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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Let's Go Outside
Region 3, December 3, 2007
The Fish and Wildlife Service, under Director Hall's guidance, has started a campaign called "Let's Go Outside."  During the week of December 3, 2007, Service representatives from across the country traveled to the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia for a conference, "Connecting People with Nature: Making It Happen in Your Community," to create a strategic plan to reconnect children and families with nature. Participants were nominated to serve as ambassadors at their field stations and in their communities to work with children and families in developing strong conservation values. 

Participants attended concurrent sessions that discussed different strategies such as using nature classrooms, creating ambassador programs, and developing partnerships with the health industry.  Motivational presentations were given by Director Hall, Dr. Mamie Parker, and Dudley Edmondson, author of "Black & Brown Faces in America's Wild Places," to name a few.  The conference ended with a Partners Exposition with interactive sessions and regional meetings.    

As Fish and Wildlife Service employees, we can help fulfill the Fish and Wildlife Service's mission of conserving our nation's resources for future generations by reminding the American people that conservation is an important part of our value system.  Possible strategies for doing this are creating a stronger volunteer program at our field stations, hosting festivals and events that are aimed at children and families, and providing safe places for families to have unstructured play time. 

The benefits of connecting people with nature are many.  Children will benefit by enhancing their observation skills, increasing their concentration, improving their fine motor skills, and becoming more physically active.  For the big kids or adults, satisfaction will be taken in knowing that we are doing the "right" thing; raising healthier children (physically and mentally), but also knowing that the health of the earth will benefit by increasing the health of our children and the environment.

For additional information on "Let's go Outside" visit: http://www.fws.gov/children/

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov