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Industry Facts

The top 50 companies account for 97% of shipments in this industry.

Carbon and graphite product manufacturing (NAICS 335991)

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Industry Statistics Sampler.

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in 2002

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2002 1997
Shipments (Mil $) 1,756 2,341
Payroll (Mil $) 346 398
Employees 8,573 10,691
Establishments 131 124
Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Manufacturing General Summary

Total Shipments

Data Sponsored By:U.S. Census Bureau
**Data Source: Econ Census/All Sectors/2002/Manufacturing General Summary

Shipments per Employee

Industry Snapshot FAQ

Industry Ratios 2002 1997
Total shipments (Mil $) 1,756 2,341
Shipments per establishment ($000) 13,406 18,877
Shipments per employee ($) 204,857 218,944
Shipments per $ of payroll ($) 5.08 5.88
Annual payroll per employee ($) 40,342 37,207
Employees per establishment 65 86
Shipments per capita ($) 6.10 8.59
Establishments per million residents 0.5 0.5

Number of establishments

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