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FY 2007 Request for Proposals Pollution Prevention Grants Program

Sponsoring Agency and Office: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Funding Opportunity Title: FY 2007 Request for Proposals, Pollution Prevention Grants Program

Announcement Type: Initial Announcement for Fiscal Year 2007

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 66.708

Funding Opportunity Number: EPA-OPPT-06-51

Submission Date: Proposals must be received or postmarked by April 2, 2007. Proposals received after this date will not be considered.


The Pollution Prevention Grants Program supports State and Tribal technical assistance programs that help businesses and industries identify better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source. This notice announces the availability of approximately $4.5 million in total program funding for FY 2007. Grants will be awarded and managed by each of EPA's ten regional P2 program offices. Grant amounts awarded are dependent on the Congressional appropriations for this program

Eligible Applicants. Eligible applicants include the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory of or possession of the U.S., any agency or instrumentality of a State including State colleges, universities, and Indian Tribes that meet the requirement for treatment in a manner similar to a State in 40 CFR 35.663 and intertribal consortia that meet the requirements in 40 CFR 35.504. Local governments, private universities, private nonprofit organizations, private businesses, and individuals are not eligible for funding.

This Request for Proposal includes the following information:

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Section II. Award Information
Section III. Eligibility Information
Section IV. Application and Submission Information
Section V. Application Review Information
Section VI. Award Administration
Section VII. Agency Contacts


I. Funding Opportunity Description. EPA is announcing the availability of Pollution Prevention (P2) Grants. Under the authority of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, EPA anticipates that approximately $4.5 million will be available to support P2 Grants to States, Tribes, and Intertribal Consortia in FY 2007 for prevention activities during FY 2007 - 2008. P2 Grant dollars are targeted at State and Tribal technical assistance programs that address the reduction or elimination of pollution by businesses across all environmental media: air, water and land.

A. Introduction. This announcement describes the process by which EPA will award the grants under the P2 Grants Program (section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act, Pub. L. 101-508, 42 U.S.C. ' 13104, 40 CFR 35.340; 35.660). Applicants should carefully read through this announcement, as it provides important information on the goals of the program, threshold requirements, evaluation criteria, submission requirements, and award selection.

The goal of the P2 Grants Program is to assist businesses and industries in identifying better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source. Funds awarded through this grant program help to support work with businesses/industry to reduce the release of potentially harmful pollutants across all environmental media: air, water, and land. EPA is interested in supporting projects that reflect comprehensive and coordinated pollution prevention planning and implementation efforts within the State or Tribe. P2 programs have demonstrated that businesses/industry have ample opportunities to implement pollution prevention and that source reduction can be a cost-effective way of meeting or exceeding Federal and State regulatory requirements.

For purposes of this grant announcement, pollution prevention/source reduction is defined as any practice which:

Examples of pollution prevention/source reduction projects or activities include: equipment or technology modifications, process or procedure modifications, reformulation or redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training, or inventory control.

Pollution prevention/source reduction does not include any practice which alters the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the volume of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant through a process or activity which itself is not integral to and necessary for the production of a product or the providing of a service. (See PPA § 6603 and 40 CFR §§ 35.343 and 35.662). Prevention includes what is commonly called "in-process recycling", but not "out-of-process recycling". Although recycling in an environmentally sound manner shares many of the advantages of prevention, e.g. energy and resource conservation, reducing the need for end-of-pipe treatment, these activities are not traditionally considered pollution prevention/source reduction. For additional information and guidance about activities covered by grants issued under the PPA, please see http://www.epa.gov/p2/pubs/grants/ppis/ppis.htm.

B. Program History. Since its inception in 1989, the P2 Grants Program (previously named Pollution Prevention Incentives for States - PPIS) has awarded over $90 million to States and Tribes. EPA launched the P2 Grants Program with the philosophy that States and Tribes should play a primary role in encouraging industry, small and medium-sized businesses, local governments, and the public to shift priorities from pollution control to pollution prevention. Since States and Tribes work directly with businesses and are more aware of the needs and problems that reside within their communities, they are well positioned to provide P2 technical assistance. As a result, State and Tribal-based environmental programs play an important role in the national effort to promote source reduction.

EPA set the following goals at the outset of the program:

The P2 Grants Program continues to evolve to meet changing program needs and priorities. In the first years of the program, EPA administered the grants from EPA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., with the goal of jump-starting as many State and Tribal pollution prevention programs as possible. Once most States developed basic pollution prevention programs, EPA shifted responsibility for implementing the grants program from EPA Headquarters to the EPA Regions. This enabled the Regions to focus resources on regional priorities. Many States initiated regulatory integration projects to develop prevention strategies; train regulatory staff on P2 concepts; and examine opportunities for incorporating pollution prevention into permits, inspections, and enforcement. Many States have also established programs in non-industrial sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and transportation.

