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Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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  Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program  
Frequently Asked Questions
Promising Programs

The CAIHS Health Promotion/Disease Prevention (HP/DP) Program was established to support the IHS Prevention Initiative. It is one of Dr. Charles Grim’s three health initiatives, which strive to bring a focus on preventive health within IHS and among Tribally operated programs. Through integration of these health initiatives – Behavioral Health, Chronic Disease Management and Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, the ability to address the significant health disparities in Indian Country will be strengthened.

The California Area IHS Director’s 3 Update, 2008 (PDF 70KB).
Letter to CAIHS Health Program Executive Directors (PDF 638 kb).
California Area Director's Poster on integration of behavioral health, chronic care, diabetes and health promotion/disease prevention (PDF 228 kb).

The relative burden of disease for AI/AN has shifted away from conditions amenable to traditional public health intervention, such as vaccine preventable diseases, towards the so-called "modern diseases" that result largely from lifestyles, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity and injuries in recent decades. Despite the greater health care needs of AI/AN due to higher rates of health problems, the per capita funding for health services for AI/AN is far less than for other populations in the United States.

Addressing behavior and lifestyle changes will be critical to disease prevention and health improvement, in order to promote good health and healthy environments. By focusing on how the three initiatives interconnect we can better address treatment and prevention, with the limited available resources given.

The mission of our Area is to foster optimal health by focusing on prevention services with a program that supports:

  • Use of community health assessments and wellness plans.
  • Prevention programs and effective evaluations.
  • Culturally based community supported prevention efforts.
  • National initiatives integration, e.g. Healthy People 2010.
  • This site has been developed to provide health programs and communities with information on IHS prevention standards, benefits of disease prevention initiatives, educational resources and related materials. Best practices, community based interventions and specific guidelines are tailored to help Indian communities assess their current health status and monitor health status over time. For more information on the IHS prevention initiative and the Director’s three health initiatives, please visit the national Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Behavioral Health, Chronic Disease Management, and the Director’s three health initiatives websites.

    Frequently Asked Questions has answers to some of the most commonly asked questioned about the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program.

    Resources links and documents to support health professionals.

    Promising Programs learn innovative health ideas model programs are implementing to support tribal well-being.

    Annual California Area HP/DP Events:

    • HP/DP Awards
    • Tele-Conferences and Trainings
    • Just Move It – California Challenge
    • HP/DP Grant support and training
    • Wellness Champions Forum
    News and Announcements

    April HP/DP Update, provides resources and funding opportunities. (CAO-HPDPUpdate-Apr.09.pdf [PDF])

    The Just Move It - California 2009 Challenge kicked off during the Tribal Leaders Consultation Conference in March. The challenge will run the remainder of the year, and all Tribal/Urban Indian healthcare programs are encouraged to share their local stories with Just Move It at www.justmoveit.org.
    The following documents support the challenge.
    Challenge Background (PDF)
    Challenge Map (PDF)
    More on Just Move It - Posting Stories (PDF 1.5MB)

    Indian Health Service Health Summit, July 7-9 2009 in Denver Colorado. This national event will help build skills, share ideas and innovations, and will include specific session focused on Health Promotion/Disease Prevention. Early registration ends April 30, please visit the Indian Health Summit website for more information.

    Healthy Native Communities Fellowship is for teams who wish to deepen their ability to promote wellness in Native Communities. The Fellowship collaborative learning grounded in Native spiritual and cultural perspectives, with the belief that extraordinary change starts from the community up. Applications for the 2010 fellowship will be available by late spring. For more information and application information visit Healthy Native Communities Fellowship website.

    Restoring Balance, Community-Owned Wellness
    This online resource provides a process for communities to use in wellness planning.  It is framed from the view that Native people are the best people to decide what changes are needed and to make those changes occur. In Native communities, traditional views of health include the concept of balance, an understanding of mind, body, and spirit; and a sense of the well-being of all. An emphasis is placed on prevention and maintaining wellness, rather than simply treating illnesses or problems. It is believed that by investing in prevention with tools, resources and training that support community initiatives, a positive difference for the health of Native people, families and their communities can be achieved. More information, including the manual, is available at the Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Restoring Balance workstation website.

    The Nike Air N7, is the first fitness shoe designed for American Indians and aims to promote healthy lifestyles and choices. Read the Nike flyer (PDF) to learn more about the project and who to contact. Also, please read the IHS press release (PDF) for more information on the MOU between Nike and IHS

    For more information on the Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program, please call me at (760) 735-6884. For more information on the Behavioral Health and Chronic Disease Management initiatives, please call Dr. David Sprenger at (916) 930-3981 x321.

    Sincerely, Beverly Calderon

    Area Health Promotion Disease Prevention Coordinator:
    Beverly A Calderon, MS, RD, CDE
    Indian Health Service
    Escondido District Office
    1320 West Valley Parkway
    Suite 309
    Escondido, California 92029
    Phone: (760) 735-6884
    FAX: (760) 735-6893

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