U.S. Census Bureau
2002 Economic Census main page

2002 Economic Census
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Information - by industry

Data based on Geographic Area Series reports. Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.

D = Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individual companies; data are included in higher level totals; N = Not available; Q = Receipts not collected at this level of detail for multiestablishment f

Description Estab-
51 Information 65 N 57,408 1,471
511 Publishing industries (except Internet) 7 D D (250-499)
5111 Newspaper, periodical, book, & directory publishers 7 D D (250-499)
51111 Newspaper publishers 5 D D (250-499)
512 Motion picture & sound recording industries 6 N D (100-249)
5121 Motion picture & video industries 4 N D (20-99)
51213 Motion picture & video exhibition 2 D D (20-99)
512131 Motion picture theaters (except drive-ins) 2 D D (20-99)
515 Broadcasting (except Internet) 9 D D (250-499)
5151 Radio & television broadcasting 9 D D (250-499)
51511 Radio broadcasting 7 D D (100-249)
515112 Radio stations 6 D D (100-249)
517 Telecommunications 36 N 34,207 638
5171 Wired telecommunications carriers 18 Q D (250-499)
5172 Wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite) 12 Q D (100-249)
518 Internet service providers, web search portals, & data processing 6 D D (20-99)
519 Other information services 1 D D (20-99)
51912 Libraries & archives 1 D D (20-99)

Source: 2002 Economic Census, Geographic Area Series   Questions?
Last revised: July 11, 2005