Since 1991, when the first P2 Grant was issued to a Tribe, EPA has funded 32 P2 grant/tribal projects. Federal grant programs, such as the P2 Grants Program, have provided Tribes with added resources to help them address the most salient pollution issues on reservations. A few Tribes have taken a broad approach to pollution prevention program development, focusing on building infrastructure rather than implementing specific projects. As Tribal environmental programs develop and Tribal environmental managers move beyond the most immediate environmental problems on their reservation, pollution prevention ideas and programs will become further integrated into Tribal programs.

C. Alignment with EPA's Environmental Results Policy. Applicants are required to describe outcome and output environmental measurement efforts in their proposals. The term "outcome," as defined by the Agency, refers to the result, effect or consequence that will occur from carrying out an environmental program or activity that is related to an environmental or programmatic goal or objective. Outcomes may be environmental, behavioral, health-related or programmatic in nature and must be able to be quantified. The term "output," as defined by the Agency, refers to an environmental activity or effort and associated work product related to an environmental goal or objective that will be produced or provided over a period of time or by a specified date. Outputs may be quantitative or qualitative, but must be measurable during the assistance agreement funding period.

Examples of outcome measures expected to be achieved under the grants awarded through this announcement include, but are not limited to:

Examples of output measures expected to be achieved under the grants awarded through this announcement include, but are not limited to:

Applicants will need to budget adequate resources to pay for measurement and
reporting activities. In some cases this may require 10-20% of the proposed budget.
Grant proposals must include project milestones specifying the outcomes and outputs that will result, and a clear description of the method(s) the grantee will use to track and measure progress in achieving the expected outcomes and outputs associated with each project milestone.

D. Alignment with EPA's Strategic Plan. Proposals must commit to and work towards the following four long-term goals of EPA's Pollution Prevention Program. The program based the numeric targets for these goals on the anticipated cumulative results from all program areas by 2011. Baseline amounts count reductions achieved by the program by the baseline year. For hazardous materials, the program had counted reductions of 44 million pounds by 2000. It aims to reduce 4.46 billion more pounds cumulatively by 2011, totaling 4.5 billion pounds cumulatively reduced by 2011. For BTUs, the program had counted reductions of zero by 2002, and aims to reduce 31.5 trillion cumulatively by 2011.

The Pollution Prevention program's goals in the Agency's 2006-2011 Strategic Plan are located in Goal 5: Objective 5.2: Improve Environmental Performance Through Pollution Prevention and Other Stewardship, Sub-Objective 5.2.1: Prevent Pollution and Promote Environmental Stewardship:

By 2011, reduce pollution, conserve natural resources, and improve other environmental stewardship practices while reducing costs through implementation of EPA's pollution prevention programs.

Strategic Targets

For more information, go to http://www.epa.gov/ocfopage/plan/2006/goal_5.pdf and scroll down to page 129 to Objective 5.2.

E. National Requirements of the FY 2007 P2 Grants Program. Proposals must include information and discussion addressing all four national requirements:

  1. Promote Multimedia Pollution Prevention. Applicants must explain how the project will encourage source reduction to actively prevent pollution across environmental media: air, water and land. Projects must reflect comprehensive and coordinated pollution prevention planning and implementation efforts state-wide. Projects must focus on:
    • developing multimedia pollution prevention activities including but not limited to providing technical assistance to businesses, collecting and analyzing data to target outreach and technical assistance opportunities, conducting outreach activities, developing measures to determine progress in pollution prevention, and identifying and addressing regulatory and non-regulatory barriers and incentives to pollution prevention.
    • institutionalizing multimedia pollution prevention as an environmental management priority, establishing pollution prevention goals, developing strategies to meet those goals, and integrating a pollution prevention ethic within the organization.
    • initiating demonstration activities that provide technical assistance to test and support innovative pollution prevention approaches and methodologies. When developing work plans for pilot demonstration projects, documentation on its potential for utilization in other geographic and program areas is required. When developing project plans, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact your regional P2Rx center (see http://www.p2rx.org ) to research previous P2 grant activities and accomplishments.
  2. Commit to Working Towards State and National Pollution Prevention Program Goals. Applicants must commit to supporting their State's strategic planning goals for pollution prevention. EPA wants to ensure that pollution prevention is integrated and that applicants provide a service that supports their State's strategic plan for pollution prevention. In addition, applicants must commit to working toward the long-term goals of the Agency's Pollution Prevention Program, as noted above in Section I, Part D.
  3. Promote Partnerships. For the past 10 years, EPA has required P2 Grant applicants to identify major environmental assistance providers in their States and to work with these organizations to educate businesses on pollution prevention. EPA believes that P2 programs that do not develop a strong relationship with other environmental assistance providers will face difficulties accessing State and Federal resources in the future.

