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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter XXV  

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor



Part 2530  

Rules and Regulations for Minimum Standards for Employee Pension Benefit Plans




Subpart B  

Participation, Vesting and Benefit Accrual

29 CFR 2530.202-2 - Eligibility computation period.

  • Section Number: 2530.202-2
  • Section Name: Eligibility computation period.

    (a) Initial eligibility computation period. For purposes of section 
202(a)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act and section 410(a)(1)(A)(ii) of the Code, 
the initial eligibility computation period the plan must use is the 12-
consecutive-month period beginning on the employment commencement date. 
An employee's employment commencement date is the first day for which 
the employee is entitled to be credited with an hour of service 
described in Sec. 2530.200b-2(a)(1) for an employer maintaining the 
plan. (For establishment of a reemployment commencement date following a 
break in service, see Sec. 2530.200b-4(b)(1)(iii) and (iv).)
    (b) Eligibility computation periods after the initial eligibility 
computation period. In measuring years of service for purposes of 
eligibility to participate after the initial eligibility computation 
period, a plan may adopt either of the following alternatives:
    (1) A plan may designate 12-consecutive-month periods beginning on 
the first anniversary of an employee's employment commencement date and 
succeeding anniversaries thereof as the eligibility computation period 
after the initial eligibility computation period; or
    (2) A plan may designate plan years beginning with the plan year 
which includes the first anniversary of an employee's employment 
commencement date as the eligibility computation period after the 
initial eligibility computation period (without regard to whether the 
employee is entitled to be credited with 1,000 hours of service during 
such period), provided that an employee who is credited with 1,000 hours 
of service in both the initial eligibility computation period and the 
plan year which includes the first anniversary of the employee's 
employment commencement date is credited with two years of service for 
purposes of eligibility to participate.
    (c) Service prior to a break in service. For purposes of applying 
section 202(b)(4) of the Act and section 410(a)(5)(D) of the Code 
(relating to years of service completed prior to a break in service for 
purposes of eligibility to participate), the computation periods used by 
a plan in determining years of service before such break shall be the 
eligibility computation periods
established in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
    (d) Plans with 3-year 100 percent vesting. A plan which, under 
202(a)(1)(B)(i) of the Act and section 410a(1)(B)(i) of the Code, 
requires more than one year of service for eligibility to participate in 
the plan shall use an initial eligibility computation period established 
under paragraph (a) of this section and eligibility computation periods 
designated in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. Thus, for 
the eligibility computation period after the initial eligibility 
computation period, such a plan may designate either eligibility 
computation periods beginning on anniversaries of an employee's 
employment commencement date or plan years beginning with the plan year 
which includes the anniversary of the first day of the initial 
eligibility computation period.
    (e) Alternative eligibility computation period. The following rule 
is designed primarily for a plan using a rec-ordkeeping system which 
does not permit the plan to identify an employee's employment 
commencement date (or, in the case of an employee who has incurred a 
one-year break in service, the employee's reemployment commencement 
date), but which does permit the plan to identify a period of no more 
than 31 days during which the employee's employment commencement date 
(or reemployment commencement date) occurred.
    (1) A plan may use an initial eligibility computation period (or 
initial computation period for measuring completion of a year of service 
upon an employee's return after a one-year break in service) beginning 
on the first day of a period of no more than 31 days during which an 
employee's employment commencement date (or reemployment commencement 
date) occurs and ending on the anniversary of the last day of such 
    (2) If a plan uses an initial eligibility computation period (or 
initial computation period for measuring completion of a year of service 
upon an employee's return after a one-year break in service) permitted 
under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the plan shall use the following 
computation periods after the initial computation period:
    (i) If the plan does not use plan years for computation periods 
after the initial computation period, the plan shall use computation 
periods beginning on anniversaries of the first day of the initial 
computation period and ending on anniversaries of the last day of the 
initial computation period, and including a period of at least 12 
consecutive months.
    (ii) If the plan uses plan years for computation periods after the 
initial computation period, the plan shall use plan years beginning with 
the plan year which includes the anniversary of the first day of the 
initial computation period.
    (3) For purposes of determining an employee's commencement of 
participation under section 202(a)(4) of the Act and section 410(a)(4) 
of the Code, regardless of whether an eligibility computation period 
permitted under this paragraph includes a period longer than 12 
consecutive months, an employee who completes 1,000 hours of service in 
such eligibility computation period shall be treated as having satisfied 
the plan's service requirement for eligibility to participate as of the 
last day of the 12-consecutive-month period beginning on the first day 
of such eligibility computation period. In the case of a plan described 
in section 202(a)(1)(B)(i) of the Act and section 410(a)(1)(B)(i) of the 
Code, the requirement of the preceding sentence shall apply only with 
respect to the last year of service required under the plan for 
eligibility to participate.
    (4) Example. A plan maintained by Employer X obtains records from X 
which indicate the number of hours worked by an employee during a 
monthly payroll period. The records do not, however, break down the 
number of hours worked by an employee by days. Thus, after a new 
employee has begun employment with X it is impossible for the plan to 
ascertain the employee's employment commencement date from the records 
furnished by X (although it is possible for the plan to determine the 
month during which an employee's employment commencement date occurred). 
For administrative convenience, in conjunction with the equivalency 
based on hours worked permitted under Sec. 2530.200b-3(d)(1), and
with the method of crediting hours of service to computation periods set 
forth in Sec. 2530.200b-2(c)(4), the plan uses the alternative initial 
eligibility computation period permitted under this paragraph. The plan 
provides that an employee's initial eligibility computation period shall 
be the period beginning on the first day of the first monthly payroll 
period for which the employee is entitled to credit for the performance 
of duties and ending on the last day of the monthly payroll period which 
includes the anniversary of the last day of the initial monthly payroll 
period. This condition ensures that the initial eligibility computation 
period will include the 12-consecutive-month period beginning on the 
employee's employment commencement date and ending on the day before the 
anniversary of the employee's employment commencement date. If, however, 
an employee completes the plans requirement of one year of service for 
eligibility to participate (i.e., completion of 870 hours worked in an 
eligibility computation period) in the initial eligibility computation 
period, the plan provides that the employee is deemed to have satisfied 
the plan's service requirements for eligibility to participate as of the 
day before the anniversary of the first day of the initial eligibility 
computation period. This provision ensures that no employee who has in 
fact completed 1000 hours of service in the 12-consecutive-month period 
beginning on the employee's employment commencement date will be 
admitted to participation later than the date specified under section 
202(a)(4) of the Act and section 410(a)(4) of the Code. For example, in 
the case of an employee who begins employment in January 1977, the 
employee's initial eligibility computation period begins on January 1, 
1977 and ends on January 31, 1978. If the employee completes 879 hours 
worked in the initial eligibility computation period, the employee is 
treated as having met the plan's service requirements for eligibility to 
participate as of December 31, 1977. If the plan provides for semi-
annual entry dates of January 1 and July 1, and the employee has met any 
eligibility requirements of the plan other than the minimum service 
requirement as of December 31, 1977, the plan must provide that the 
employee commences participation as of January 1, 1978.
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