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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Spill of National Significance Exercise 2007 for Southern Illinois and the Mississippi River
Region 3, June 21, 2007
Spill of National Significance Exercise 2007.  Biologists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants Program at the Rock Island, IL Ecological Services Field Office continue to prepare for oil spill response emergencies by participation in a recent national exercise known as SONS (Spill of National Significance).  The Federal Government with local response agency practice and test their spill contingency plans periodically by holding drills.  A SONS is a large complex and regional drill that involves many government agencies and industry partners.  A SONS was conducted in the central United States on June 19-21, 2007.  The SONS included many oil spills and other emergencies related to earthquakes along the New Madrid fault.  Spills were also staged in the Chicago area related to a tornado.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists through U.S. Department of Interior Regional Environmental Officers provided technical assistance and endangered species coordination to on scene commanders.  The Rock Island, IL Ecological Services Field Office staff focused on assistance to the activities in southern Illinois and along the Middle Mississippi River.  Several contingency plans and notification procedures were tested with good results.  The biologists are in the process of reviewing the test results and making recommendations to management.  Please contact Mike Coffey at 309-757-5800 x206 or Michael_Coffey@fws.gov for more information on the Illinois and Mississippi River activities.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov