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Alaska Region


Press Room: National Park Service Compendium Comment Period Open

Contact: John Quinley (907) 644-3512 The annual public comment period for the written compilation of designations, permit requirements and other openings and restrictions in Alaska's national parks is now open through February 15. A collection of management tools, called the compendium, is created for each national park unit in Alaska and is part of the park-related regulations which help provide for the enjoyment, use and protection of national parks. Many of the federal regulations governing actions in national park units have discretionary authority given to the National Park Service. The compendium is a written compilation of all designations, closures, permit requirements and other restrictions imposed under that discretionary authority found in the Code of Federal. For example, one regulation states, "The superintendent may designate a portion of a park area, or all or a portion of a building, structure or facility as closed to smoking when necessary to protect park resources, reduce the risk of fire, or prevent conflicts among visitor use activities." Specific designations are placed into the park's compendium. Public involvement improves the compendium process by giving the National Park Service the opportunity to be responsive to people's ideas and concerns, to involve the public cooperatively in generating alternatives and to educate park users about the compendium. Park compendiums are reviewed and updated at least annually, although in some cases no changes are proposed. Due to the anticipated volume of comments, it will not be possible to respond to each correspondent individually. After March 15, comments will be addressed in a preamble to each park's final compendium. The park compendiums can be obtained from each park or viewed as .pdf files on-line at Comments will be accepted by mail or e-mail between January 1 and February 15. Written comments can be address to the specific parks. E-mail comments can be addressed through the compendium web page. Comments are welcome at any time in addition to this timeframe, but comments received after February 15 will be considered in future revisions.

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Author:Jane Tranel
Last modified on: April 18, 2003

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