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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge to Receive $1.35 Million as Part of Deferred Prosecution Agreement with First Energy Nuclear Operating Company
Region 3, January 20, 2006

Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge will receive $1.35 million to fund improvement projects on the refuge a result of an agreement announced today between the U.S. Department of Justice and First Energy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC), owner/operator of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station near Oak Harbor, in northwest Ohio.


U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio Gregory A. White announced the deferred prosecution agreement during a press conference on Jan. 20, in Cleveland. Per terms of the agreement, FENOC admits that the government can prove that its employees knowingly made false representations to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the course of attempting to persuade the NRC that the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was safe to operate beyond December 31, 2001. The agreement calls for ENOC to pay more than $23 million in penalties and restitution, and an additional $4.3 million on community relations projects which includes two projects at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.


The refuge, which lies within sight of the Davis-Besse power station near the shore of Lake Erie, will use $800,000 to construct dikes and water control structures that will restore 170 acres of former farm land to a high-quality wetland. The wetland will provide habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds including bald eagles.


The remaining $550,000 will fund improvement projects associated with the refuge’s new Visitor Education Center. Planned improvements include constructing restroom facilities for new trail systems; a four-acre wetland demonstration area; an elevated handicap-accessible boardwalk loop over the wetland demonstration area connecting the Center and the existing trails system; and an outdoor all-weather environmental education classroom.


“We greatly appreciate the U.S. Attorney's efforts to designate a portion these funds for Ottawa refuge and other community service projects in the vicinity of the power plant,” said Refuge Manager Doug Brewer. “These settlement-funded projects will benefit an array of wildlife that nests and rests on the refuge, and benefit the people who visit the refuge for wildlife-dependent recreation, environmental education and other uses.”

Brewer said


The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Association, a non-profit volunteer organization that supports activities, operations and events on the refuge, will accept the settlement funds from FENOC and manage the funds on behalf of the refuge.


“The deferred prosecution agreement entered today involves a full admission of responsibility by FENOC and include a financial penalty that reflects the revenue that FENOC realized by misleading the NRC and delaying required safety inspections at the Davis-Besse facility,” said Assistant Attorney General Sue Ellen Wooldridge for the Justice Department’s Environmental and Natural Resources Division.

Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1961 to preserve habitat for migratory birds. The refuge includes Cedar Point and West Sister Island refuges in Lake Erie The three refuges together now protect approximately 9,000 acres of habitat and some of the last remnants of the "Great Black Swamp" in the heart of the Lake Erie marshes.



Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov