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Effigy Mounds National Monument
Laws & Policies
Indian Mounds at Fire Point
NPS Photo by Ken Block
Conical Burial Mounds at Fire Point

Effigy Mounds National Monument was established by Presidential Proclamation to protect significant prehistoric earth mounds found in northeast Iowa and to protect wildlife, scenic, and other natural values of the area.

Rules and regulations

A selection of parks rules and regulations is below. The complete rules and regulations of Effigy Mounds National Monument are contained in two documents:

  1. Federal regulations covering all National Park Service lands are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 36, Chapter 1
  2. In addition, regulations pertaining specifically to Effigy Mounds National Monument contained in the Superintendent's Compendium. Violators are brought before the U.S. District Courts and are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment.


Possession and or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, unless possession and or consumption is permitted in association with a special use permit. Possession of unopened alcoholic beverages in the Sny Magill public access corridor is permitted.


All natural, cultural, and archeological resources are protected and may not be removed or disturbed.

*Small amounts of berries, seeds and nuts may be gathered for immediate personal consumption within the park, but nothing can be removed from the park. 

Relic hunting is prohibited. Possession of a metal detector in the park is unlawful.

Weapons, Traps and Nets

Federal law prohibits the possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons in Federal facilities by persons not specifically authorized by Title 18, United States Code, Section 930. Violators will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment for periods up to five (5) years. This includes the visitor center building and National Park Service offices.

Notwithstanding any other provision under 16 USC, Section 3, and Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 1-7, a person may possess, carry, and transport concealed, loaded, and operable firearms within a national park area in accordance with the laws of the state in which the national park area or that portion thereof, is located, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable federal law.

Iowa does not recognize a concealed weapon permit for a firearm from any other state. A person from any other state possessing a concealed weapon in Iowa may be guilty of either a felony or a misdemeanor. Only persons with an Iowa Concealed Weapon Permit may possess a concealed weapon on the grounds of the site. Even with a permit they cannot bring a concealed weapon into a Federal facility.

* Possession of weapons, traps and nets is permitted within the Sny Magill Unit public access corridor, provided such implements are legally possessed and being used outside the park in accordance with state and federal law, and are rendered temporarily inoperable or are packed, cased or stored in a manner that will prevent their ready use.

Lost and found

Property may not be left unattended longer than 24 hours. Found property must be turned in to the Visitor Center or nearest park ranger.


Pets are allowed in the park, but must be physically restrained at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length. Pets, except service dogs (such as seeing-eye dogs), are prohibited in buildings and may not be tied to objects and left unattended.

Pet excrement must be immediately collected by the pet handler and disposed of in the nearest trash receptacle. If there is not a trash receptacle in the area, the excrement shall be removed from the park. 

Trash and littering

Littering or other dumping of refuse is prohibited. Use of park dumpsters for discarding household trash is prohibited.

Recreational activities

The park is open during daylight hours. Daylight hours is defined as one half hour before sunrise to one half-hour after sunset. The superintendent makes exceptions to these limits for evening programs, approved special use permits or approval on an individual basis. The superintendent reserves the right to close the park or portions thereof, for resource management purposes, public holidays, national security or emergency situations.

Any public activity, such as standing, sitting or walking on the mounds is prohibited.  

 All mound groups, rock shelters and historical sites, located in the North, South and Heritage Addition units that are not on established public trails, are closed to public access unless permitted in writing by the superintendent or their designee. 


Picnicking is permitted only in designated picnic areas. These areas are: the lawns surrounding the Visitor Center and the boat dock / parking area of the Sny Magill Unit public access area.


The use of stoves, charcoal or gas grills or other cooking devices is prohibited within the park, unless permitted in accordance with the terms of a special use permit.

Skating, skateboards, and similar devices

Use of these devices is prohibited. Bicycles of all types are not permitted in the park beyond the visitor center parking area, or the Sny Magill Public access corridor.  Segway® Personal Transporters (or similar such device) are not permitted in the park beyond the visitor center parking area, or the Sny Magill Public access corridor, unless the Segway® Personal Transporter is being used by persons with disabilities in designated handicapped accessible locations where persons with disabilities currently use personal mechanized modes of conveyance. 


Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings. Smoking on trails and other outside areas of the park may be prohibited during periods of high fire danger.


Hunting, trapping, touching, feeding, teasing, or otherwise disturbing wildlife or fish is prohibited.

* Legally obtained wildlife that is within the limits of federal and state laws may be transported through the Sny Magill Unit public access corridor. 

Horses and pack animals

Horses and pack animals are permitted in the visitor center parking lot and the Sny Magill Unit public access corridor. Unless being used for resource management purposes, horses and pack animals are prohibited from all other park areas.


Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa

- Presidential Proclamation No. 2860, Oct. 25, 1949, 64th Statutes at Large, 81st Congress 2d Session, 64 part 2:A371

- Public Law 87-44, May 27, 1961, 75 Stat. 88

- Public Law 106–323, Oct. 19, 2000, 114 Stat. 1289

* Presidential Proclamation 2860 established Effigy Mounds National Monument because of

“ mounds in the northeastern part of the State of Iowa known as the Effigy Mounds are of great scientific interest because of the variety of their forms, which include animal effigy, bird effigy, conical, and linear types, illustrative of a significant phase of the mound-building culture of the prehistoric American Indians ...”

The proclamation also included this statement:

“Warning is hereby expressly given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, injure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and not to locate or settle upon any of the lands thereof.”

  • Public Law 87-44 added 272 acres of land to the monument:

    “. . . for the purposes of preserving certain prehistoric Indian mounds and protecting existing wildlife and other natural values . . .”

  • Public Law 106-323 allowed for additional lands (Ferguson/Kistler Tract and the Riverfront Tract) to be purchased from willing sellers and adjusted the monument boundary to include these lands. The Ferguson/Kistler Tract is now called the Heritage Addition.
Tips for a safe and fun visit with your pets.
Bird Mounds: Effigy Mounds National Monument today - is a sacred site to many American Indians.  

Did You Know?
Effigy Mounds National Monument is located in territory that was hotly contested by Indians and the American government. In 1832, the U.S. forced the Sauk and Fox tribes to cede land south of the “Neutral Ground” along the Mississippi River, which included the lands of the present National Monument.

Last Updated: February 01, 2009 at 10:41 EST