    EPA continues to seek more cooperation among pollution prevention programs and the other environmental and business assistance providers at the State level. These can include university-based technical assistance and cooperative extension programs, and other assistance programs offered within the State. Partnerships are also encouraged with regional and national programs such as the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) centers, EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA), Compliance Assistance Centers, EPA's Small Business Environmental Assistance Programs (SBEAPs), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) programs, DOE's Industrial Assessment Centers, etc.

    By developing such partnerships, State pollution prevention programs leverage outside expertise. These partnerships will also reduce the need for other environmental assistance providers to develop their own expertise, which would otherwise result in duplication of effort. Applicants are strongly encouraged to establish partnerships with business and other environmental assistance providers to seamlessly deliver pollution prevention assistance.
  4. Demonstrate Measurable Environmental Results. As authorized under the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, (section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act, Pub. L. 101-508, 42 U.S.C. ' 13104) the Agency "shall establish appropriate means for measuring the effectiveness of the P2 Grants Program by promoting the use of source reduction techniques by businesses." In order to fully implement this section of the Act, and to comply with EPA Policy Order No. 5700.7, applicants will be required to provide qualitative and quantitative estimates of expected outcomes and outputs of project activities (as mentioned in Section I, Part C).

F. Region-specific activities. As well as addressing all four national requirements identified above, the applicant must also explain how their project will address one or more of the region-specific activities listed below, if provided. Applicants must apply to the EPA region where the applicant is physically located when submitting a proposal (See Section IV). For a list of the States and/or territories represented by each EPA region, please refer to Section VII.

Region 1

Region 2

Region 3

Region 4

Region 5

Region 6
Provide measurable results in any or all of the following:

Region 7

Region 8

Region 9

Region 10

G. Statutory Authority. Section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 and 40 CFR part 35, subparts A and B authorize EPA to award grants to States, State entities, i.e., colleges and universities, Federally-recognized Tribes and Intertribal Consortia for projects that promote the use of pollution prevention/source reduction techniques by businesses.

H. Other Applicable Regulations. State and Tribal applicants and recipients of P2 Grants are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 31, 34 and 35.

II. Award Information. The Agency anticipates that in FY 2007 approximately $4.5 million will be available for P2 Grants to eligible applicants (see Section III.A) for prevention activities during FY 2007-2008. As in previous years, individual grant awards are expected to be in the range of $20,000-$180,000. In total, EPA receives approximately 200 grant proposals and issues approximately 60 awards each year. Grant amounts awarded are dependent on the Congressional appropriations for this program.

EPA reserves the right to partially fund proposals by funding discrete activities, portions, or phases of the proposed project. If EPA decides to partially fund a proposal/application, it will do so in a manner that does not prejudice any applicants or affect the basis upon which the proposal/application, or portion thereof, was evaluated and selected for award, and that maintains the integrity of the competition and selection process. Please note: In order to be considered for partial funding, proposals must have clearly delineated activities or phases with separate budget estimates for each activity/phase of the project. All awards must be consistent with the applicable EPA regulations and grant policies.

EPA reserves the right to reject all proposals and issue no awards under this announcement, or issue fewer awards than anticipated.

The completed application package must include a detailed budget estimating the costs for labor (by labor category), fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractors, and for other direct costs and indirect costs. Your budget must itemize these costs under each task identified in the work plan as well as for the entire proposed project, and must identify the activities (and corresponding estimated costs) covered by the 50% match.

A. Funding Restrictions. P2 Grant funds may only be used for the purposes set forth in the grant agreement and must be consistent with the statutory authority of the P2 Grants Program. Grant funds may not be used for matching funds for other Federal grants, lobbying, or intervention in Federal regulatory or adjudicatory proceedings. In addition, Federal funds may not be used to sue the Federal government or any other government entity. All costs identified in the budget must conform to applicable Federal cost principles contained in OMB Circular A-87; A-122; and A-21, as appropriate. EPA will subtract proposed ineligible costs from the final approved budget if a grant is awarded.

B. Type of Assistance Instrument to be Awarded. The funding for selected proposals will be in the form of a grant or cooperative agreement awarded under the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 Section 6605. A cooperative agreement is an assistance agreement that is used when there is substantial federal involvement with the recipient during the performance of an activity or project. EPA will award cooperative agreements for those projects in which it expects to have substantial technical interaction with the recipient throughout the performance of the project. For such projects, EPA may review and approve project phases, review and approve proposed sub grants and contracts, collaborate with the recipient on the scope of work and mode of operation of the project, closely monitor the recipient's performance, approve any proposed changes to work plan and/or budget, approve qualifications of key personnel, and review and comment on reports prepared under the assistance agreement.

