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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Restoring Wildlife Habitat and Federal Trust Species in Price County, Wisconsin
Region 3, June 13, 2008
Stein Wetland Restoration.  Spring 2008.  Price County Wisconsin.  Ted Koehler
Stein Wetland Restoration. Spring 2008. Price County Wisconsin. Ted Koehler

Spring surveys of new and old Ashland National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (NFWCO) wetland restoration projects started as soon as the snow left the landscape in northern Wisconsin.  The Price County Wisconsin Land Conservation Department has been a long standing partner with the Ashland NFWCO in habitat restoration.  Many excellent projects benefitting U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service trust species have been completed in the past as well as planned for the future.  With a focus on the agricultural portions of the county, years of wetland and instream restoration projects are adding significant acres and miles of productive fish and wildlife habitat.

Construction took place and was completed on the Hefner, Seidl and Stein Wetland Restoration Projects in the fall of 2007.  These Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program projects are located in the important headwater portions of the Upper Mississippi River watershed.  Wetland habitat restored totaled 15 acres.  Upland migratory bird nesting cover around the projects totaling 10 acres was also enhanced and protected through ten year agreements and management plans.  Partners on the projects included the Landowners and the Price County Land Conservation Department.

In talking to the landowners this spring, all were extremely happy with the results of the projects.  Where relatively wildlife sterile hay and agriculture fields once stood, the area now teams with local and migratory wildlife.  Mallard, blue-winged teal and Canada geese were present and/or nesting at all the locations.  Many other migratory birds such as green herons, Le Conte’s sparrows, song sparrows and red-winged blackbirds were all found using the restored areas. 

This year’s projects will now add to the growing number of restored sites on private land in Price County.  Seven new wetland restoration projects are in various planning stages with many of these to be completed during the 2008 field season.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov