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Changing a Harmful Social Convention: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

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Series: Innocenti Digest, 12
Date of Publication: 2005
Pages: 54
ISBN: 88-89129-24-7
Thematic area: Gender Issues    Rights of the Child   
Other Languages: Arabic    English    French    Italian    Spanish   
Thesaurus: children's rights - female excision - female genital mutilation - gender discrimination - gender issues - genital mutilation - social norms - violence against women - women's rights
IRC Stock Number: 358U

Every year, three million girls and women are subjected to genital mutilation/cutting, a dangerous and potentially life-threatening procedure that causes unspeakable pain and suffering. Not only is it practiced among communities in Africa and the Middle East, but also in immigrant communities throughout the world. Moreover, recent data reveal that it occurs on a much larger scale than previously thought. It continues to be one of the most persistent, pervasive and silently endured human rights violations. This Innocenti Digest examines the prevalence of FGM/C and its social dynamics. It provides an explanation as to why the practice persists and of the elements necessary for its abandonment. It also takes stock of progress to date, identifies what works and what does not, and provides direction regarding the most successful strategies to promote the abandonment of FGM/C. Combining concrete field experience with tested academic theory, the Digest provides a practical tool to bring about positive change for girls and women.

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