Air Force Installations, Environment & Logistics
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Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations) provides guidance, direction and oversight of matters pertaining to the shaping and strengthening of Air Force installations in support of personnel and logistical combat capability. This includes asset management, base closures, military construction, family housing, community and congressional interface, joint use of airfields, ranges, and disposal of real property.

Mountain Home awarded $1 million for Air Force excellence
  Mountain Home awarded $1 million for Air Force excellence
WASHINGTON (AFNEWS) -- Air Force leaders honored Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, with the Commander in Chief's Annual Award for Installation Excellence at a ceremony May 3 in the Pentagon.

BRAC conference focuses on both downsizing, growth
ATLANTA (AFPN) -- With the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure process shutting down 25 major installations and radically realigning 24 others over the next six years, a BRAC conference under way here is focusing on growth as well as downsizing, a defense official said.

Air Force selects developer for Langley privatization
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (AFNEWS) -- Langley took another step toward privatization when the Air Force announced BLB Family Housing, LLC, as the highest bidder for Langley's Military Housing Privatization Initiative recently.

CSAF discusses construction projects in testimony
WASHINGTON (AFNEWS) -- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley met with members of the House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs March 29 to discuss the service's construction efforts.

Air Force continues support to communities affected by BRAC
WASHINGTON (AFNEWS) -- Across the nation, communities are being reshaped by the military's transformation due to Base Realignment and Closure changes. At a conference for these communities, mayors, engineers, construction companies and others met to discuss the best way for their neighborhoods faced with base closure or realignment to move forward.

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- Leading the Air Force's real property transformation to unlock hidden value in its real property assets to facilitate force structure recapitalization (Enhanced Use Leasing)

- Directs the Air Force housing and utilities privatization and recapitalization programs to ensure each and every airman is living in a quality home for themselves and their families

- Actively engaged in enabling the President's Management Agenda to identify, sustain, and streamline infrastructure assets (Executive Order 13327)

- Approves usage of Air Force real property by non-Air Force users to minimize short and long term impacts to Air Force operations

- Responding to the Combatant Commander's needs, ensures Air Force construction resources are focused on meeting critical contingency requirements

- Engages with local community groups on issues impacting the installation sustainability and local community economic viability

- Advocates with congressional members and addresses members concerns on behalf of Air Force installations

- Ensures mandatory congressional notification is accomplished in a timely manner

- Through the Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative (REPI), addresses Air Force encroachment and range compatibility issues maximizing warfighting training opportunities

- Advocate within the corporate structure for appropriate resources to ensure our facilities and infrastructure can be adequately sustained, restored, and modernized

- Partners with local communities for joint use of airfields; leveraging installation infrastructure to ensure installation mission capability is met while meeting civilian air travel needs

- Maximizing use of AF Real Property infrastructure to ensure Air Force warfighting capability and joint training opportunities where appropriate

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Ms. Kathleen I. Ferguson
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Energy, Environment, Safety & Occupational Health
BRAC 2005
Real Property Management and Prior BRAC 1988-1995
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