp.com/catalog/display.asp?item=97 EXIT EPA

October 15-18, 2002
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable Fall 2002 Conference

Grand Canyon Village, Arizona
Contact: National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Telephone: 202-299-9701
Website: http://www.p2.org/events/fall2002 EXIT EPA

October 16, 2002
Midwest Green Building Conference and Expo

Auburn Hills, Michigan
Contact: Small Business Association of Michigan
Telephone: 800-362-5461
e-mail: alg@sbam.org
Website: http://www.sbam.org/green.htm EXIT EPA

October 21, 2002
Forum on State and Tribal Toxics Action (FOSTTA)

Washington, DC
Contact: Christine Eppstein, States Services Organization
Telephone: 202-624-3661
e-mail: ceppstein@sso.org
Website: http://www.ecos.org EXIT EPA

October 22-25, 2002
Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network Conference

Santa Barbara, California
Contact: Robert Kupps
Telephone: 408-441-1195 x4452
e-mail: Robert.Kupps@pln.CO.Santa-Clara.CA.US
Website: http://www.westp2net.org/conf02/agenda02.htm EXIT EPA

October 23, 2002
5th Annual Indiana Pollution Prevention Conference and Trade Show

Indianapolis, Indiana
Contact: Environmental Management Institute
Telephone: Ann Piechota, 765-463-4749
e-mail: apiechot@ecn.purdue.edu
Website: http://www.in.gov/idem/oppta/p2/partners/conference.pdf EXIT EPA

October 25-26, 2002
CleanMed 2002:
International Healthcare Conference on Environmentally Preferable Products and Green Buildings

Chicago, IL
Contact: CleanMed
e-mail: info@cleanmed.org
Website: http://www.cleanmed.org/2002/overview.html EXIT EPA

October 28-29, 2002
Managing Sustainable Products: Organizational Considerations in Product and Service Development

Contact: Russell White, Centre for Sustainable Design
Telephone: 44-0-1252-892772
Fax: 44-0-1252-892747
e-mail: rwhite@surrart.ac.uk
Website: http://www.cfsd.org.uk/events/tspd7/index.html EXIT EPA

October 29, 2002
Gaining Competitive Advantage through Sustainable Business Practices
(8th Annual Sustainable Business Conference and Expo)
Contact: Small Business Association of Michigan
Telephone: 800-362-5461
e-mail: alg@sbam.org
Website: http://www.sbam.org/sustain.html EXIT EPA

October 30-November 2, 2002
SGIA 2002

St. Louis, Missouri
Contact: Screenprinting and Graphic Imaging Association
Telephone: 888-385-3588
e-mail: sgia@sgia.org
Website: http://www.sgia.org/sgia02/ EXIT EPA

September 2002

September 8-13, 2002
Gordon Research Conference on Green Chemistry

Oxford, United Kingdom
Contact: Jim Bashkin, Pharmacia
e-mail: james.k.bashkin@pharmacia.com
Website: http://www.grc.uri.edu EXIT EPA

September 16-22, 2002
National Pollution Prevention Week

Contact: Natalie Roy, National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Telephone: 202-299-9701
e-mail: nroy@p2.org
Website: http://www.p2.org EXIT EPA

September 20-22, 2002
Northwest Renewable Energy Festival

Walla Walla, Washington
Contact: NWREF
Telephone: 509-525-8479
e-mail: info@nwrefest.org
Website: http://www.nwrefest.org/ EXIT EPA

September 22-26, 2002
Bioenergy 2002: Bioenergy for the Environment

Boise, Idaho
Contact: Pacific Regional Biomass Energy Program
Telephone: 208-885-7906 or 208-327-7962
e-mail: peterson@uidaho.edu
Website: http://www.uidaho.edu/bioenergy/ EXIT EPA

September 29-October 3, 2002
Green Processing and Sustainability: Creating Opportunities for the Chemical and Processing Industries

Christchurch, New Zealand
Contact: University of Canterbury Centre for Continuing Eduction
Telephone: 64-3-364-2915
e-mail: appcche@cont.canterbury.ac.nz

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