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EPA Region 2 is committed to its mission of enforcing the federal laws that protect public health and the environment. Throughout our history, we have relied on a strong, aggressive enforcement program as the centerpiece of our efforts to ensure compliance with national environmental laws. If you would like to file a complaint about possible violations, please call Region 2's Citizen Complaint Hotline at 212-637-4040 or complete EPA's online complaint form. If you would like to voluntarily self-disclose violations, please visit EPA Region 2's Compliance Incentives Website to learn about EPA's Audit Policy.

In the Spotlight


Leaking Underground Storage TankEnforcement Alert: Don't Let Those Tanks Leak

It is critical for groundwater protection to prevent and control releases from underground storage tanks which contain gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, toxic chemicals, and a variety of other hazardous substances. Over half the population of the United States relies on groundwater as its source of drinking water. Many municipal drinking water systems and private wells have been shut down due to groundwater contamination caused by underground storage tanks. Since 1988, approximately 474,000 releases have been confirmed across the country, including 7,570 new releases in 2007 alone. EPA has taken many successful enforcement actions to ensure compliance with the federal underground storage tank requirements, including actions against the City of New York, Camp Santiago in Puerto Rico, and the Mcguire Air Force Base in New Jersey.

Enforcement Alert | Read about EPA's Underground Storage Tank Program


Fluorescent bulbsAn Agreement between EPA and the Municipality of San Juan Prompts Effort to Improve Waste Handling Island-Wide

The general public, municipal employees and others will get the opportunity to learn to properly handle used oil, oil filters and mercury-containing bulbs and lamps, thanks to a settlement between the municipality of San Juan, Puerto Rico and EPA. This settlement with the municipality of San Juan is critical in promoting the proper handling and disposal of used oil and bulbs containing mercury,” said George Pavlou, Acting Regional Administrator. “The mismanagement of hazardous waste can potentially lead to environmental and human exposure to toxic substances.”.

Press Release| Read about Used Oil Management | Read about Fluorescent Lamp Disposal & Recycling in Region 2


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