III. Eligibility Information. This grant program is restricted to certain applicants.

A. Eligible Applicants. Eligible applicants include the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory of or possession of the U.S., any agency or instrumentality of a State, including State colleges, universities, and federally recognized Tribes that meet the requirement for treatment in a manner similar to a State in 40 CFR 35.663, and intertribal consortia that meet the requirements in 40 CFR 35.504. Local governments, private universities, private nonprofit, private businesses, and individuals are not eligible for funding.

B. Cost Sharing and Matching Requirements. P2 Grant recipients, as required under Section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, must provide at least a 50 percent match of the total allowable project cost by the time of award to be considered eligible to receive funding. For example, the Federal government will provide half of the total allowable cost of the project and the recipient will provide the other half. However, Insular area applicants are advised to contact their regional P2 contact in EPA Regions 2 and 9 to find out if cost share requirements will be waived in all or in part, as authorized by the Omnibus Territories Act of 1977, as amended, 48 U.S.C. § 1469a. Cost Sharing and Matching contributions may include dollars, in-kind goods and services (such as volunteered time, photocopying and printing services, etc.) and/or third party contributions consistent with 40 CFR 31.24. In the detailed budget, the use of the matching funds must be documented.

P2 Grant funds may be included in a Performance Partnership Grant (PPG). State agencies that wish to include the funds from a competitive P2 Grant as part of their PPG must include the work plan commitments made in the P2 Grant. See, 40 CFR § 35.138. With respect to Tribal applicants, if a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium is selected for a P2 Grant and the Tribe includes the funds in a PPG awarded under 40 CFR Part 35, Subpart B, consultation with the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics is required if the Tribe proposes a PPG work plan that differs significantly from the P2 work plan selected for funding. See, 40 CFR § 35.535(b). In addition, the required Tribal match for the pollution prevention portion of the PPG will be reduced to 5 percent of the allowable pollution prevention project cost for the first two years of the PPG grant. After the first two years in which a Tribe or Intertribal Consortium receives a PPG, the Regional Administrator must determine through objective assessment whether the Tribe or the members of an Intertribal Consortium meet socio-economic indicators that demonstrate the ability of the Tribe or the Intertribal Consortium to provide a cost share greater than five percent. If the Regional Administrator determines that the Tribe or the members of Intertribal Consortium meet such indicators, then the Regional Administrator shall increase the required cost share up to a maximum of 10 percent of the allowable cost of the proposal budget for each program with a cost share greater than five percent.

Further, the Regional Administrator may waive the cost share required for a PPG upon request of the Tribe or Intertribal Consortium, if, based on an objective assessment of socio-economic indicators, the Regional Administrator determines that meeting the cost share would impose undue hardship (see 40 CFR 35.536(d)).

C. Threshold Requirements for Proposals. Proposals from eligible applicants (see Section III, Part A) will be required to meet the following threshold requirements in order to be evaluated for funding. Proposals that fail to meet all of these requirements will be rejected. Applicants deemed ineligible will be notified within 15 calendar days of ineligibility decision.

  1. Program Requirements. Proposals for grants under Section 6605 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, and the applicable regulations in 40 CFR Part 35 Subparts A and B (see 40 CFR §§ 35.342 and 35.661) must demonstrate how the proposed project activity will accomplish the requirements designated in the P2 Act, namely,
    • Make specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses seeking assistance and to assist in the development of source reduction plans;
    • Target assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; and
    • Provide training in source reduction techniques.
  2. Compliance with National and Regional Requirements.
    • The proposed activities must meet EPA's definition of pollution prevention (see I.A).
    • Proposals must address how the proposed project will address all four national requirements of the P2 Grants program (see Section I, Part E) and, if applicable, one or more of the region-specific activities that pertain to the region where the applicant is physically located (See Section VII for a listing of States and/or territories represented by each EPA region).
  3. Project Period. EPA will reject proposals that include projects of more than three years.
  4. Submission Requirements. Proposals must substantially comply with the proposal submission instructions below and requirements set forth in Section IV or else they will be rejected. In addition, where a page limit is expressed in Section IV with respect to the proposal and/or parts of the proposal, pages in excess of the page limitation will not be reviewed. Proposals must be postmarked by the deadline provided in Section IV, Part G. Proposals received after the deadline will be discarded or returned to the sender without further consideration.

IV. Proposal Submission Information. Please note that you may choose to apply under this announcement in one of two ways. If you wish to apply with a hard copy submission, please follow the instructions under "Hard Copy Submission" below. If you wish to apply electronically via Grants.gov, please follow the appropriate instructions under "Electronic Submission" below. EPA encourages applicants to submit their application/proposal materials electronically through www.grants.gov. EPA will no longer consider proposals sent by e-mail.

Applicants who submit proposals that merit further consideration based on the evaluation described in Section V will be asked by the applicable regional P2 program office to submit a grant application package to complete the submission process. Only those applicants who are asked to complete an application will be considered for an award. Applicants are advised to carefully read through these instructions.

A. Content of Proposals. Applicants should prepare their proposal packages as described below. Applicants submitting proposal packages by hard copy are required to submit two copies of their proposal package, preferably double-sided, to the regional P2 program office listed in Section VII.

  1. Required Proposal Package Materials:
    • Cover Page containing the title and number of this funding opportunity and the applicant's contact information (i.e., name of applicant, name of the organization, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and fax number). The cover page does not count toward the page limit requirement.
    • Federal Assistance Form (SF-424) - Please Note: This form is only required if you are submitting a proposal electronically through http://www.grants.gov. It is not required for hard copy proposals. When filling out form SF-424 applicants are required to provide a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. The DUNS number will supplement other identifiers required by statute or regulation, such as tax identification numbers. Applicants may receive a DUNS number at no cost by calling the toll-free DUNS Number request line at 1-866-705-5711. This option may take up to 30 business days and there is no cost unless the organization requests expedited (1-day) processing, which requires a payment of $40. Applicants can also request a DUNS number by visiting the D&B website at http://www.dnb.com.
    • Proposal Narrative must include the information identified in item Section IV, Part A.2 as well as a quality assurance narrative statement.
    • Detailed Budget - A detailed budget includes estimates on the costs for labor (by labor category), fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractors, and for other direct costs and indirect costs. Your budget must itemize these costs under each task identified in the work plan as well as for the entire proposed project, and must identify the activities (and corresponding estimated costs) covered by the 50% match.
    • Work Plan - 40 CFR '' 35.107 outlines the required contents of a work plan. At a minimum, the work plan should include:
      • Detailed description of Work Plan components to be funded under the grant;
      • Estimated work years or Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and funding amounts for each Work Plan component;
      • Work Plan commitments for each Work Plan component and time frames for their accomplishment;
      • Performance evaluation process and reporting schedule in accordance with Part 35;
      • Roles and responsibilities of recipient and EPA in carrying out work plan commitments.
    • Letters of Support (see Section V, Part A, 7). Letters do not count toward the page limit requirement.
  2. Required Content of Proposal Narrative:
    • Describe how the project addresses the threshold requirements identified in Section III, Part C, 1.
    • Describe how the project addresses all four national requirements identified in Section I, Part E.
    • Describe how the project addresses one or more of the region-specific activities, identified in Section I, Part F, if provided, that apply to the region in which the applicant is physically located and submitting his/her proposal to.
    • Address all six evaluation criteria listed in Section V, Part A
  3. Environmental Results Past Performance. Submit a list of Federally funded assistance agreements that your organization performed within the last three years (no more than 5, and preferably EPA agreements), and describe how you documented and/or reported on whether you were making progress towards achieving the expected results (e.g., outputs and outcomes) under those agreements. If you were not making progress, please indicate whether, and how, you documented why not. In evaluating applicants under this factor in Section V, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider other relevant information from other sources, including information from EPA files and from current and prior Federal agency grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information provided by the applicant). If you have no relevant or available past performance reporting history, please indicate this in the proposal, and you will receive a neutral score for this factor under Section V.
  4. Programmatic Capability. Submit a list of Federally funded agreements similar in size, scope and relevance to the proposed project that your organization performed within the last three years (no more than 5, and preferably EPA agreements), and describe (i) how you were technically able to successfully carry out and manage those agreements and (ii) your history of meeting the reporting requirements under those agreements including submitting acceptable final technical reports. In evaluating applicants under this factor in Section V, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider other relevant information from other sources, including information from EPA files and from current and prior Federal agency grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information provided by the applicant). If you have no relevant or available past performance or past reporting history, please indicate this in the proposal and you will receive a neutral score for the elements of this factor under Section V.

All proposal narratives must be no more than 9 pages (i.e., a page equals one side). Proposal narratives longer than 9 pages will only be reviewed up to the page limit. Applicants must use no less than 11 point font on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. The page limit applies only to the proposal narrative; the cover page and letters of support do not count toward the page limit requirement. Proposals must be readable in PDF, MS Word or Word Perfect WP6/7/8 for Windows in English.

B. Hard Copy Submission. Applicants must send proposals to the appropriate regional address listed in Section VII. EPA strongly recommends that applicants use overnight delivery service or courier service, as regular mail may be subject to unforeseeable delays. Proposals received after the submission date, as noted in Part E and F, will not be evaluated or considered for funding. Proposals must be prepared in accordance with Section IV, Part B. For hard copy proposals only: Applicants are encouraged to e-mail their EPA Regional P2 Coordinator (listed in Section VII) notifying them that a hard copy has been submitted.

