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Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Maternal Child HealthCCC CornerDec 2008/Jan 2009
OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Volume 6, No. 12, December 2008/January 2009

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Abstract of the Month

Are all aromatase inhibitors alike?

Hormone Therapy in Breast Cancer - An Overview from IHS Experts

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

David Boyd

  • Tribal Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (ASBI) Program

Scott Giberson

  • Indian Health Service HIV Testing Guidance and Resources are now available on-line
  • Funding Opportunity: Comprehensive Alcohol Research Center on HIV/AIDS

Myra Tucker, CDC

  • Maternal and Child Health Journal Issue Dedicated to AI/AN Mothers and Children

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Increased Risk of Adverse Neurological Development for Late Preterm Infants
  • Risk factors for unintentional injuries in children: are grandparents protective?
  • Effect of breastfeeding duration on lung function at age 10 years
  • Parental alcohol screening in pediatric practices
  • Early antiretroviral therapy and mortality among HIV-infected infants

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • 1 in 25 older Americans at risk for serious medication interaction
  • General and abdominal adiposity and risk of death in Europe
  • Metformin, sulfonylureas, or other antidiabetes drugs and the risk of lactic acidosis or hypoglycemia
  • Effect of fibre, antispasmodics, and peppermint oil in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Genotype score in addition to common risk factors for prediction of type 2 diabetes
  • Clinical risk factors, DNA variants, and the development of type 2 diabetes


  • Excess gestational weight gain and macrosomia risk
  • Gestational weight gain and gestational diabetes mellitus: perinatal outcomes
  • Pregnancy and fertility following bariatric surgery: a systematic review
  • Perinatal outcomes in the setting of active phase arrest of labor
  • Association between vitamin D deficiency and primary cesarean section


  • Clinical practice guidelines on vaginal graft use
  • Probability of hysterectomy after endometrial ablation
  • Dual prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism prevention in gynecologic cancer patients
  • Effectiveness of tension-free vaginal tape compared with transobturator tape
  • A 12-month prospective evaluation of transcervical sterilization using implantable polymer matrices (Essure)

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Hormone Therapy and Heart Disease
  • Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Infective Endocarditis
  • At-risk drinking and illicit drug use: ethical issues in obstetric and gynecologic practice
  • Management of Abnormal Cervical Cytology and Histology
  • Sonohysterography

American Family Physician

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Depression symptoms are similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women
  • Correlates of medical and legal help seeking among women reporting intimate partner violence
  • Education and physical activity among American Indian elders
  • Recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory; Oral Sodium Phosphate (OSP) Products for Bowel Cleansing

Ask a Librarian

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Suicide and Antiepileptics – Real Concerns?


  • Herbal Galactogogues

CCC Corner Digest

Domestic Violence

  • Office of Violence against Women Fact Sheet
  • Breaking the barriers: the promise of computer-assisted screening for intimate partner violence

Elder Care News

  • Intensive Case-Based Training in Palliative Care

Family Planning

  • Contraceptive nonuse among US women at risk for unplanned pregnancy
  • Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device better than OCPs in metabolic and inflammatory outcomes

Featured Web Site

  • Improved healthfinder.gov makes health information quicker and easier to use

Frequently asked questions

  • Q. Should I withhold contraception from a woman who is not ‘current’ on her pap?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Etiquette-Based Medicine
  • Changes to the Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination (PPV23) Recommendation
  • A Collaborative School-Based Oral Health Program
  • A Tribute to Dr. Roger Gollub

Information Technology

International Health

  • Warfare and neglected diseases

MCH Alert

  • Diabetes Curriculum for Improved Care of among American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • 2008 Edition of Women’s Health Data Book Released
  • MCH Library Releases Online Resource Brief on Women’s Health
  • AAP Updates Training on Safer Sleep Environments to Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • The Scientific Basis for Maternity Practice
  • The Effects of Contact with Stillborn Infants on Maternal Anxiety and Depression

MCH Headlines

  • Project Making Medicine
  • 2009 Childhood Obesity Conference: Creating Healthy Places for All Children
  • Breastfeeding Initiation DVD Resource
  • Max’s Magical Delivery Fit for Kids

