Foreign Trade



TEXT PDF970.100 Purpose.
TEXT PDF970.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF970.102 Nature of licenses.
TEXT PDF970.103 Prohibited activities and restrictions.
TEXT PDF970.200 General.
TEXT PDF970.201 Statement of financial resources.
TEXT PDF970.202 Statement of technological experience and capabilities.
TEXT PDF970.203 Exploration plan.
TEXT PDF970.204 Environmental and use conflict analysis.
TEXT PDF970.205 Vessel safety.
TEXT PDF970.206 Statement of ownership.
TEXT PDF970.207 Antitrust information.
TEXT PDF970.208 Fee.
TEXT PDF970.209 Substantial compliance with application requirements.
TEXT PDF970.210 Reasonable time for full compliance.
TEXT PDF970.211 Consultation and cooperation with Federal agencies.
TEXT PDF970.212 Public notice, hearing and comment.
TEXT PDF970.213 Amendment to an application.
TEXT PDF970.300 Purposes and definitions.
TEXT PDF970.301 Requirements for applications based on pre-enactment exploration.
TEXT PDF970.302 Procedures and criteria for resolving conflicts.
TEXT PDF970.303 Procedures for new entrants.
TEXT PDF970.304 Action on portions of applications or amendments not in conflict.
TEXT PDF970.400 General.
TEXT PDF970.401 Financial responsibility.
TEXT PDF970.402 Technological capability.
TEXT PDF970.403 Previous license and permit obligations.
TEXT PDF970.404 Adequate exploration plan.
TEXT PDF970.405 Appropriate exploration site size and location.
TEXT PDF970.406 Fee payment.
TEXT PDF970.407 Denial of certification.
TEXT PDF970.408 Notice of certification.
TEXT PDF970.500 General.
TEXT PDF970.501 Proposal to issue or transfer and of terms, conditions and restrictions.
TEXT PDF970.502 Consultation and cooperation with Federal agencies.
TEXT PDF970.503 Freedom of the high seas.
TEXT PDF970.504 International obligations of the United States.
TEXT PDF970.505 Breach of international peace and security involving armed conflict.
TEXT PDF970.506 Environmental effects.
TEXT PDF970.507 Safety at sea.
TEXT PDF970.508 Denial of issuance or transfer.
TEXT PDF970.509 Notice of issuance or transfer.
TEXT PDF970.510 Objections to terms, conditions and restrictions.
TEXT PDF970.511 Suspension or modification of activities; suspension or revocation of licenses.
TEXT PDF970.512 Modification of terms, conditions and restrictions.
TEXT PDF970.513 Revision of a license.
TEXT PDF970.514 Scale requiring application procedures.
TEXT PDF970.515 Duration of a license.
TEXT PDF970.516 Approval of license transfers.
TEXT PDF970.517 Diligence requirements.
TEXT PDF970.518 Environmental protection requirements.
TEXT PDF970.519 Resource conservation requirements.
TEXT PDF970.520 Freedom of the high seas requirements.
TEXT PDF970.521 Safety at sea requirements.
TEXT PDF970.522 Monitoring requirements.
TEXT PDF970.523 Special terms, conditions, and restrictions.
TEXT PDF970.524 Other Federal requirements.
TEXT PDF970.600 General.
TEXT PDF970.601 Logical mining unit.
TEXT PDF970.602 Diligent exploration.
TEXT PDF970.603 Conservation of resources.
TEXT PDF970.700 General.
TEXT PDF970.701 Significant adverse environmental effects.
TEXT PDF970.702 Monitoring and mitigation of environmental effects.
TEXT PDF970.800 General.
TEXT PDF970.801 Criteria for safety of life and property at sea.
TEXT PDF970.900 Other applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF970.2401 Definitions.
TEXT PDF970.2402 Notice of pre-enactment exploration.
TEXT PDF970.2501 Notice of pre-license exploration voyages.
TEXT PDF970.2502 Post voyage report.
TEXT PDF970.2503 Suspension of exploration activities.
TEXT PDF970.2601 Additional information.

