A Look at the History of the Federal Highway Administration
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November 4
1918 Having in mind the return of soldiers from World War I, Director Logan Page writes to the State highway departments on the Secretary of Agriculture's behalf, to ask for the number of returned soldiers who may be employed on road repair, construction, and maintenance as carpenters, masons, stationary engineers, roller-men, and quarry bosses, among other positions.
1959 Administrator Bertram Tallamy is a speaker at the dedication of a 7-mile segment of I-93 from Concord, NH, to the Vermont line (named the Senator Styles Bridges Highway). New Hampshire State Highway Commissioner John O. Morton, US Senators Styles Bridges and Norris Cotton, and Governor Wesley Powell also speak. A motorcade of 300 cars drives over the new highway after the ribbon cutting by Mrs. Styles Bridges. (During Tallamy's address, he mentions that one of the pleasures of coming to New England is Indian pudding. The next day the hostess congratulates him on his honesty--because he had indeed ordered Indian pudding.
1968 The Board of Directors of the American Concrete Institute approves presentation of the Charles S. Whitney Award to BPR's Bridge Division and its former Chief, Eric L. Erickson, "for distinguished contributions to development of concrete bridge design and construction."
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