Medical Mystery Tour

  • Test your knowledge on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS); The Answers


Menopause Management

  • Cigarette smoking, androgen levels, and hot flushes in midlife women
  • Testosterone for low libido in postmenopausal women not taking estrogen

Midwives Corner

  • Midwifery care unequivocally supported and recommended by Cochrane Review

Navajo News

  • Navajo Area Women’s Health Provider Meeting
  • Navajo Nation Passes “Healthy Start Act”; Requires Workplaces to Accommodate Breastfeeding

Nurses Corner

  • Registered nurses are key to preventing medical errors during critical care

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Condoms and STDs: Updated Fact Sheet for Public Health Personnel
  • Biomarker Test Not Ready for Routine Clinical Use
  • Assessing the Burden of HPV-Associated Cancers in the United States
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Safety


  • Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and functional outcomes in the elderly

Patient Education

  • Interactive Media Laboratory—Smoking Cessation for Pregnancy and Beyond

Perinatology Picks

  • Labor before a primary cesarean delivery: reduced risk of uterine rupture
  • Methods of Delivering the Placenta at Caesarean Section
  • External cephalic version-related risks: a meta-analysis
  • A systematic review of the role of intrapartum hypoxia-ischemia in the causation of neonatal encephalopathy

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • A summary of the recent discussion forum on geriatric medication issues

STD Corner

  • Partner services programs for HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia infection

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • QuickStats: Percentage of Large-for-Gestational-Age* Births

Women’s Health Headlines

  • Sexual Assault Response Team training available
  • “What’s new in PubMed on adolescent dating violence”

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

First International Meeting on Indigenous Women’s Health/Third International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health Conference; Many Voices into One Song

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

Telluride Midwinter Conference on Maternal and Child Health

First International Meeting on Indigenous Women’s Health/Third International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health Conference; Many Voices into One Song

IHS Colposcopy Update & Refresher Course

 Advances in Indian Health Conference

  • April 21-24, 2009 in Albuquerque, NM 
  • Indian Health's conference for primary care providers and nurses
  • 28 hours of CME/CE credit
  • Optional Diabetes track
  • Contact the Course Director, Dr. Ann Bullock, at annbull@nc-cherokee.com for more information.

Indian Health Summit

  • July 7-9, 2009, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Denver, Colorado
  • The Health Summit will be a national gathering of Indian Health professionals and administrative leadership, community health advocates and activists, and Tribal leadership. We will join together to build skills and share ideas and innovations
  • http://conferences.thehillgroup.com/healthsummit/index.html

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Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

Volume 6, No. 11, November 2008

Abstract of the Month

Effectiveness of maternal influenza immunization in mothers and infants

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Richard Church, IHS Headquarters

  • CEO Brief - Issue 7

Joxel Garcia, U.S. Public Health Service

  • Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Personnel

Scott Giberson, IHS Headquarters

  • Call for Abstracts - Third Alaska Native Health Research Conference

Paul Seligman, Food and Drug Administration

  • FDA Creates Web Page with Drug Safety Information for Patients, Health Care Professionals

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • AAP Guidelines Recommend Doubling Children's Vitamin D Intake
  • Interventions in primary care to promote breastfeeding
  • Use of a fan during sleep and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome
  • Support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Perspectives from Parents of School-Age Youth
  • First-trimester maternal alcohol consumption and the risk of infant oral clefts

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Patients and Caregivers Benefit from End-of-Life Discussions
  • Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Premixed Insulin Analogues in Type 2 Diabetes
  • Smoking cessation interventions for hospitalized smokers
  • Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Benefit from Screening for Depression


  • Alcohol Use Screening for FASD Prevention among a Cohort of American Indian Women
  • Prevention of Diabetes in Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes: Effects of Metformin and Lifestyle Interventions
  • Perinatal outcomes in low-risk term pregnancies: do they differ by week of gestation?
  • Effect on birth outcomes of a formalised approach to care in hospital labour assessment units: international, randomised controlled trial
  • Peripartum Clostridium difficile infection


