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Glacier Bay National Park and PreserveMargerie Glacier stands 250 feet above the water
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Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

When planning for your trip to Glacier Bay, remember that the environment here is very dynamic, and can be unforgiving to the ill-prepared.

Recreational Boating Safety

Read the more specific page on water safety in Glacier Bay.
Or see


Long periods of rainy, overcast, and cool weather are normal in Southeast Alaska. Summer daytime temperatures are usually 45-65 F, but nights stay cool to near freezing. To protect against hypothermia, a hat, gloves or mittens, and rain gear are essential. Sturdy, waterproof footgear is desirable. For more in-depth information about hypothermia see

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)

Eating mussels and clams in Glacier Bay is not recommended as the neurotoxin that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning has been found in high concentrations in the area. This is a naturally occurring toxin that affects humans as well as other animals, and can lead to sudden death.


Black and brown/grizzly bear are wild animals and should always be considered potentially dangerous. When hiking, lessen your chances of an encounter by watching for bears and bear sign, making noise, traveling in groups, and avoiding travel at night. Food, garbage, and scented items must be stored properly. Avoid taking odorous foods. Bear-resistant food containers are required in the non-forested areas of Glacier Bay and are available for loan at the Visitor Information Station. Photograph bears with a telephoto lens; close approach is dangerous. Read about traveling in bear country for more details. More...


Even though the water looks clear, it may contain organisms that cause a debilitating intestinal disorder. Water should be vigorously boiled for at least one minute, filtered, or chemically treated. Because of the high rate of sediment in the water in glacial landscapes, you may need to allow extra time for the "glacial flour" to settle out.

Firearms are prohibited within Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. More...

See also:


Moose Alert

The newly arrived moose occur widely throughout thickets, meadows and open forests. The moose population has grown significantly in recent years. If you encounter a moose, use caution:

  • Increase the distance between you and the moose.
  • Get behind a tree.
  • Change your route.

To avoid close encounters, make noise while you hike.

Baneberry, a Poisonous Plant

Baneberry , Acraea rubra, a member of the buttercup family, is aptly named. "Bane" is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "murderous." All parts of the plant are toxic. Ingesting one berry can cause numbness in the mouth and tongue. The poison in three berries is enough to kill a child. Six berries will effectively shut down the respiratory system in adults. The best rule to follow if you are sampling wild plants: If you aren't sure what it is, don't eat it.

Bear Safety
Bear Safety in Alaska National Parklands
An excellent resource for learning how to be safe in bear country
Be bear safe
Alaska is Bear Country!
Know how to be safe around bears.
Glacier Bay Weather
Current conditions
Landslides and giant waves
Landslides and giant waves
Geology in action
Kittlitz's Murrelet  

Did You Know?
Kittlitz Murrelets are seabirds, spending most of their lives on the ocean, diving for fish. However, they nest on scree slopes or cliff faces near the tops of mountains in glaciated regions. Their plumage is so cryptic, only 25 nests have ever been found.

Last Updated: March 17, 2009 at 14:07 EST