A Look at the History of the Federal Highway Administration
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January 23
1904 The annual dinner of the Automobile Club of America turns into a Good Roads Dinner, with guests such as Representative W. P. Brownlow, Colonel Albert A. Pope, General Nelson A. Miles, and OPR's Director Martin Dodge, M. O. Eldridge, and James W. Abbott. For introducing good roads legislation, Brownlow is given three rousing cheers when he rises to speak. (See December 1, 1902.)
1922 President Warren Harding's 5-day National Agricultural Conference opens in Washington, DC. The Highway Transportation Committee's report calls for continued aid to improve interstate, postal, and farm-to-market roads; increased safety; the putting aside of all partisan or political considerations; and coordination of railways, highways, and waterways so that each may carry the kind of traffic it can most economically, expeditiously, and efficiently serve.
1965 A.F. Chiglione represents BRP as U.S. and Canadian officials meet in Ottawa to discuss engineering factors involved in reconstructing or paving the Alaska Highway. Also in attendance are Burke Riley of the Interior Department's Juneau office and representatives of Canada's Public Works and Northern Affairs Departments.
Photo: The Alaska Highway
The Alaska Highway.
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