Table 12. Total wage and salary costs of training by industry and size class, May-October 1995

Table 12.  Total wage and salary costs of training by
industry and size class, May-October 1995
(In thousands of dollars)

                              Wage and salary costs
    Characteristic        Total           Formal     Informal
                                         training    training
        All employees*   $37,061,259  $12,838,575  $24,221,982
Mining                       305,571      172,181     133,390
Construction               1,321,935      345,217     976,718
 Durables goods            7,655,647     3,254,112   4,400,978
 Nondurables goods         3,668,602     2,192,938   1,475,664
communications, and        1,614,793       811,305     803,444
public utilities
Wholesale trade            1,278,848       352,234     926,614
Retail trade               6,285,244       666,128   5,619,116
Finance,insurance,         2,425,810       649,319   1,776,391
and real estate
Services                  12,504,809     4,395,142   8,109,667
  Establishment size                           
50 to 99 employees         5,652,306     1,348,650   4,303,656
100 to 499 employees      16,781,558     5,521,417  11,260,007
500 employees or more     14,627,394     5,968,508   8,658,319                                               

*Employees working in establishments of 50 or more