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Performance Track Endorser Network Partner: The Wildlife Habitat Council

Wildlife Habitat Council About the Wildlife Habitat Council


Left to right: David Carroll, vice president for environment at Lafarge North America Inc. and chairman of the board of WHC; Sean Fisher, senior environmental engineer, Warren County, Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire, LLC; Phil McCowan, environmental manager, Oklahoma City Plant, Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire, LLC; and Kevin Easley of Performance Track. Photo (c) 2005 Lynda Richardson/Wildlife Exposed.
Rick Otis, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, U.S. EPA and Robert J. Johnson, President, Wildlife Habitat Council, present Jean Sweeney, 3M Vice President, Environmental, Health and Safety Operations, with a special honor of recognition for 3M. (November 2007)

The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Exit Disclaimeris a nonprofit, nonlobbying 501(c)(3) group of corporations, conservation organizations, and individuals dedicated to restoring and enhancing wildlife habitat. Created in 1988, WHC helps large landowners, particularly corporations, manage their unused lands in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife. WHC also works to broaden understanding of wildlife values.

"Working in partnership, WHC and Performance Track are creating opportunities for public and private facilities to reduce their impact on the environment, protect human health and safety, and preserve wildlife habitat."

-Dan Fiorino, director, National Environmental Performance Track

More than 2 million acres in 48 states, Puerto Rico, and 16 other countries are managed for wildlife through WHC-assisted projects. Habitat projects on these lands are corporate-driven cooperative efforts between management, employees, community members, local conservation groups, and local, state and federal agencies. WHC also works to broaden understanding of wildlife values through the incorporation of environmental education, volunteer participation and community outreach programs.

WHC and Performance Track

EPA considers WHC programs to be excellent models for use by Performance Track member facilities that must meet criteria for community outreach and improved environmental performance in a number of areas, including wildlife habitat. These facilities experience tangible cost savings and other benefits that accrue from positive recognition and improved community relations. WHC can assist Performance Track members or prospective members that are considering setting a land and habitat goal. See the Land Use page in the Resource Center for more information, as well as the Performance Track Environmental Performance Table. (PDF, 203KB, 3 pp).

Why Pursue a Voluntary Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Program? Exit Disclaimer Companies participating in Performance Track can meet environmental performance requirements while engaging in a wildlife habitat program. Nowhere is that commitment more evident than Lafarge North America Inc.'s Douglasville Quarry, a charter member of Performance Track. Wildlife habitat was identified as a significant environmental goal for this fully operating mining facility, which is located about 25 miles west of Atlanta, Georgia. This inspired involvement with WHC in the restoration of natural resources at the quarry and ensuring that suitable areas are left undisturbed and preserved for wildlife habitat.

WHC member companies with facilities in Performance Track:

(list updated November, 2007)

WHC has been an active Network Partner in Performance Track, participating in conferences, teleseminars, and workshops.

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