Title 10--Energy



TEXT PDF711.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF711.2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF711.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF711.4 General.
TEXT PDF711.5 General requirements.
TEXT PDF711.6 PAP certification process.
TEXT PDF711.7 Maintenance of PAP personnel list.
TEXT PDF711.8 PAP training requirements.
TEXT PDF711.9 Supervisor reporting.
TEXT PDF711.10 Individual reporting.
TEXT PDF711.11 Immediate removal from nuclear explosive duties.
TEXT PDF711.12 Action following removal from duties.
TEXT PDF711.13 Appointment of a certification review hearing officer and legal counsel.
TEXT PDF711.14 Certification review hearing.
TEXT PDF711.15 Hearing officer's report and recommendation.
TEXT PDF711.16 Appeal of the operations office manager's final decision.
TEXT PDF711.20 Applicability.
TEXT PDF711.21 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF711.30 Designated physician.
TEXT PDF711.31 Designated psychologist.
TEXT PDF711.32 Site Occupational Medical Director (SOMD).
TEXT PDF711.33 Director, Office of Occupational Medicine and Medical Surveillance.
TEXT PDF711.34 Operations office managers; Director, Transportation Safeguards Division.
TEXT PDF711.40 Medical standards for certification.
TEXT PDF711.41 Medical assessment process.
TEXT PDF711.42 Medical assessment for drug abuse.
TEXT PDF711.43 Evaluation for hallucinogen use.
TEXT PDF711.44 Medical assessment for alcohol use disorder.
TEXT PDF711.45 Maintenance of medical records.

