Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF211.1 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF211.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF211.3 Foreign branches of U.S. banking organizations.
TEXT PDF211.4 Permissible activities and investments of foreign branches of member banks.
TEXT PDF211.5 Edge and agreement corporations.
TEXT PDF211.6 Permissible activities of Edge and agreement corporations in the United States.
TEXT PDF211.7 Voluntary liquidation of Edge and agreement corporations.
TEXT PDF211.8 Investments and activities abroad.
TEXT PDF211.9 Investment procedures.
TEXT PDF211.10 Permissible activities abroad.
TEXT PDF211.11 Advisory opinions under Regulation K.
TEXT PDF211.12 Lending limits and capital requirements.
TEXT PDF211.13 Supervision and reporting.
TEXT PDF211.20 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF211.21 Definitions.
TEXT PDF211.22 Interstate banking operations of foreign banking organizations.
TEXT PDF211.23 Nonbanking activities of foreign banking organizations.
TEXT PDF211.24 Approval of offices of foreign banks; procedures for applications; standards for approval; representative office activities and standards for approval; preservation of existing authority.
TEXT PDF211.25 Termination of offices of foreign banks.
TEXT PDF211.26 Examination of offices and affiliates of foreign banks.
TEXT PDF211.27 Disclosure of supervisory information to foreign supervisors.
TEXT PDF211.28 Provisions applicable to branches and agencies: limitation on loans to one borrower.
TEXT PDF211.29 Applications by state branches and state agencies to conduct activities not permissible for federal branches.
TEXT PDF211.30 Criteria for evaluating U.S. operations of foreign banks not subject to consolidated supervision.
TEXT PDF211.31 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF211.32 Definitions.
TEXT PDF211.33 Investments and extensions of credit.
TEXT PDF211.34 Procedures for filing and processing notices.
TEXT PDF211.41 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF211.42 Definitions.
TEXT PDF211.43 Allocated transfer risk reserve.
TEXT PDF211.44 Reporting and disclosure of international assets.
TEXT PDF211.45 Accounting for fees on international loans.
TEXT PDF211.601 Status of certain offices for purposes of the International Banking Act restrictions on interstate banking operations.
TEXT PDF211.602 Investments by United States Banking Organizations in foreign companies that transact business in the United States.
TEXT PDF211.603 Commodity swap transactions.
TEXT PDF211.604 Data processing activities.
TEXT PDF211.605 Permissible underwriting activities of foreign banks.
