U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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California Area Indian Health Service

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  Office of Public Health  
  (916) 930-3981 + Extension

The Office of Public Health ensures that high quality health services are available for Indian people in California. We accomplish this goal by helping the tribal and urban Indian health programs meet nationally accepted standards of care for healthcare organizations. Our professional staff provides training and technical assistance in addition to performing basic federal functions such as contract monitoring and health program performance evaluations. Our mission is to: monitor health status; empower health care providers and consumers about new innovative practices; and join with other health care partners to improve access and delivery of care. We assure proper licensure credentialing is being used and national accreditation is being sought by Tribal, Urban and Buy-Indian health programs.

Office of Public Health 

      Steve Riggio, DDS, Associate Director (Extension 322) (steve.riggio@ihs.gov)

  • Administrative direction of health care services
  • Assures management of electronic data collection of health information
  • Assures technical performance monitoring of tribal and urban health contracts
  • Area Dental Consultant
  • Area Head Start Coordinator
  • Area Urban Coordinator
  • Project Officer / Technical Assistance
  • Program performance reviews

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) 

      Elaine Brinn, GPRA Coordinator, (Extension 320) (elaine.brinn@ihs.gov)
      Amy Patterson, Public Health Analyst, (Extension 320) [amy.patterson@ihs.gov
      LCDR Wendy Blocker, M.S.N. Public Health Analyst, (Extension 308) (wendy.blocker@ihs.gov)
      Christine Brennan, M.P.H., Public Health Analyst, (Extension 333) (christine.brennan@ihs.gov)

  • Data analysis, local and national reports
  • Epidemiology: technical assistance consultant
  • National GPRA management and technical support
  • Program planning and statistics support

Health Professional Consultants

      Beverly Calderon, RD, CDE, (760) 735-6884 (beverly.calderon@ihs.gov)

  • Area Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) Consultant
  • Dietician
  • Project Officer / Technical Assistance

      Susan Ducore, RN, (Extension 323) (susan.ducore@ihs.gov)

  • Area Nurse Consultant
  • Immunization Coordinator
  • Project Officer / Technical Assistance

      CAPT Steven Lopez, RHIA, (Extension 328) (steven.lopez@ihs.gov)

  • Area Medical Record Consultant
  • Area Privacy Act Officer
  • Project Officer / Technical Assistance

      Helen Maldonado (Extension 332) (helen.maldonado@ihs.gov)

  • Area Diabetes Consultant
  • Diabetes Managment training and technical assistance

      LCDR Brett Maycock, MHPA, (Extension 359) (brett.maycock@ihs.gov)

  • Area Electronic Health Record (EHR) clinical application coordinator
  • Technical liaison to provider and support staff
  • Training assistance on site and off site

Information Resources Management Office 

          Robert Gemmell, Supv. IT Specialist, Information Security Systems Officer (Extension 326) (robert.gemmell@ihs.gov)
          Toni Johnson, IT Specialist, Business Office Coordinator., CHS Officer (Extension 354) (toni.johnson@ihs.gov)
          Kelly Stephenson, IT Specialist, Area Telecommunications Liaison (Extension 330) (kelly.stephenson@ihs.gov)
          Gary Mosier, IT Specialist (Extension 329) (gary.mosier@ihs.gov
          Paula Taylor, IT Specialist, System Administrator (Extension 327) (paula.taylor@ihs.gov)
          Edna Johnson, Computer Assistant (Extension 324) (edna.johnson@ihs.gov)

  • Area website management
  • Business office coordination
  • E-mail system maintenance and support
  • Information security
  • RPMS data reporting
  • RPMS software and patch updates
  • RPMS training and technical assistance
  • Statistical computer research
  • Third party billing coordination
  • WAN and LAN system support
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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852