C. Electronic Submission. Applicants choosing to submit their proposal electronically must do so through www.grants.gov. Proposal packages must be prepared as described in Section IV, Part A and sent to the regional P2 program office listed in Section VII.

If you wish to apply electronically via Grants.gov, the electronic submission of your proposal/ application must be made by an official representative of your institution who is registered with Grants.gov and authorized to sign applications for Federal assistance. For more information, go to www.grants.gov and click on "Get Registered" on the left side of the page. Note that the registration process may take a week or longer to complete. If your organization is not currently registered with Grants.gov, please encourage your office to designate an AOR and ask that individual to begin the registration process as soon as possible.

To begin the application process under this grant announcement, go to www.grants.gov and click on the "Apply for Grants" tab on the left side of the page. Then click on "Apply Step 1: Download a Grant Application Package and Instructions" to download the PureEdge viewer and obtain the application package and instructions for applying under this announcement using grants.gov. You may retrieve the application package and instructions by entering the Funding Opportunity Number, EPA-OPPT-06-51, or the CFDA number (CFDA 66.708), in the space provided. Then complete and submit the application package as indicated. You may also be able to access the application package by clicking on the button "How To Apply" at the top right of the synopsis page for this announcement on http://www.grants.gov (to find the synopsis page , go to http://www.grants.gov and click on the "Find Grant Opportunities" button on the left side of the page and then go to Search Opportunities and use the Browse by Agency feature to go to EPA opportunities).

Application/proposal materials submitted through grants.gov will be time/date stamped electronically.

Please be sure to view the additional instructions for applying electronically under this announcement through use of grants.gov that are available for download on Grants.gov.

If you have any technical difficulties while applying electronically, please refer to http://www.grants.gov/help/help.jsp.

Please refer to Attachment A at the end of this announcement for instructions on submitting a proposal through http://www.grants.gov.

D. Before Writing the Proposal. Applicants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to contact their regional P2Rx center (there are eight centers in total) to ascertain the type of P2 work that has already been accomplished within their field of interest. For more information on the eight P2Rx centers, please visit http://www.p2rx.org Exit EPA Disclaimer.

E. Submission Dates. Proposals must be received or postmarked by April 2, 2007. Applicants must submit their proposals to the appropriate regional P2 program office listed in Section VII. EPA anticipates that final funding decisions will be made 180 days after the post date of this announcement.

F. Other Submission Requirements.

  1. Submitting Applications. Full application packages should not be submitted at this time. Applicants who submit proposals that merit further consideration for funding based on the evaluation criteria, provided in Section V, Part A, will be contacted by the applicable regional P2 program office. At that time, applicants will be instructed by the region to complete and submit an application package.
  2. Confidential Business Information. In accordance with 40 CFR 2.203, applicants may claim all or a portion of their proposal as confidential business information. EPA will evaluate confidentiality claims in accordance with 40 CFR Part 2. Applicants must clearly mark proposals or portions of proposals they claim as confidential. If no claim of confidentiality is made, EPA is not required to make the inquiry to the applicant otherwise required by 40 CFR 2.204(c)(2) prior to disclosure.
  3. Federal Requirements. If an applicant's proposal is selected for Federal funding during the initial review process, the applicant will be contacted by the regional P2 program and instructed to submit required application forms. All application forms must be filled out in their entirety, prior to being considered for an award (see 40 CFR 30.12 and 31.10). In addition, successful applicants will be required to certify that they have not been debarred or suspended from participation in Federal assistance awards in accordance with 40 CFR Part 32.

G. Intergovernmental Review. This program is eligible for coverage under E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." An applicant should consult the office or official designated as the single point of contact in his or her State for more information on the process the State requires to be followed in applying for assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. If the applicant does not know who their single point of contact is, they are advised to call the EPA Headquarters Grant Policy Information and Training Branch at 202-564-5325 or refer to the State Single Point of Contact web site at www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html. Federally-recognized Tribal governments are not required to comply with this procedure.

V. Proposal Review Information.

A. Evaluation Criteria. EPA will only evaluate proposals that meet the threshold criteria listed in Section III, Part C. Proposals will be evaluated and scored on the six evaluation criteria listed below.

  1. Organizational Experience. (10 points) The extent to which the applicant clearly identifies the key personnel, describes their qualifications and accountability on the project, and describes how they will ensure timely and successful completion of project objectives.
  2. Past Performance. (10 points) The extent to which the applicant has successfully performed projects of similar scope and relevance to the proposed project within the last three years (no more than 5 projects, preferably referencing EPA assistance agreements), and describes how lessons learned from past projects will help lead to the success of the proposed project. Past projects may involve previous Federal and non-Federal grant projects. In addition, the proposal must identify any adverse audit findings or grant enforcement actions taken by any Federal agency against the applicant during the past 5 years. In evaluating applicants under this factor, EPA will consider the information supplied by the applicant in its proposal and may also consider information from other sources including Agency files and prior grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information provided by the applicant).

