Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF308.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.2 Rules of construction.
TEXT PDF308.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF308.4 Authority of Board of Directors.
TEXT PDF308.5 Authority of the administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF308.6 Appearance and practice in adjudicatory proceedings.
TEXT PDF308.7 Good faith certification.
TEXT PDF308.8 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF308.9 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF308.10 Filing of papers.
TEXT PDF308.11 Service of papers.
TEXT PDF308.12 Construction of time limits.
TEXT PDF308.13 Change of time limits.
TEXT PDF308.14 Witness fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF308.15 Opportunity for informal settlement.
TEXT PDF308.16 FDIC's right to conduct examination.
TEXT PDF308.17 Collateral attacks on adjudicatory proceeding.
TEXT PDF308.18 Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice.
TEXT PDF308.19 Answer.
TEXT PDF308.20 Amended pleadings.
TEXT PDF308.21 Failure to appear.
TEXT PDF308.22 Consolidation and severance of actions.
TEXT PDF308.23 Motions.
TEXT PDF308.24 Scope of document discovery.
TEXT PDF308.25 Request for document discovery from parties.
TEXT PDF308.26 Document subpoenas to nonparties.
TEXT PDF308.27 Deposition of witness unavailable for hearing.
TEXT PDF308.28 Interlocutory review.
TEXT PDF308.29 Summary disposition.
TEXT PDF308.30 Partial summary disposition.
TEXT PDF308.31 Scheduling and prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF308.32 Prehearing submissions.
TEXT PDF308.33 Public hearings.
TEXT PDF308.34 Hearing subpoenas.
TEXT PDF308.35 Conduct of hearings.
TEXT PDF308.36 Evidence.
TEXT PDF308.37 Post-hearing filings.
TEXT PDF308.38 Recommended decision and filing of record.
TEXT PDF308.39 Exceptions to recommended decision.
TEXT PDF308.40 Review by Board of Directors.
TEXT PDF308.41 Stays pending judicial review.
TEXT PDF308.101 Scope of Local Rules.
TEXT PDF308.102 Authority of Board of Directors and Executive Secretary.
TEXT PDF308.103 Appointment of administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF308.104 Filings with the Board of Directors.
TEXT PDF308.105 Custodian of the record.
TEXT PDF308.106 Written testimony in lieu of oral hearing.
TEXT PDF308.107 Document discovery.
TEXT PDF308.108 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF308.109 Suspension and disbarment.
TEXT PDF308.110 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.111 Grounds for disapproval.
TEXT PDF308.112 Notice of disapproval.
TEXT PDF308.113 Answer to notice of disapproval.
TEXT PDF308.114 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF308.115 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.116 Assessment of penalties.
TEXT PDF308.117 Effective date of, and payment under, an order to pay.
TEXT PDF308.118 Collection of penalties.
TEXT PDF308.119 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.120 Grounds for termination of insurance.
TEXT PDF308.121 Notification to primary regulator.
TEXT PDF308.122 Notice of intent to terminate.
TEXT PDF308.123 Notice to depositors.
TEXT PDF308.124 Involuntary termination of insured status for failure to receive deposits.
TEXT PDF308.125 Temporary suspension of deposit insurance.
TEXT PDF308.126 Special supervisory associations.
TEXT PDF308.127 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.128 Grounds for cease-and-desist orders.
TEXT PDF308.129 Notice to state supervisory authority.
TEXT PDF308.130 Effective date of order and service on bank.
TEXT PDF308.131 Temporary cease-and-desist order.
TEXT PDF308.132 Assessment of penalties.
TEXT PDF308.133 Effective date of, and payment under, an order to pay.
TEXT PDF308.134 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.135 Grounds for imposition of sanctions.
TEXT PDF308.136 Notice to and consultation with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
TEXT PDF308.137 Effective date of order imposing sanctions.
TEXT PDF308.138 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.139 Application for exemption.
TEXT PDF308.140 Newspaper notice.
TEXT PDF308.141 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF308.142 Hearing.
TEXT PDF308.143 Decision of Board of Directors.
TEXT PDF308.144 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.145 Conduct of investigation.
TEXT PDF308.146 Powers of person conducting investigation.
TEXT PDF308.147 Investigations confidential.
TEXT PDF308.148 Rights of witnesses.
TEXT PDF308.149 Service of subpoena.
TEXT PDF308.150 Transcripts.
TEXT PDF308.151 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.152 Grounds for disapproval of notice.
TEXT PDF308.153 Procedures where notice of disapproval issues pursuant to 303.103(c) of this chapter.
TEXT PDF308.154 Decision on review.
TEXT PDF308.155 Hearing.
TEXT PDF308.156 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.157 Relevant considerations.
