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Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Maternal Child HealthCCC CornerJuly 2008
OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Volume 6, No. 7, July 2008

News Flash

International, Multidisciplinary Indigenous Women’s and Children’s Health Conference, March 2009, Albuquerque, NM

  • Women’s Health March 4-6, 2009
  • Children’s Health March 6-8, 2009
  • (The 6th is an overlap day with both groups participating)
  • See From Your Colleagues for initial announcement and mark your calendar now!

Direct Links to Topic Content

Links to Topic Summaries on This Page


Abstract of the Month

Does a PICC line facilitate treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum?

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Scott Giberson

  • IHS HIV Program and the Native Capacity Building Assistance Network sign MOU
  • Grant opportunities

Steve Holve

  • 3rd International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health: Many Voices Into One Song

Elaine Locke

  • ACOG Committee on American Indian Affairs
  • Haffner Native Women’s Health Award
  • ACOG/IHS Postgraduate Course on Obstetric, Neonatal and Gynecologic Care
  • September 14-18, 2008; Salt Lake City, Utah

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Hypothermia therapy after traumatic brain injury in children not helpful
  • Obesity and type 2 diabetes risk in midadult life: the role of childhood adversity
  • Nearly 1 in 10 Girls Engages in Frequent Binge Eating or Purging
  • Irregular menses linked to vomiting
  • Ocular Trauma Due to a Water-Bottle Cap

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Intensive Glucose Control Does Not Prevent Major Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes
  • A collaborative approach to diabetes care in community health centers can improve care
  • Patient factors account for most of the variance in blood sugar levels among adults with diabetes
  • Antidepressants and therapy may be cost-effective for patients with unexplained symptoms
  • Light and Melatonin May Reduce Dementia Symptoms


  • Prophylactic antibiotics improve outcomes with 3 rd and 4 th degree repair
  • Episiotomy increases obstetric laceration risk with subsequent pregnancies
  • Maternal Obesity associated with increased risk of neural tube defects
  • Diagnostic accuracy of urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio
  • Cochrane Review: Dietary advice in pregnancy for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus


  • No increased risk with Misoprostol for early pregnancy failure despite previous uterine surgery
  • Cessation of douching may decrease incidence of bacterial vaginosis
  • Green Tea Extract for treatment of external anogenital warts
  • Only 1 in 10 EDs provide comprehensive medical care for victims of sexual assault
  • Women with epilepsy often at risk for unintended pregnancy

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Medical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
  • Ethical Issues in Genetic Testing
  • Direct-to-Consumer Marketing of Genetic Testing
  • Professional Liability and Gynecology-Only Practice
  • New interactive site for clinicians serving women with disabilities

American Family Physician

  • Food Allergies: Detection and Management

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • “Real Men Wear Gowns”

Ask a Librarian

  • Health education materials available online in a variety of languages

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Chronic Pain Management 101 – Saying No to Patients


  • A new look at what works to support breastfeeding in hospitals
  • Recall of Mommy’s Bliss Nipple Cream

CCC Corner Digest

  • Did you miss something? A link to last month’s issue

Domestic Violence

  • WHO study links domestic violence and poor health; DV an urgent global health priority

Elder Care News

  • Several factors can quickly identify mortality risk among frail elderly persons
  • Living wills should be updated as preferences for change with health status

Family Planning

  • Injectable contraception: what should the longest interval be for reinjections?
  • Depo Now: preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents and young adults

Featured Web Site

  • IHS Head Start Oral Health Resources

Frequently asked questions

  • Progesterone for the Prevention of Recurrent Spontaneous Preterm Birth

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Cardiovascular Evaluation and Monitoring of Children and Adolescents with Heart Disease Receiving Medications for ADHD
  • Teens and Vaccines; How are we doing?
  • Pertussis-Associated Hospitalizations in American Indian and Alaska Native Infants

Information Technology

  • New RPMS Scheduling Package Released
  • PCC+ v2.6 (Well Child Module) Released

International Health

  • New evidence on lead’s long-term effects

MCH Alert

  • AAP Releases Statement on Strategies to Improve Adolescent Health Care
  • Report Presents Findings from the 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey
  • Panel Reviews National Study on Environmental and Genetic Effects on Health in Children
  • Bright Futures for Women’s Health and Wellness Releases new Tools on Emotional Health

MCH Headlines

  • Bright Futures Web Site Updated
  • Resources and Guidance for Fatherhood Programs (10 Promising Practices)
  • Now Available: Baby Oral Health Program
  • Child Maltreatment Institute: Enhancing Leadership for Child Maltreatment Prevention

Medical Mystery Tour

  • A diabetic patient who is finally losing weight


  • A sample of recent free CME offerings and other resources on Medscape:

Menopause Management

  • Low-Dose Estradiol Spray to Treat Vasomotor Symptoms

Midwives Corner

  • Centering Pregnancy Training

Navajo News

  • Forty one (41) Indian Health Care Providers complete SANE/SAFE course in Window Rock

Nurses Corner

  • What Is Forensic Nursing?

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Development of ACIP Recommendations for Vaccination during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
  • Healthy Eating Index (HEI) Scores among Adults, 60 Years of Age and Over
  • HIV/AIDS Surveillance Slide Sets

Oklahoma Perspective

  • ACOG Committee on Indian Affairs Site Visit


  • New evidence that Calcium supplementation may work, at least while you take them

Patient Information

  • New offerings from the AAFP

Perinatology Picks

  • Longer PROM associated with more infections
  • Cesarean Delivery does not improve outcome in very low birthweight vertex fetuses
  • Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea: an emerging threat to pregnant women
  • Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) may be linked to congenital anomalies

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • New Topic coming soon

STD Corner

  • Chlamydia Positivity in American Indian/Alaska Native Women Screened in Family Planning Clinics, 1997-2004

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Stretching exercises may reduce risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy

Women’s Health Headlines

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

2007 Native Women’s Health and MCH Conference Meeting Notes

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Training Course

  • July 21-25, 2008
  • Aberdeen , South Dakota
  • 40 hour didactic portion of SANE/ SAFE training
  • For additional information contact Lisa Palucci, lisa.palucci@ihs.gov, at the IHS Clinical Support Center

Community Health Representative National Educational Meeting

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Training Course

  • August 18-22 , 2008
  • Oklahoma City , Oklahoma
  • 40 hour didactic portion of SANE/ SAFE training
  • For additional information contact Lisa Palucci, lisa.palucci@ihs.gov, at the IHS Clinical Support Center

Postgraduate Course on Obstetric, Neonatal and Gynecologic Care

  • September 14-18, 2008
  • Salt Lake City , Utah
  • Comprehensive Women’s Health Update for Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physicians
  • NRP offered as pre-conference session
  • Contact Yvonne Malloy, ymalloy@acog.org, for more information

International Indiginous Women’s and Children’s Health Meeting

  • March 4-8, 209
  • Albuquerque , NM
  • Joint conference of Women’s Health and Children’s Health Providers from Canada and the United States

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Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

Volume 6, No. 6, June 2008

Abstract of the Month

Metformin vs. Insulin for the Treatment of Gestational Diabetes

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Scott Giberson

  • National HIV Testing Mobilization Campaign

Elaine Locke

  • ACOG / IHS Denver Course Now in Salt Lake City, Utah

Charles North

  • Effects of optimizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels in diabetic patients; the SANDS trial

Ty Reidhead

  • Chronic Care Initiative Readiness Curriculum

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Breastfeeding Promotion for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention in Native American Communities
  • Epidemiology of Invasive Group B Strep Disease
  • Smoking Cessation in Adolescents
  • Intensive Care for Extreme Prematurity

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Awareness of Stroke Warning Signs
  • Mammography; alone or with ultrasound?
  • Once Daily vs. Prandial Insulin
  • Arthritis as a Potential Barrier to Physical Activity among Adults with Diabetes


  • HAPO Study Group: Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • Prevention of Pertussis, Tetanus and Diphtheria among Pregnant and Postpartum Women
  • Prevalence of Self-Reported Postpartum Depressive Symptoms
  • The Pfannenstiel incision as a source of chronic pain
  • Increasing exposure to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in pregnancy


