Return to Hubble

Astronaut on shuttle robotic arm working on the Hubble during a previous servicing mission
Hubble Servicing Mission 4

Read about the upcoming Servicing Mission 4, scheduled to be the last time astronauts visit the Hubble Space Telescope.

› SM4 on the Web

Back to the Moon

Image of lunar landscape
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

The moon is our gateway to the universe.

› LRO on the Web

Climate Change

earthday montage
Earth Up Close

Documenting a decade of our ever-changing planet

› EO site

Featured Stories

Goddard Marks 50th Anniversary

50 Years of Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA chartered the Goddard Space Flight Center on May 1, 1959, at the dawn of the space age. View video and images looking back on the center's 50 years at the links below.

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Goddard Celebrates 50 Years of Scientific Excellence

Colorized black-and-white photo of Dr. Robert Goddard at a chalkboard.

Since May 1, 1959, Goddard Spaceflight Center has been at the forefront of exploration and technological achievement.

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"Singing" Electrons Protect and Threaten Your TV and GP...

Artist's concept of THEMIS orbits and nightside magnetic field

Electrons – the particles that carry electricity – can both protect and disrupt your satellite TV or GPS navigator with a "song".

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NASA's Fermi Explores High-energy "Space Invaders"

Fermi LAT

Fermi scientists revealed new details about high-energy particles implicated in a nearby cosmic mystery.

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    Maryland's Place in Space
    Visit the Baltimore Convention Center on Saturday, May 30, to enjoy a day of interactive exhibits, meet renowned scientists, engineers and astronauts, and learn how the Goddard Space Flight Center and its partners contribute to the State of Maryland -- and beyond!

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    > Goddard View, Vol. 5 Issue 3

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