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Envelope Contact Global Health

Expanded Response to Tuberculosis: What USAID Will Do

d) Strengthen health systems and human resource capacity

Effective TB control programs require a well-performing health system and trained personnel. USAID supports tracking of financial resources for TB, policy dialogue to ensure that TB control programs are a priority in health sector policies, and integration of TB control activities into health system reforms. Technical assistance and training are undertaken to ensure effective TB commodity procurement and supply management. USAID supports all aspects of human resource capacity development, including training of all cadres of health care providers and managers, epidemiologists, and community-based workers and volunteers. Capacity building includes the core elements of DOTS and TB control, as well as areas that contribute to overall system strengthening such as problem solving, supervision, management and planning. These measures facilitate effective program expansion, improve program performance, and enhance the ability of program managers and supervisors to address problems in program implementation. Attention is given to integration of the Stop TB Strategy into pre-service training in schools of Public Health, Medicine and Nursing, and other Allied Health Professions. USAID supports the development of human resource plans for TB programs, information systems to track the deployment and training of personnel responsible for TB control activities, and the adaptation, translation and dissemination of training materials. The Practical Approach to Lung Health (PAL) is integrated into primary care to improve the diagnosis and management of persons suspected of having TB.

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