Senator Tim Johnson | Working for South Dakota
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Today in the Senate

May 13, 2009:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. and proceed to consider the nomination of David Hayes to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior. There will then be up to one hour for debate equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders or their designees. Upon the use or yielding back of time the Senate will proceed to vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Hayes nomination. Depending on how much Leader time is used, the vote is expected to begin around 10:30 a.m.




Senator Tim Johnson

Tim, along with the South Dakota Congressional Delegation, meets with meet with nearly 120 World War II-era veterans from the greater Sioux Falls area at the United States Marine Corps Memorial in Washington as part of the Honor Flight Program.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Spearfish students representing South Dakota at the national We the People competition in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with IHS Nominee Dr. Yvette Roubideaux, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, in Washington .

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations to discuss health care in Washington .

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota members of the American Heart Association to discuss health care in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota nursing students in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota Rural Water representatives to discuss drinking water projects in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Radiological Technologists Rhonda Engebretson of Platte, and Sharon Wartenbee and Allen Croat of Sioux Falls to discuss health care in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with representatives of the Southern Black Hills Water System project to discuss rural water issues.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the newly renovated Redfield Carnegie Library he helped fund.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with tribal leaders to discuss wind energy legislation he introduced in Ft. Pierre.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim and Barb speak with USD student Kristen Koehler during their tour of USD's new Muenster University Center in Vermillion.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Lake Norden leaders while he tours Lake Norden's largest employer, the DavisCo Cheese Factory.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Pierre Riggs High School students in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Peggy Kessler and Jana Carlson of Valley Springs to discuss cancer research in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with former teacher and coach Ken Beringer and his wife JoAnne as well as Jeff and Cindy Beringer of Vermillion in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim receives the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota members of the National Association of Community Healthcare Centers to receive their 2009 Community Health Defender Award in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with State Rep. Eldon Nygaard of Vermillion in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during an Energy Subcommittee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the South Dakota Telecommunications Association in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the South Dakota chapter of the National Association of Postmasters in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends Banking Committee hearing examining modernizing bank supervision and regulation in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Chief Master Sergeant Clifton Cole, Command Chief for the 28th Bomb Wing, and Colonel Scott Vander Hamm, Commander of the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Jennifer Shultz of Menno to discuss health care in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with students from Lemmon High School in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with students from West Central High School of Hartford in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Ann Horton of Yankton, Shireen Ranschau of Sioux Falls, and Sherry Scudder of Sturgis to discuss housing issues in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota Firefighters Tyler McElhany of Watertown, Jon Button of Brandon, and Jeffrey Winters of Sioux Falls in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with South Dakota Air National Guard member Col. Brian Vognil of Sioux Falls in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Dakota State University students in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim discusses education with South Dakota Parent Teacher Association President Bobbie Wirth

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the South Dakota Farmers Union in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Minnehaha County Commissioner Jeff Barth in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim discusses health care with South Dakotans from Rapid City and Sioux Falls.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with President Rodney Bordeaux and members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in Washington.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim is ceremoniously sworn-in to his third term by Vice President Dick Cheney.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Pierre natives Danette Cronin, Carol Schofield and granddaughter Charlotte Hull.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with the President of National Indian Education Association

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with the Theresa Two Bulls in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets is honored by IAVA Government Affairs Director Todd Bowers for his leadership

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with President and CEO of Avera Sacred Heart in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks about the implementation of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act during today's Banking Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the Sturgis community

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the Yankton community

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the Madison community

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends the South Dakota State Fair in Huron

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends the South Dakota State Fair in Huron

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a Farm Bill roundtable at the State Fair

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the Canyon Lake All-Star team in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with members of the Canyon Lake All-Star team in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with local leaders of Pierre and Ft. Pierre

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim takes an economic development tour of Madison

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim helps dedicate Exit 61 at I-90 and the Southeast Connector

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim helps dedicate Exit 61 at I-90 and the Southeast Connector

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends an event in Brookings

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a Volunteers of America Dakotas event in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends the dedication ceremony for the Mni Wiconi Project in Wanblee

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim holds a rountable discussion on internet safety in Aberdeen

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim takes an economic development tour of Harrisburg

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim holds a roundtable on gas prices in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim holds a roundtable on gas prices in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a rountable discussion on gas prices in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a rountable discussion on gas prices in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks about the Tribal Law and Order Act during a press conference in Washington

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Joshua Garry of Webster and Sierra Goeden of McCook Lake during the National Youth Science Camp luncheon.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with the McGough Family of Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Listens Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a Banking Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies before the Senate Banking Committee