    Please Note: If the applicant does not have past performance history, the applicant will receive a neutral score for this evaluation factor. (5 points)
  3. Environmental Past Performance. (10 points) Extent and quality to which the applicant adequately documented and/or reported on its progress towards achieving the expected results (e.g., outcomes and outputs) under federally funded agency assistance agreements performed within the last three years, and if such progress was not being made whether the applicant adequately documented and/or reported why not. In evaluating applicants under this factor, EPA will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider relevant information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information supplied by the applicant).

    Please Note: If the applicant does not have any relevant or available past performance reporting history will receive a neutral score for this factor (5 points).
  4. Project Strategy. (30 points - 10 points for each sub factor) (a) The extent to which the proposal narrative includes a well-conceived strategy addressing all four national requirements of the P2 Grants program identified in Section I, Part E and any applicable region-specific activity, if provided, in Section I, Part F; (b) the extent to which the proposal narrative sets forth a reasonable time schedule for the execution of the tasks associated with the project(s) - this sub factor may be addressed by providing a timeline of project milestones; and (c) the extent to which the proposal's goals are realistic and will actually be implemented by the end of the project period.
  5. Environmental Measurement. (10 points -5 points for each sub factor) (a) The extent to which the proposal provides a strategy to implement work which will realize the projected project estimates and provides a clear method to track and measure their applicant's progress towards achieving expected outcomes and outputs; (b) the extent to which the proposal narrative addresses the applicant's participation in the National Pollution Prevention Results System as demonstrated by the applicant's agreement to use the System's P2 common measures and to submit data to the System. The System was developed by State P2 officials, the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR), and the regional Pollution P2Rx centers, with EPA financial assistance. The System is designed to collect P2 measures from a wide variety of sources nationally and is based in large part on the regional aggregation tool initiated in Region 10. For more details please visit NPPR's web site at http://www.p2.org/workgroup/Background.cfm.

    Participation in the System could be demonstrated by the applicant's agreeing to sign the memorandum of agreement (MOA) found on the NPPR's web site noted above. Or, applicants can show evidence of participation by using the System's P2 common measures and submitting data to the System or by noting their plans to do so (e.g., an applicant may send a signed letter with their proposal to their EPA regional contact, informing the region that the system will be used during the project period). The signed letter will not count toward the page limit requirement.

    Please note: EPA will give higher scores to proposals which focus on achieving outcomes and provide a plan to obtain and measure results expressed in terms of outcomes. Proposals which focus on producing output-based estimates and output-based results will receive a neutral score of (5) for each sub factor.
  6. Budget. (10 points - 5 points for each sub factor) (a) The extent to which the applicant presents a proposal narrative which explains the project(s) budget by category and (b) the extent to which the applicant demonstrates they will make effective and judicious use of Federal funds. The detailed budget needs to break out estimated costs for each task and federal and state funds.

    Please note: The use of EPA financial assistance compensation for consultants is limited to the daily equivalent of the rate paid to Federal employees at the ES-IV level (see 40 CFR §§ 30.27 B (b) and 31.36 (j)).
  7. Partnerships. (10 points) The extent to which the proposal narrative effectively demonstrates an effective use of partnerships and, wherever possible, to leverage other organizations' resources and expertise. Partners must provide letters of support from an official within the organization, specifying and confirming their specific contributions to the project.
  8. Programmatic Capability. (10 Points) Under this factor, the Agency will evaluate the applicant's technical ability to successfully carry out the proposed project taking into account the following factors: (i) its past performance in successfully completing and managing federally funded agreements similar in size, scope, and relevance to the proposed project performed within the last 3 years, (ii) its history of meeting reporting requirements under federally funded agreements similar in size, scope, and relevance to the proposed project performed within the last 3 years and submitting acceptable final technical reports under these agreements, (iii) its organizational experience and plan for timely and successfully achieving the objectives of the proposed project, and (iv) its staff expertise/qualifications, staff knowledge, and resources or the ability to obtain them, to successfully achieve the goals of the proposed project.

    Please Note: In evaluating applicants under this factor, the Agency will consider the information provided by the applicant and may also consider relevant information from other sources including agency files and prior/current grantors (e.g., to verify and/or supplement the information supplied by the applicant). Applicants with no relevant or available past performance or reporting history (items i and ii above), will receive a neutral score for those elements of this factor (1.25 points each).

