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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey

General Records Disposition Schedule

Prepared by the Geographic Information Office


April 2003

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S.Geological Survey

Foreword and Table of Contents | Record of Posted Changes | Information on Official Records and Personal Papers | How to use this Records Disposition Schedule | Changes in this Issuance | Chapter 100 | Chapter 200 | Chapter 300 | Chapter 400 | Chapter 500 | Chapter 600 | Chapter 700 | Chapter 800 | Chapter 900 | Chapter 1000 | Chapter 1100 | Chapter 1200 | Chapter 1300 | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Change 1

Chapter 1300. Publishing Records.

Records that relate to the management and administration of the USGS publishing process for information products.

Chapter 1300 Topics This section provides for the disposition of the following USGS Publishing records:

1301. USGS Information Products.

1302. Research Records Supporting Publications.

1303. Information Products Management Files.

1304. Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements.

1305. Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, Line and Half-tone Negatives.

1306. Project Files.

1307. Electronic Mail (E-mail) and Word Processing System Copies in Publishing.

1301. USGS Information Product files include the following records:
1301-01 Official Record Set.
1301-02 All Other Copies.
1301-03 Review and Approval Records and Copyright Permission Records.
1301-04 Working Papers, Manuscripts, and Background Materials.

1302. Research Records Supporting Publication files include the following records:
1302-01 Research Records Supporting Publications.

1303. Information Products Management files include the following records:
1303-01 Information Products Management Policies and Procedures.
1303-02 Information Products Directives and Instructions.
1303-03 Information Products Management Reports.
1303-04 Information Products Customer Mailing Lists.
1303-05 Information Products Indexes and Checklists.
1303-06 General Information Products Management Files.

1304. Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements include the following records:
1304-01 Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements.

1305. Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives include the following records:
1305-01 Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives.

1306. Project files include the following records:
1306-01 Printing project files containing all papers and data pertaining to the planning and execution of printing, binding, duplicating, financing, and distributing jobs.

1307. E-mail and Word Processing System Copy records in the USGS Publishing include the following records:
1307-01 Electronic copies of e-mail and word processing records created solely to produce the recordkeeping copy and electronic copies of e-mail and word processing records that are needed in addition to the recordkeeping copy for dissemination, revision, or updating.

What files in this section are important or considered permanent USGS records? •   Official USGS information products. One copy will be sent to the USGS, Branch of Information Services (BIS), Box 25286, Mail Stop 306, Denver, Colorado 80225 (Attn: NARA Archive) for BIS to forward to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as the official USGS record. One copy of all USGS-published issuances are also sent to the Federal Government Printing Office (GPO) depository libraries and USGS reference libraries by the responsible discipline, as required and needed. In addition to official distribution lists, one copy is on automatic distribution to the USGS, National Center Library, 950 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20192. If the USGS-published issuance is related to the biological sciences, one copy is sent to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Attention: DTIC OCA Joyce Chiras, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite 0944, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia 22060-6218.

What files in this section are considered temporary USGS records? •   Duplicate copies of USGS information products.
•   Review and approval records and copyright permission records.
•   Working papers, manuscripts, and background materials.
•   Research records supporting publications.
•   Information products management policies, procedures, and reports.
•   Documents relating to the development, preparation, issuance, and interpretation of directives or regulatory instructions in the publishing area.
•   Information products customer mailing lists, indexes, and checklists.
•   General information products management files.
•   Unofficial information products, newsletters, and USGS announcements.
•   Electronic files, artwork, camera-ready originals, and line and half-tone negatives.
•   Printing project files pertaining to the planning and execution of printing, binding, duplicating, financing, and distributing jobs.

Questions? Contact the USGS Records Manager or your discipline or regional Records Liaison Officer.

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1300. Publishing Records.

1301 USGS Information Products || 1302 Research Records Supporting Publications || 1303 Information Products Management Files || 1304 Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements || 1305 Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives || 1306 Project Files || 1307 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1301 USGS Information Products. Official USGS general interest and scientific information products formally coordinated, prepared, and printed by the Government Printing Office (GPO), private contractors, or the agency itself, along with finding aids and indexes used to access collections of information products.

NOTE: Send one copy (see Item 1301-01 below) to the USGS, Branch of Information Services (BIS), Box 25286, MS 306, Denver, Colorado 80225 (Attn: NARA Archive), for BIS to forward to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as the official USGS record. One copy of all USGS-published issuances are also sent to the Federal GPO depository libraries and USGS reference libraries by the responsible discipline, where they are made available to the public and other Federal agencies, as required or needed. In addition to official distribution lists, one copy is on automatic distribution to the USGS, National Center Library, 950 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20192. If the USGS-published issuance is related to the biological sciences, one copy is sent to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Attention: DTIC OCA Joyce Chiras, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite 0944, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia 22060-6218.

