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International Women's Day 2008

Photo: Dr. Sudha Basnet
Dr. Sudha Basnet, a pediatrician, is working to introduce and expand international best practices on newborn care in Nepal. Read Dr. Basnet's Story... Source: JHPIEGO

International Women's Day was March 8, 2008. To celebrate, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) kicked off a series of features on women whose work through USAID-supported projects are making a difference in the lives of other women, families, and communities.

Women Making a Difference in Global Health

Women are the backbone of most societies – as mothers, caregivers, household managers, as participants in civil society, and as contributors to formal and informal economies. In fact, in the developing world, women do 90 percent of the work, including most of the agricultural work. Without good health care, including family planning and reproductive health care, women cannot make these contributions to their families and communities. With good health, women have more opportunities to obtain a basic education and earn income. They are then more likely and better able to provide these same advantages for their children and communities.

The "Women Making a Difference" series features profiles of women who work with, for, or through USAID to help advance global health. They are powerful women who make strong contributions in the best ways they can, and USAID is proud to honor them. Please check back over the next several weeks as USAID adds to the " Women Making a Difference in Global Health" series.

For more information about International Women's Day, go to

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