TEXT PDF308.158 Filing papers and effective date.
TEXT PDF308.159 Denial of applications.
TEXT PDF308.160 Hearings.
TEXT PDF308.161 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.162 Relevant considerations.
TEXT PDF308.163 Notice of suspension, and orders of removal or prohibition.
TEXT PDF308.164 Hearings.
TEXT PDF308.165 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.166 Grounds for assessment of liability.
TEXT PDF308.167 Notice of assessment of liability.
TEXT PDF308.168 Effective date of and payment under an order to pay.
TEXT PDF308.169 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.170 Filing, content, and service of documents.
TEXT PDF308.171 Responses to application.
TEXT PDF308.172 Eligibility of applicants.
TEXT PDF308.173 Prevailing party.
TEXT PDF308.174 Standards for awards.
TEXT PDF308.175 Measure of awards.
TEXT PDF308.176 Application for awards.
TEXT PDF308.177 Statement of net worth.
TEXT PDF308.178 Statement of fees and expenses.
TEXT PDF308.179 Settlement negotiations.
TEXT PDF308.180 Further proceedings.
TEXT PDF308.181 Recommended decision.
TEXT PDF308.182 Board of Directors action.
TEXT PDF308.183 Payment of awards.
TEXT PDF308.200 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.201 Directives to take prompt corrective action.
TEXT PDF308.202 Procedures for reclassifying a bank based on criteria other than capital.
TEXT PDF308.203 Order to dismiss a director or senior executive officer.
TEXT PDF308.204 Enforcement of directives.
TEXT PDF308.300 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF308.302 Determination and notification of failure to meet a safety and soundness standard and request for compliance plan.
TEXT PDF308.303 Filing of safety and soundness compliance plan.
TEXT PDF308.304 Issuance of orders to correct deficiencies and to take or refrain from taking other actions.
TEXT PDF308.305 Enforcement of orders.
TEXT PDF308.400 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.401 Applications for stays of disciplinary sanctions or summary suspensions by a bank clearing agency.
TEXT PDF308.402 Applications for review of final disciplinary sanctions, denials of participation, or prohibitions or limitations of access to services imposed by bank clearing agencies.
TEXT PDF308.500 Basis, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF308.501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF308.502 Basis for civil penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF308.503 Investigations.
TEXT PDF308.504 Review by the reviewing official.
TEXT PDF308.505 Prerequisites for issuing a complaint.
TEXT PDF308.506 Complaint.
TEXT PDF308.507 Service of complaint.
TEXT PDF308.508 Answer.
TEXT PDF308.509 Default upon failure to file an answer.
TEXT PDF308.510 Referral of complaint and answer to the ALJ.
TEXT PDF308.511 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF308.512 Parties to the hearing.
TEXT PDF308.513 Separation of functions.
TEXT PDF308.514 Ex parte contacts.
TEXT PDF308.515 Disqualification of reviewing official or ALJ.
TEXT PDF308.516 Rights of parties.
TEXT PDF308.517 Authority of the ALJ.
TEXT PDF308.518 Prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF308.519 Disclosure of documents.
TEXT PDF308.520 Discovery.
TEXT PDF308.521 Exchange of witness lists, statements, and exhibits.
TEXT PDF308.522 Subpoenas for attendance at hearing.
TEXT PDF308.523 Protective order.
TEXT PDF308.524 Witness fees.
TEXT PDF308.525 Form, filing, and service of papers.
TEXT PDF308.526 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF308.527 Motions.
TEXT PDF308.528 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF308.529 The hearing and burden of proof.
TEXT PDF308.530 Determining the amount of penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF308.531 Location of hearing.
TEXT PDF308.532 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF308.533 Evidence.
TEXT PDF308.534 The record.
TEXT PDF308.535 Post-hearing briefs.
TEXT PDF308.536 Initial decision.
TEXT PDF308.537 Reconsideration of initial decision.
TEXT PDF308.538 Appeal to the Board of Directors.
TEXT PDF308.539 Stays ordered by the Department of Justice.
TEXT PDF308.540 Stay pending appeal.
TEXT PDF308.541 Judicial review.
TEXT PDF308.542 Collection of civil penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF308.543 Right to administrative offset.
TEXT PDF308.544 Deposit in Treasury of United States.
TEXT PDF308.545 Compromise or settlement.
TEXT PDF308.546 Limitations.
TEXT PDF308.600 Scope.
TEXT PDF308.601 Definitions.
TEXT PDF308.602 Removal, suspension, or debarment.
TEXT PDF308.603 Automatic removal, suspension, and debarment.
TEXT PDF308.604 Notice of removal, suspension, or debarment.
TEXT PDF308.605 Application for reinstatement.
