Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF404.1 General provisions.
TEXT PDF404.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF404.3 Public reference facilities.
TEXT PDF404.4 Request requirements.
TEXT PDF404.5 Time for processing.
TEXT PDF404.6 Release of records under the Freedom of Information Act.
TEXT PDF404.7 Confidential business information.
TEXT PDF404.8 Initial determination.
TEXT PDF404.9 Schedule of fees.
TEXT PDF404.10 Fee waivers or reductions.
TEXT PDF404.11 Administrative appeal.
TEXT PDF404.12 General provisions.
TEXT PDF404.13 Definitions.
TEXT PDF404.14 Requirements of request for access.
TEXT PDF404.15 Initial determination.
TEXT PDF404.16 Schedule of fees.
TEXT PDF404.17 Appeal of denials of access.
TEXT PDF404.18 Requests for correction of records.
TEXT PDF404.19 Request for accounting of record disclosures.
TEXT PDF404.20 Notice of court-ordered and emergency disclosures.
TEXT PDF404.21 Submission of social security and passport numbers.
TEXT PDF404.22 Government contracts.
TEXT PDF404.23 Other rights and services.
TEXT PDF404.24 General provisions.
TEXT PDF404.25 Applicability.
TEXT PDF404.26 Definitions.
TEXT PDF404.27 Demand requirements.
TEXT PDF404.28 Notification of General Counsel required.
TEXT PDF404.29 Restrictions on testimony and production of records.
TEXT PDF404.30 Factors General Counsel may consider in determining whether to authorize testimony and/or the production of records.
TEXT PDF404.31 Procedure for declining to testify and/or produce records.
TEXT PDF404.32 Procedure in the event a decision concerning a demand is not made prior to the time a response to the demand is required.
TEXT PDF404.33 Procedure in the event of an adverse ruling.
TEXT PDF404.34 Procedure for demands for testimony or production of documents regarding confidential information.
TEXT PDF404.35 Procedures for requests for Ex-Im Bank employees to provide expert or opinion testimony.
TEXT PDF404.36 No private right of action.