  • Management of Trichomonas vaginalis with Metronidazole hypersensitivity
  • Levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs in patients with adenomyosis
  • Treatment of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia with topical imiquimod

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Diagnosis and Management of Vulvar Skin Disorders
  • Osteopenia and Fracture Risk
  • Ovarian Tissue and Oocyte Cryopreservation
  • Coping with the Stress of Medical Professional Liability Litigation

American Family Physician

  • A Practical Approach to Neonatal Jaundice
  • Physical Activity Counseling
  • Oral Health during Pregnancy

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Outcomes of Maternal Weight Gain
  • Helping Smokers Quit; A Guide for Clinicians

Ask a Librarian

  • Women’s Health Resources

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Cutters-Understanding Intentional Self-Injury


  • Supporting Breastfeeding with money or a lot of time

CCC Corner Digest

Domestic Violence

  • “Keeping the Circle Strong”

Elder Care News

  • Landmark Study on Treatment of Hypertension in the Very Old

Family Planning

  • Fact Sheet on States’ Efforts to Safeguard Adolescents’ Confidentiality

Featured Web Site

  • Donald Coustan: Gestational Diabetes
  • Donald Coustan: Use of Oral Antidiabetic Agents in Obstetrics: Workshop
  • Diabetes and Pregnancy Online Resources

Frequently asked questions

  • Who should be offered first trimester Down syndrome (DS) screening?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Autism Articles of Interest
  • Child Health Infectious Disease Update

Information Technology

  • iCare Training

International Health

  • Fistulas and Ethics

MCH Alert

  • Brief Highlights Key Findings on Breastfeeding in the United States
  • New Edition of Overweight and Obesity Knowledge Path Available
  • Cultural and Linguistic Competence in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression

MCH Headlines

  • New Lead Screening Requirements from CMS
  • Children and Youth Programs Newsletter

Medical Mystery Tour

  • A diabetic patient who is finally losing weight


Menopause Management

  • Gabapentin for the treatment of menopausal hot flashes

Midwives Corner

  • Midwives Gathering

Navajo News

  • SANE/SAFE Training

Nurses Corner

  • No Relief from National Nursing Shortage

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Availability of Cefixime Tablets

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Meet Dr. George Chiarchiaro, Oklahoma MCH Coordinator


  • Screening for Osteoporosis in Men

Patient Information

  • Physical Activity

Perinatology Picks

  • Who returns for postpartum glucose screening?
  • BMI and weight gain prior to pregnancy; a risk for gestational diabetes?
  • Fetal outcome in motor-vehicle crashes
  • VBAC; clinical risk factors for adverse outcome

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Conclusion of the adolescent behavioral health on-line discussion

STD Corner

  • Predicting Adolescent Condom Use
  • Missed Opportunities for Chlamydia Screening

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Trends in DM/GDM

Women’s Health Headlines

  • Funding for DV Programs

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

2007 Native Women’s Health and MCH Conference Meeting Notes

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

“Keeping the Circle Strong: Celebrating Native Women’s Health and Well-Being”

2008 Conference

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Training Course

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Training Course

  • July 21-25, 2008
  • Aberdeen , South Dakota
  • 40 hour didactic portion of SANE/ SAFE training
  • For additional information contact Lisa Palucci, lisa.palucci@ihs.gov, at the IHS Clinical Support Center

Community Health Representative National Educational Meeting

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Training Course

  • August 18-22 , 2008
  • Oklahoma City , Oklahoma
  • 40 hour didactic portion of SANE/ SAFE training
  • For additional information contact Lisa Palucci, lisa.palucci@ihs.gov, at the IHS Clinical Support Center

Postgraduate Course on Obstetric, Neonatal and Gynecologic Care

  • September 14-18, 2008
  • Salt Lake City , Utah
  • Comprehensive Women’s Health Update for Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physicians
  • NRP offered as pre-conference session
  • Contact Yvonne Malloy, ymalloy@acog.org, for more information

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Past CCC Corners

The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at nmurphy@SouthCentralFoundation.com

or (907) 729-3154 (with voicemail)

*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on ‘Subscribe' here MCHdiscuss.cfm


Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.

Next: Abstract of the Month

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