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2002 National Emissions Inventory Data & Documentation

Inventory Documentation

Inventory Data

Explanation of File Formats
General Inventory Information
2002 National Emission Inventory (NEI) Preparation Plan - Final August 2004 (PDF 230K)
2002 National Emission Inventory (NEI) Briefing - March 2004 (PDF 1.15M)

Inventory Documentation
Documentation for the Final 2002 Point Source National Emissions Inventory - July 2006 (PDF 270K)
Emission Inventory Quality Assurance and Data Augmentation for Point Sources - updated July 2006 (PDF 250K)
Documentation for the 2002 Electric Generating Unit (EGU) National Emissions Inventory (NEI) - September 2004 (PDF 125K)
  Describes how EPA created emission estimates for EGUs for the draft 2002 NEI. These estimates remain in the Final 2002 point source file wherever State, Local, or Tribal submittals did not replace them.
Revision of the PM emissions from natural gas combustion in the final version of the 2002 NEI. - August 2005 (PDF 68K)

Point Source Augmentation Support Files (cited in Augmentation Report)

Documentation For The Final 2002 Nonpoint Sector (Feb 06 Version) National Emission Inventory For Criteria And Hazardous Air Pollutants, including Appendix A: Criteria and HAP Emissions Estimation Methodology - Final, July 2006. (PDF 2.3M)
Appendix B: Electronic Appendix Containing Data Sets Used to Spatially Allocate National Activity Data and Emissions to Counties (MDB 7.5M)
Appendix C: Emission Factors and County-Level Activity Data Used to Calculate 2002 Emissions by Category (ZIP 4.4M)
Appendix D: Electronic Appendix Summary of Changes Made to State, Local, and Tribal (S/L/T) Inventory Data to Prepare the Draft 2002 and the Final Nonpoint Source NEI (XLS 1M)

Review of Wood Heater and Fireplace Emissions Factors - December 2006 (PDF 135K)
National Emission Inventory: Ammonia Emissions from Animal Agricultural Operations, Revised Draft Report - April 2005 (PDF 9K)
Solvent Mass Balance Approach For Estimating VOC Emissions From Eleven Nonpoint Solvent Source Categories - Draft March 28, 2005. (PDF 3.5M)

Documentation Updates for 2002 Version 4 - November 2008.
Documentation For The Final 2002 Mobile National Emissions Inventory - Version 3 - September 2007. (PDF 986K)
Documentation For The Onroad National Emissions Inventory for Base Years 1970-2002 - January 2004. (PDF 265K)
Documentation For Aircraft, Commercial Marine Vessel, Locomotive, And Other Nonroad Components Of The National Emissions Inventory, Volume I - Methodology - September 2005. (PDF 700K)
Documentation For Aircraft, Commercial Marine Vessel, Locomotive, And Other Nonroad Components Of The National Emissions Inventory, Volume II - Supporting Documentation (PDF 17K)
General Aircraft References (PDF 11M)
General Commercial Marine Vessel References (PDF 6.5M)
General Locomotive References (PDF 4.7M)
General Other Nonroad References (PDF 20M)
Inventory Data

Point Sector Data - Version 3 of the 2002 NEI - The following zipped Access summary files were created in September 2007 and contain annual emissions in tons per year. if you have any questions, please contact Roy Huntley or (919) 541-1060. Questions on Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) and the ALLNEI CAP file should be directed to Anne Pope or (919) 541-5373.

Point Facility Summary - For both CAPs and HAPs (18 MB)
SCC Summary - For both CAPs and HAPs at county, state and national level. (31 MB)
ALLNEI_HAP_Annual_01232008 - Point stack summary data for HAPs only (129 MB)
ALLNEICAP_Annual_11302007 - Point stack summary data for CAPs only (174 MB)
NEI_2002_Point_Facility_ID_History_01182008 - Facility identifiers, names and locations for sites in current and previous version of the NEI (Created 1/2008) (22 MB) If you have any questions, please contact Anne Pope or (919) 541-5373.

Nonpoint Sector Data - Version 3 of the 2002 NEI - The following zipped Access summary file was created in September 2007 and contain annual emissions in tons per year. If you have any questions, please contact Roy Huntley or (919) 541-1060.

SCC Summary - For both CAPs and HAPs at the national, state, and county level. (73 MB)
All Sector Data - Version 3 of the 2002 NEI - The following zipped Access file was created in October 2007 and contains Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 summaries for criteria polluntants only. Annual emissions are in tons per year. If you have any questions, please contact Roy Huntley or (919) 541-1060.

Tier Summary - County, State and National Level (52 MB)
Mobile Sector Data - Version 4 of the 2002 NEI - The following zipped Access files were created in September 2008. Annual emissions are in tons per year with zero emission values removed. Nonroad files include aircraft, locomotive, and commerical marine vessels. No code description are added to these files to limit the file size. SCC and pollutant descriptions are provided at EIS Code Tables. Point of contact for the Mobile Section is Laurel Driver or (919) 541-2859.

SCC Summary
Nonroad County 9 of 9 (354.53 MB)
Nonroad State and National (12.97 MB)
Onroad County 5 of 5 (209.38 MB)
Onroad National and State (17.98 MB)

Auxillary Files - NMIM National County Database (NCD) Files - The following files were created in July 2007. The zipped file contains the MySQL NCD tables and external files used to develop the 2002 NEI Version 3 emissions estimates.

NCD Files (181 MB)

2002 Nonroad Supplement GIS Data - For nonroad source categories, activity or fuel use data are not readily available for all counties in the U.S. Therefore, emissions often are calculated at the national level and allocated to individual counties based on appropriated surrogates. Often the surrogate data are available as Geographic Information System (GIS) data sets. Three sets of files are provided here which contain the GIS data used to spatially allocate emissions for aircraft, commerical marine vessels (CMV), and locomotives. All of the 2002 data used in this inventory effort were obtained from the Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) or the FAA's Emissions Dispersion and Modeling System (EDMS)

2002 Nonroad Supplement GIS Data
Biogenic Sector Data
Biogenic Sector Data and Readme for biogenic data - The biogenic emissions data has not been updated since it was originally posted in March 2004. It has been moved to the Final 2002 NEI FTP site for your convenience.
National Emissions Inventory Input Format
NEI Code Tables and NOF structure specifications (XLS or MDB) (NOF webpage).

Posted Updates to Data

If you would like to submit comments or recommendations, please send an email to the Info Chief Help Desk at info.chief@epa.gov. The subject should be "2002 final NEI comment." As time and resources permit the 2002 inventory will be updated and corrected. This information is also posted in the folder General_Inventory_Information on the FTP site.

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