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Operation Webslinger

photo-Operation Webslinger press conference
Judi Clark, mother of Samantha Reid, joined Attorney General John Ashcroft and DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson to announce the success of Operation Webslinger and to spread awareness of the dangers of GHB.


More than 80 U.S. Cities Targeted by International Operation

Chief Lee Heath, Director Asa Hutchinson, and Deputy Director Mark Bullock
Chief Lee Heath of the U.S. Postal Inspectors, DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson, and Deputy Director Mark Bullock of the FBI announce the results of Operation Webslinger.

Attorney General John Ashcroft today joined DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson to unveil an unprecedented takedown of Internet-based drug-trafficking operations. Operation Webslinger, a multi-jurisdictional investigation, targeted the illegal internet trafficking of "date rape" drugs such as GHB and its derivatives, GBL and 1,4 Butanediol (1,4 BD).

For complete press release click here>>>


Two Main Operation WebSlinger Defendants Sentenced

Click here to read the January 30, 2004 press release about their sentencing>>

Two Main Operation Webslinger Defendants Plead Guilty

Click here to read the October 28, 2003 press release about the guilty plea>>

Click here for clip of Attorney General John Ashcroft speaking at the press conference >>>
(Transcript: "Today's announcement is a dose of harsh reality for drug traffickers who seek to exploit the vast market and anonymity of cyberspace.")

Click here for clip of DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson speaking at the press conference >>>
(Transcript: "Drug Enforcement Administration agents and our law enforcement partners across the country arrested 115 traffickers in 84 cities across the country from San Francisco to St. Louis, and from Baltimore to Birmingham.")

Jamie Zuieback of the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
Jamie Zuieback of the Rape, Abuse,
and Incest National Network
Congressman Steve Chabot
Congressman Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), a lead congressional supporter of anti-drug legislation, was in attendance. Seated next to the Congressman is Jeannie Gregori, the Chief of Staff to the Director of the Department of Justice, Office for the Victims of Crime.

photo-John Varrone
John Varrone, Assistant Commisioner, U.S. Customs Service

Internet Response to Arrests and Seizures

Excerpts from Internet Drug "Chat Rooms"
Users' Responses to Operation Webslinger Indicate Significant Impact

"Am I the only one who feels like we've reached the end of an era? Until this week, people could order GBL and BD from foreign suppliers with little risk. Even if a package for stopped by Customs, odds were very high that nothing would happened besides a seizure letter, especially if it was a quantity consistent with personal use.

The Pelchat operation has been shut down. Who does that leave? Do you feel confident that your local dealer doesn't use something like lye drain cleaner from the grocery store which might contain toxic metals. Gawd, I wish I'd stocked up on GBL and BD supplements back when you could buy them from domestic suppliers. But those days are past, I've used up all my BD and I can't buy any more. It was nice knowing you G. "

Operation Webslinger Enforcement Locations

What is GHB?

photo-GHBGHB is a central nervous system depressant which causes drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, loss of inhibition, memory loss and visual disturbances. GHB is abused to produce euphoric, intoxication, and hallucinogenic states, and for it's alleged role as a growth hormone releasing agent to stimulate muscles. Some users also report that it is an aphrodisiac. GHB has been used to assist in the commission of sexual assaults because it renders the victim incapable of resisting and often causes memory problems. Therefore, GHB is commonly referred as a "Date-Rape Drug."
More info>>

What Are GBL and 1,4 Butanediol (1,4BD)?


These substances are GHB analogues, meaning that they are chemically similar to GHB. In fact, the human body converts them into GHB after they are ingested-therefore than can be considered as essentially the same drug with the same side effects as GHB.


GHB, GBL and 1,4BD as Date Rape Drugs

GHB, GBL, and BD 1,4 have gained notoriety as drugs used to facilitate sexual assault, adding an urgency to law enforcement efforts to pursue traffickers of these drugs.
More Info>>>


What Are Club Drugs?

photo-club drugs"Club Drugs" has become a widely used term for a number of illicit drugs that are most commonly encountered at nightclubs and all-night parties called "raves." The three primary club drugs are Ecstasy, Ketamine, and GHB. Many other drugs are generally available in the club and rave circuit, however these three drugs are more closely associated with clubs because that is where they are most frequently used.
                                                More Info>>

See d link for descriptive textd

2000: GBL-139, BD-155, 2001: GBL-181 and BD: 204

see d link for descriptive textd


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