
Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Haiti

Haiti PEPFAR Logo: Haitians and Americans in Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS

The Haitian National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan, released in 2002, formed a foundation for the national response to HIV/AIDS, and the U.S. Government response supports this national strategy.

Through PEPFAR, Haiti received more than $28 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2004, nearly $51.8 million in FY2005, approximately $55.6 million in FY2006,

and $84.7 million in FY2007 to support comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs. PEPFAR is providing more than $100.6 million in FY2008.

Progress Achieved in Haiti:

  • 17,700 individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment as of September 30, 2008
  • 95,100 HIV-positive individuals received care and support in FY2008 (including TB/HIV)
  • 58,900 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) were served by an OVC program in FY2008
  • 408,400 pregnant women receiving HIV counseling and testing services for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) since the beginning of PEPFAR
  • 4,585 HIV-positive pregnant women receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT since the beginning of PEPFAR
  • 475,600 counseling and testing encounters (in settings other than PMTCT) in FY2008
  • 585,200 individuals reached with community outreach HIV/AIDS prevention programs that promote Abstinence and/or Being Faithful in FY2008
  • 899,400 individuals reached with community outreach HIV/AIDS prevention activities that promote Condoms and related prevention services in FY2008
  • 51,382,000 USG condoms shipped from Calendar Year 2004 to 2008


  PEPFAR Country Profile: Summary of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Haiti, PEPFAR funding and results, and PEPFAR-supported interventions

PEPFAR Partners: Partners obligated PEPFAR money by fiscal year

Operational Plan Summaries: Planned uses of all sources of U.S. government HIV/AIDS funding by fiscal year

Proposed Country Operational Plans: Submitted by U.S. Embassy, excluding To Be Determined Partners

Stories of Hope: Highlight the successes of PEPFAR-supported activities in Haiti

Link to U.S. Embassy Website


USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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