  • Pregnancy outcome in women before and after cervical conisation
  • FDA Public Health Notification: Complications with Transvaginal Placement of Surgical Mesh
  • The role of Lactobacillus in restoring the normal vaginal flora after antibiotic treatment of bacterial vaginosis
  • Hormone therapy and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Ultrasonography in Pregnancy
  • Use of Progesterone to Reduce Preterm Birth
  • Pregnant Women Reminded to Get Flu Vaccination

American Family Physician

  • Atypical Moles
  • Management of Mastitis

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Behavioral Modification Programs Help Obese Children Manage Their Weight
  • Task Force Finds Several Methods Equally Effective for Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Behavioral Counseling to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • AHRQ’s 2008 Guide to Clinical Preventive Services Now Available

Ask a Librarian

  • Medical Clinics of North America issue dedicated to Women’s Health

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Protecting urban American Indian young people from suicide


  • A Skinny Little Secret

CCC Corner Digest

Domestic Violence

  • Health outcomes in women with physical and sexual intimate partner violence exposure

Elder Care News

  • Prescription drug misuse/abuse in the elderly

Family Planning

  • Drospirenone for acne treatment

Featured Web Site

  • The Immunization Action Coalition; free resources about vaccination for everyone!

Frequently asked questions

  • Q. Should we treat asymptomatic trichomonas found on a Pap smear?
  • Q. Should we withhold contraception from a woman who is not ‘current’ on her pap?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Alcohol-Attributable Deaths and Years of  Potential Life Lost Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • Effectiveness of Maternal Influenza Immunization in Mothers and Infants

Information Technology

  • Alpha Testing to Start on the EHR Version of the Well Child Module

International Health

  • Disease risks of premastication as an infant feeding practice

MCH Alert

  • MCH Library Releases New Edition of Domestic Violence Knowledge Path
  • Article Assesses Smoking Patterns and Use of Cessation Interventions During Pregnancy

MCH Headlines

  • Native American Action Plan: Addressing Tobacco Abuse among Pregnant and Postpartum Women
  • Cough and Cold Medications Not Recommended for Children Under 4 Years of Age
  • Breastfeeding Mini-Grant Opportunity

Medical Mystery Tour

  • Test your knowledge on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


Menopause Management

  • Hot flashes and subclinical cardiovascular disease

Midwives Corner

  • Centering Pregnancy ListServe Revived

Navajo News

  • Navajo Area Women’s Health Provider Meeting

Nurses Corner

  • Strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections in acute care hospitals

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • What Works to Promote Cancer Screening


  • Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and functional outcomes in the elderly

Patient Education

  • Free Flu Materials from the CDC

Perinatology Picks

  • Cesarean delivery for the second twin
  • Accuracy of ultrasonographic fetal weight estimation in twin pregnancies
  • Nicotine gum for pregnant smokers: a randomized controlled trial
  • Risk of development of diabetes mellitus after diagnosis of gestational diabetes

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Geriatric Medication Issues

STD Corner

  • Innovative uses of technology that are being used to prevent STDs/HIV

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Postpartum screening after GDM affected pregnancies - room for improvement
  • The association between low birth weight and type 2 diabetes

Women’s Health Headlines

  • A web-based resource for oral health providers on screening for domestic violence

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

First International Meeting on Indigenous Women’s Health/Third International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health Conference; Many Voices into One Song

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

2008 Indian Health Information Management Conference, “Managing Health Information Technology to Improve Performance and Outcomes”

Telluride Midwinter Conference on Maternal and Child Health

First International Meeting on Indigenous Women’s Health/Third International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health Conference; Many Voices into One Song

 Advances in Indian Health Conference

  • April 21-24, 2009 in Albuquerque, NM 
  • Indian Health's conference for primary care providers and nurses
  • 28 hours of CME/CE credit
  • Optional Diabetes track
  • Contact the Course Director, Dr. Ann Bullock, at annbull@nc-cherokee.com for more information.

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Past CCC Corners

The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at jean.howe@ihs.gov or (928) 674-7422 (with voicemail).

*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the editor of this newsletter.


Jean Howe, MD, MPH is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Howe is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to American Indian and Alaska Native women and also indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact her by e-mail (jean.howe@ihs.gov) or phone at (928) 674-7422.

Next: Abstract of the Month

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