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with Rep. Herseth Sandlin and Sen. John Thune at an event hightlighting ethanol and consumer choice

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the Avera Queen of Peace Hospital and Cancer Center in Mitchell

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim tours the Avera Queen of Peace Hospital and Cancer Center in Mitchell

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during an Indian Affairs Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Ron His Horse Is Thunder, Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, testifies during an Indian Affairs Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with South Dakotans with SD History Day

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a health care roundtable discussion in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a Farm Bill roundtable discussion in Aberdeen

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a Farm Bill roundtable discussion in Aberdeen

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a health care roundtable discussion in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens to testimony during an Energy Committee field hearing in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens to testimony during an Energy Committee field hearing in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends event honoring fallen soldiers in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks to South Dakota Realtors

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks to members of the South Dakota Rural Water Association

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a veterans roundtable with General Clark in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a veterans roundtable with General Clark in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim asks a question to members of the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission during the Banking Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens to responses during the Banking Committee hearing.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim and Rep. Herseth Sandlin listen to a presentation by Rapid City Mayor Alan Hanks

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim and Rep. Herseth Sandlin listen to a presentation by Rapid City Mayor Alan Hanks

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim questions the director BIA law enforcement on the progress of aLower Brule facility at an Indian Affairs Hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Members of the South and North Dakota delegation watch as Woodrow Keeble is honored with the Medal of Honor

Senator Tim Johnson

President Bush presents the Medal of Honor to family members of Woodrow Keeble

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with family members of Woodrow Keeble at the White House

Senator Tim Johnson

President Bush speaks during the Medal of Honor Ceremony for Woodrow Keeble

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Gov. Rounds, Rep. Herseth Sandlin and Sen. Thune

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim chairs a Water & Power Subcommittee Hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim chairs a Water & Power Subcommittee Hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Air National Guard officials in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim is presented with a flag by National Guard officials in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim takes an Economic Development Tour of Pierre

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with the Angels in Adoption recipients in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Tony Dean during an Economic Development Tour of Pierre

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Robert McSwain of Indian Health Service (IHS)

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks during an Energy Committee hearing on the RFS

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with Rapid City Mayor Alan Hanks

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with a South Dakota member of the National Association of School Nurses' Board to discuss health care.

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a Banking Committee Hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks to the South Dakota Corn Growers

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim visits with tribal leaders in Lower Brule

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim visits the Brookings Boys and Girls Club

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a Welcome Home event in Vermillion

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with local officials during an economic development tour of Watertown

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim listens during a roundtable discussion in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim works at his desk in his Washington, DC office

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Tom Dean of Wessington Springs, who he nominated to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks with former Sens. Dole and Cleland and Army Sergeant Ryan Major following his 2007 Victory Award from NRH

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with Barb and former Sen. Cleland following his 2007 Victory Award from NRH

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with Scott Fitch of Sioux Falls, a member of the SD Air Traffic Controllers Association

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Officials from Lewis & Clark Regional Water System in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Officials from Lewis & Clark Regional Water System in Sioux Falls

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Attends an Ag Roundtable in Aberdeen

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Attends an Ag Roundtable in Aberdeen

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Representatives from the SD National Guard Association

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Representatives from the SD National Guard Association

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Representatives from the School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Representatives from the School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Tribal Leaders in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Tribal Leaders in Rapid City

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim Meets with Paul Gainey of Spearfish, South Dakota

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim attends a Banking Committee hearing

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim meets with representatives from South Dakota's Heavily Impacted School Districts

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim with representatives from VeraSun Energy

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim holds his Golden Triangle Award from the National Farmers Union

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim works at his desk

Senator Tim Johnson

Tim speaks on the Senate floor

Tim Today
Tim Johnson

"Tim Today" keeps South Dakotans and visitors to Senator Johnson's United States Senate website up-to-date on the goings on with the senior Senator from South Dakota.


This morning, I met with the Thorson Family of Brandon to discuss research funding for Lou Gehrig’s Disease.  I also had the chance to meet with Dr. Carol Johnston, who was awarded a 2009 National Wetlands Award for Science Research.


This afternoon, I chaired the Military Construction/VA Appropriations subcommittee hearing to examine proposed budget request for fiscal year 2010.  As chairman, I will continue to see that our servicemembers receive all of the resources they need.   



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05/12/09 As DTV Deadline Nears, Johnson Reminds South Dakotans That Resources are Still Available
05/11/09 Johnson Announces More Than $7 Million for Black Hills Cemetery, Hot Springs VA Center
05/08/09 Van Johnson Passes Away
05/07/09 Johnson Comments on Senate Confirmation of Dr. Yvette Roubideaux as Director of the Indian Health Service
  More Press Releases »

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