BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

San Francisco

Bay Area Digital Media -- Going Global

The United States Commercial Service (U.S. Department of Commerce) is pleased to announce a program to promote the export of San Francisco Bay Area digital media and digital entertainment products and services to foreign countries. 

The Bay Area:  A Global Hub for Digital Media
The Bay Area has long been a global hub for the creation and innovation of of the world's most cutting-edge digital media and digital entertainment technologies. Bay Area digital media companies specialize in a variety of areas, including games, film/video, animation, mobile television, mobile content, and music.  For many of these companies, overseas markets present some of the most lucrative opportunities for growth.  Additionally, digital media has been and will continue to be one of the key drivers of job creation and job growth for the Bay Area.     

How Can We Help You?
The U.S. Commercial Service office in San Francisco, in collaboration with its offices located within the U.S. Embassies and Consulates overseas, are here to assist your Bay Area digital media company. We have resources available to help you:

  • gain access to the most up-to-date ICT market intelligence in over 82 different countries
  • identify and evaluate international partners, such as top carriers and operators in each country and region 
  • develop market entry strategies
  • promote your company or technology in a foreign country with a single-company promotional event 
  • obtain extensive background information on your potential international business partner

Please see the "International Market Intelligence" tab to the left for our most recent international ICT market research reports.  This page is updated weekly. 

For more information on how to take your digital media or digital entertainment company global, please contact Kully Nelson at 415-705-2282 or