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Envelope Contact Global Health

World TB Day – March 24, 2009

World TB Day, March 24, 2009.

Although a cure for tuberculosis (TB) has existed for more than half a century, TB is one of three leading causes of deaths worldwide due to infectious diseases. TB kills about 1.6 million people each year, while HIV/AIDS claims more than 2 million lives each year, and malaria kills about 1 million people.

World TB Day, March 24, celebrates the lives of TB patients and the accomplishments of health care workers around the world. The theme of this year's World TB Day is “I am stopping TB,” a tribute to people everywhere who are doing their part to stop TB.

Today, we remember and honor the lives of people affected by TB: women, men, and children who have taken TB treatment; nurses; doctors; researchers; community workers – anyone who has contributed toward the global fight against TB, and we recommit to working with countries and the international community to successfully implement The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015. The lives of millions of people across the globe depend on true international cooperation to solve the TB problem once and for all. Read USAID's Expanded Response to Tuberculosis [PDF, 135KB].

TB Success Stories

Upcoming TB Events and Training

3/23/09 – 03/25/09 Stop TB Partners' Forum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4/1/09 – 4/03/09 Ministerial Meeting of High M/XDR-TB Burden Countries,
Beijing, China
7/20/09 – 07/24/09 The Union Training Course on MDR-TB, Dominican Republic
8/31/09 – 9/18/09 The Union International TB Course, Cotonou, Benin
9/21/09 – 09/25/09 The Union Training Course on MDR-TB, Manila, Philippines

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