Photo: Caption shown below.
I was honored to present a flag in recognition of Mrs. Betty Jo Hudspeth's, Andrews Elementary principal, many years of service to school children and their parents. Helping me to honor her are Andrews students. The flag was flown over the United States' Capitol and will now fly at the school.

Congressman Doggett Releases Appropriations Requests

Appropriations requests to meet the needs of Central Texans are available here.

News from Congressman Doggett

Putting Our Children First
With my strong support, the House passed the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. You can view my floor speech in support of this legislation by clicking here.

Release of "Trouble in Toyland" Report on Toy Safety
I was pleased to be invited once again join TexPIRG at the release of its annual "Trouble in Toyland" Report. Safeguarding against the dangers posed by unsafe toys and the need for oversight to ensure the safety of our children's toys has long been and continues to be one of my legislative priorities in Congress.

Congressman Doggett Questions Fed Chairman Bernanke on Bailout
On October 20, I returned to Washington to question Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and other witnesses at a House Budget Committee hearing about the bailout's implementation. I stated that "Congress has a duty to ensure that the last $700 billion bailout it approved is being used responsibly. Americans would be better served by more accountability, more transparency, and a better return on their substantial investment." Click here to view the video.
Earlier, on September 24, I questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke about the Administration's sudden demand for a taxpayer bailout of Wall Street. Click here to view the video.

Photo: Congressman Lloyd Doggett questions witnesses during a hearing on his Climate MATTERS bill.
CAPTION: Congressman Lloyd Doggett questions witnesses during a hearing on his Climate MATTERS bill.

Congressman Doggett's Climate MATTERS Bill a Focus of Ways and Means Hearing
My Climate MATTERS bill, which I introduced last year and will reintroduce, was a focus of a Ways and Means Committee hearing. My bill, H.R. 6316, will create a cap-and-trade system to cut greenhouse gas pollution. Instead of massive public giveaways of "pollute free" cards, Climate MATTERS would auction allowances and apply the resulting revenues to offset the impacts of climate change, including the creation of a "Healthy Families Fund" to address the health care challenges that plague so many American families and American businesses.  My cap-and-trade bill is also a cap and invest bill, investing auction revenue in America - in our infrastructure, in our industry and universities with efficient, clean energy research and development, and in our workforce. Click here for my opening remarks. Later on, I had the privilege of chairing this hearing and asked about how our inaction on climate change is sending high-tech, clean energy jobs overseas. Click here for this additional video.

House Passes Congressman Doggett’s Silver Alert Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed my bill, the National Silver Alert Act (H.R. 6064), to help law enforcement quickly locate missing seniors. Silver Alert is a public notification system similar to Amber Alert that is triggered by the report of a missing senior with Alzheimer's or other mental impairments. Our seniors, who have worked a lifetime and raised a family, need our special help when they can no longer help themselves. Click here for video of my remarks on the House floor about Silver Alert.

Congressman Doggett Introduces Climate MATTERS Act to Address Global Warming
In June, I was joined by Central Texas leaders from the business, technology, environmental, and religious communities at a press conference I held to announce the introduction of my bill to combat global warming -- the Climate Market Auction Trust & Trade Emissions Reduction System (MATTERS) Act. The Climate MATTERS Act institutes a cap-and-trade system to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and invests the revenue to create green, high-wage jobs, assist consumers to transition to a low-carbon economy, and provide affordable healthcare to working families. Click here for the text of my remarks.

Congressman Doggett Amendment Passes to Streamline Student Aid Applications
As part of the College Opportunity and Affordability Act, the House passed an amendment I offered to make it easier to file for financial aid. The Doggett amendment gives students and parents the power to instruct the Internal Revenue Service to provide their income information directly to the Department of Education. This will simplify the filing of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Click here for my remarks on the amendment.

Congressman Doggett Seeks to Unite Taxpayers with Lost Refunds
Click here for a list of more than 400 undeliverable tax refund checks belonging to Central Texas taxpayers who filed their 2006 federal income tax returns. Taxpayers who locate their name on the IRS Refund List can call the IRS Refund Hotline at 1-800-TAX-1954 (1-800-829-1954) for further assistance.

Congressman Doggett Delivers Texas State University Commencement Address
Click here for the text of my remarks at the Fall Commencement Exercises of Texas State University at San Marcos. In that speech, I urged graduates: “As you transition from the dorm room to the board room, from your leadership on campus to becoming leaders in your community, or perhaps from this hilly campus to Capitol Hill, know that it is not about being somebody, but it is about doing something.”

House Passes Historic Energy Legislation
Click here to view my floor speech about increasing fuel economy standards. The Energy Independence and Security Act also creates tax incentives for the purchase of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and restores the original intent of the renewable diesel tax credit.

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