1301-01 Official Record Set. One copy of each official USGS information product, study, report, scientific paper, or other officially published or produced materials. Permanent. Send one copy to the USGS, Branch of Information Services (BIS), Box 25286-0046, Denver, Colorado 80225 (Attn: NARA Archive). The BIS will cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. BIS will then transfer the official copy to the NARA in 5-year blocks when a 5-year block is available.
1301-02 All Other Copies. Duplicate copies of USGS information products maintained by USGS costs centers and regions solely for convenience of reference. Destroy when no longer needed.
1301-03 Review and Approval Records and Copyright Permission Records. Review and approval records for published USGS information products and for information products and articles published by outside sources. Contains information such as author, title, purpose, publishing media, and signatures for delegated Director's approval, colleague review, and other appropriate USGS and outside source review and approval concurrences. Also, includes the consent or permission of the copyright owner for using copyrighted materials in USGS information products and articles. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain in appropriate region, discipline, or office until product is published. Destroy in agency 3 years after publishing or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1301-04 Working Papers, Manuscripts, and Background Materials. Records for USGS information products and articles and records for information products and articles published by outside sources. Contains any required justifications and author's manuscript drafts that include reviewers' comments and other background materials or history records. Retain in appropriate region, discipline, or office until document is published. Destroy in agency 6 months after publishing, or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1302 Research Records Supporting Publications.
1302-01 Research Records Supporting Publications. Original data, research material, and other publishing-essential background documents that support the validity of the scientific data or information in the information product. Files contain only research records that are not already covered in any of the USGS mission-specific schedules. Destroy in agency when no longer needed for reference.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1303 Information Products Management Files.
1303-01 Information Products Management Policies and Procedures. Policies and procedures pertinent to future and continuing actions for USGS information products management activities. NOTE: This file consists of policy for information products management that may not be included in the bureau master set of directives. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Place in inactive file when canceled, superseded, or revoked. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes.
1303-02 Information Products Directives and Instructions. Documents relating to the development, preparation, issuance, and interpretation of directives or regulatory instructions on publishing. Includes copies of interim policy and procedures statements. When superseded or obsolete, place in inactive file. Destroy after 3 years.
1303-03 Information Products Management Reports. Miscellaneous reports pertaining to information products management. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
1303-04 Information Products Customer Mailing Lists. Correspondence and other records relating to customer mailing lists. Destroy after appropriate revision of mailing list or after 3 months, whichever is later.
1303-05 Information Products Indexes and Checklists. Bibliographies, checklists, and indexes of USGS information products excluding indexes and checklists relating to record sets scheduled as permanent and library indexes. Destroy when superseded or obsolete.
1303-06 General Information Products Management Files. Documents relating to information product management and administration that, due to their general nature, cannot logically be filed elsewhere in this chapter. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 2 years after cut-off.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1304 Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements.
1304-01 Unofficial Information Products, Newsletters, and USGS Announcements. Information products, newsletters, or announcements circulated or distributed to USGS staff for informational purposes. These are not considered to be official USGS publications, nor have they been submitted for formal editorial review or received other formal review and approval prior to publishing. Destroy when no longer needed.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1305 Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives.
1305-01 Electronic Files, Artwork, Camera-Ready Originals, and Line and Half-tone Negatives. Materials used to publish (print or electronic) the final product. Cut-off file after last printing. Maintain on back-up system for 10 years then destroy.

NOTE: Printing instructions should be maintained with the artwork to which it relates and retained for the same amount of time.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1306 Project Files.
1306-01 Printing Project Files. Print jobs or project records containing all papers and data pertaining to the planning and execution of printing, binding, duplicating, financing, and distributing jobs. (Includes copies of Accountable Officers' files found in Item 703-01a. Copies of records may be cross-filed in the bureau, discipline, division, or office budget and accounting files if the expenditure of funds is involved within their area). Destroy 6 years 3 months after completion of the job.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
1307 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies
1307-01 Electronic Copies of Records. Electronic copies of records that are created on electronic mail and word processing systems and used solely to generate a recordkeeping copy of the records covered by the other items in this chapter. Also includes electronic copies of records created on electronic mail and word processing systems that are maintained for updating, revision, or dissemination.
1307-01a Copies that have no further administrative value after the recordkeeping copy is made. Includes copies maintained by individuals in personal files, personal electronic mail directories, or other personal directories on hard disk or network drives and copies on shared network drives that are used only to produce the recordkeeping copy. Destroy/delete within 180 days after the recordkeeping copy has been produced.
1307-01b Copies used for dissemination, revision, or updating that are maintained in addition to the recordkeeping copy. Destroy/delete when dissemination, revision, or updating is completed.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Content Information Contact: Carol Wippich
Last modification: 02-Jun-2004@09:30(cjw)
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