Title 15--Commerce and Foreign Trade



TEXT PDF30.1 General statement of requirement for Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.2 Related export control requirements.
TEXT PDF30.3 Shipper's Export Declaration forms.
TEXT PDF30.4 Preparation and signature of Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.5 Number of copies of Shipper's Export Declaration required.
TEXT PDF30.6 Requirements as to separate Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.7 Information required on Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.8 Additional information required on Shipper's Export Declaration for In-Transit Goods (Form 7513).
TEXT PDF30.9 Requirements for separation and alignment of items on Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.10 Continuation sheets for Shipper's Export Declaration.
TEXT PDF30.11 Authority to require production of documents.
TEXT PDF30.12 Time and place Shipper's Export Declarations required to be presented.
TEXT PDF30.15 Procedure for presentation of declarations covering shipments from an interior point.
TEXT PDF30.16 Corrections to Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.20 General statement of requirement for the filing of manifests and Shipper's Export Declarations by carriers.
TEXT PDF30.21 Requirements for the filing of manifests.
TEXT PDF30.22 Requirements for the filing of Shipper's Export Declarations by departing carriers.
TEXT PDF30.23 Requirements for the filing of Shipper's Export Declarations by pipeline carriers.
TEXT PDF30.24 Clearance or departure of carriers under bond on incomplete manifest or Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.30 Values for certain types of transactions.
TEXT PDF30.31 Identification of certain nonstatistical and other unusual transactions.
TEXT PDF30.33 Vessels, planes, cargo vans, and other carriers and containers sold foreign.
TEXT PDF30.34 Return of exported cargo to the United States prior to reaching its final destination.
TEXT PDF30.37 Exceptions from the requirement for reporting complete commodity detail on the Shipper's Export Declaration.
TEXT PDF30.39 Authorization for reporting statistical information other than by means of individual Shipper's Export Declarations filed for each shipment.
TEXT PDF30.40 Single declaration for multiple consignees.
TEXT PDF30.41 ``Split shipments'' by air.
TEXT PDF30.50 Procedure for shipments exempt from the requirements for Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.51 Government shipments not generally exempt.
TEXT PDF30.52 Special exemptions for shipments to the U.S. armed services.
TEXT PDF30.53 Special exemptions for certain shipments to U.S. Government agencies and employees.
TEXT PDF30.54 Special exemptions for mail shipments.
TEXT PDF30.55 Miscellaneous exemptions.
TEXT PDF30.56 Conditional exemptions.
TEXT PDF30.57 Information on export declarations for shipments of types of goods covered by 30.56 not conditionally exempt.
TEXT PDF30.58 Exemption for shipments from the United States to Canada.
TEXT PDF30.60 General requirements for filing export and manifest data electronically using the Automated Export System (AES).
TEXT PDF30.61 Electronic filing options.
TEXT PDF30.62 AES Certification, qualifications, and standards.
TEXT PDF30.63 Information required to be reported electronically through AES (data elements).
TEXT PDF30.64 Transmitting and correcting AES information.
TEXT PDF30.65 Annotating the proper exemption legends for shipments transmitted electronically.
TEXT PDF30.66 Recordkeeping and documentation requirements.
TEXT PDF30.70 Statistical information required on import entries.
TEXT PDF30.80 Imports from Canada.
TEXT PDF30.81 Imports of merchandise into Guam.
TEXT PDF30.82 Identification of U.S. merchandise returned for repair and reexport.
TEXT PDF30.83 Statistical copy of mail and informal entries.
TEXT PDF30.90 Confidential information, import entries and withdrawals.
TEXT PDF30.91 Confidential information, Shipper's Export Declarations.
TEXT PDF30.92 Statistical classification schedules.
TEXT PDF30.93 Emergency exceptions.
TEXT PDF30.94 Instructions to Customs.
TEXT PDF30.95 Penalties for violations.
TEXT PDF30.99 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.

