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Denali National Park and PreservePtarmigan
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Denali National Park and Preserve

Snowshoeing is gaining in popularity as a great way to get outside and exercise in the winter. Historically, as today, different lengths of snowshoes served different purposes. Here in the park you may encounter very deep snow, where longer, traditional snowshoes are quite effective. You may also find yourself traveling along an existing trail, across rougher terrain, or through brushy areas. In these areas, a shorter shoe with an up-turned toe is better for traveling.

Please be prepared for all conditions and call the park with any questions you may have about trail conditions and winter recreation in Denali (907-683-2294 daily, 9 am - 4 pm).

Image of Winter Map
Image of footprint found in Denali National Park and Preserve  

Did You Know?
Did you know that in the summer of 2005 a footprint of a dinosaur was found in Denali National Park? The print has been identified as belonging to a three toed foot of a Cretaceous Theropod.

Last Updated: February 27, 2009 at 15:34 EST