B. Review and Selection Process.

  1. Review Process. Proposals will be reviewed by the EPA Regional P2 review team based upon the evaluation criteria and scoring provided above. Each of the ten EPA Regional P2 program offices will convene their own review panel to evaluate proposals submitted to their region. Each region will use evaluation forms drafted by their region to document and record the results. The highest ranked proposals that merit further consideration will proceed to the next phase. After the region determines a proposal merits further consideration, the applicant will be contacted by the region and instructed to submit a grant application package.
  2. Selection Process. The highest ranked proposals will be recommended for funding and a listing will be sent to the Regional Division Director or Senior Executive Service (SES) equivalent for review.
  3. Selection Official. Completed applications will be selected for funding by the Regional Division Director (or SES equivalent) in the regional P2 program office. In making the final funding selection decisions, the Regional Division Director (or SES equivalent) will consider the evaluation rankings and may consider the following other factors such as program priorities and geographic diversity.

VI. Award Administration Information.

A. Award Announcements. After proposals and completed applications have been reviewed and evaluated, applicants will be notified by the regional P2 program office regarding the outcome of their submittal, usually 60 - 90 days from the date of submission. EPA anticipates that requests for full applications will be made by June 2007 and anticipates that awards will be issued by September 2007.

B. Dispute Resolution Process. Assistance agreement competition-related disputes will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures published in 70 FR (Federal Register) 3629, 3630 (January 26, 2005) which can be found at http://www.epa.gov/ogd/competition/resolution.htm. Copies of these procedures may be requested by contacting the appropriate regional P2 program office listed in Section VII.

C. Administrative Requirements.

  1. Award Management. Awards issued in FY 2007 - FY 2008 will be managed by the appropriate regional P2 program office.
  2. Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC). Certain quality assurance and/or quality control (QA/QC) and peer review requirements are applicable to the collection of environmental data. Environmental data are any measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, or condition; ecological or health effects and consequences; or the performance of environmental technology. Environmental data also include information collected directly from measurements, produced from models, and obtained from other sources such as data bases or published literature. Regulations pertaining to QA/QC requirements can be found in 40 CFR Parts 30.54 and 31.45. According to 40 CFR 30.54, projects that involve environmentally related measurements or data generation must develop and implement quality assurance practices to meet the projects objectives. Additional guidance can be found at http://www.epa.gov/quality/qa_docs.html#noeparqt.

    Applicants should allow sufficient time and resources for this process in their proposed projects. If your organization does not have a Quality Management System in place, one may need to be developed. A project-specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or functional equivalent may need to be submitted and approved by EPA. All projects reporting environmental data will require quality assurance documentation.

    Applicants for the FY 2007 Pollution Prevention Grant Program are not required to submit a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) as part of the application package, but may be required at time of award. Each grant award will contain a condition establishing a deadline for the grantee to submit acceptable quality assurance documentation to EPA.
  3. Audits. Periodic audits should be made as part of the recipient's system of financial management and internal control to meet the terms and conditions of grants and other assistance agreements. In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A‑133, State agencies that receive less than $500,000 within the State's fiscal year shall have an audit made in accordance with Federal laws and regulations governing the programs in which they participate.
  4. Records. Financial records, including all documents to support entries on accounting records to substantiate charges to each assistance agreement, must be kept available to personnel authorized to examine EPA assistance agreement accounts. All records must be maintained for three years from the date of submission of the annual financial status report. If questions still remain, such as those posed as a result of an audit, related records should be retained until the matter is completely resolved.
  5. Computers. Recipients who use grant funds to purchase desktop computers, or notebook computers must specify that such equipment be an EPEAT-registered product with a rating of "bronze" or better. Information about EPEAT-rated products can be found at http://www.epeat.net/ . This specification requirement is consistent with EPA's role in the Federal Electronics Challenge; see http://www.federalelectronicschallenge.net.

D. Reporting. Project reporting must be consistent with the requirements of 40 CFR '' 35.107, 35.115, 35.507, and 35.515. The grantee, along with the regional P2 project officer, will develop a process for jointly evaluating and reporting progress and accomplishments under the grant work plan (see 40 CFR '' 35.115 and 35.515). A description of the evaluation process and a reporting schedule must be included in the grant application work plan (see '' 35.107(b) (2) (iv) and 35.507(b) (2) (iv)).

The evaluation process must provide for:

Grant recipients should send all semi-annual and final technical reports, including any final products generated from the P2 Grant to the grant project officer. Examples of final products include, but are not limited to: fact sheets, pamphlets, handbooks, model curricula, assessment and audit tools, videos, event brochures, etc.

The Grant Project Officer may share final technical reports, and/or final products with the appropriate regional P2Rx center and may send the materials to the Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC). Final reports should include the grant project's environmental output and outcome results.

VII. Agency Contacts.

For further information, please contact the appropriate EPA Regional Program office.

Region 1


Robert Guillemin - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
1 Congress Street Suite 1100 (SPP)
Boston, MA 02114-2023
Phone: 617-918-1814
E-mail: guillemin.robert@epa.gov
Regional web site:

Region 2


Alex Peck - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
290 Broadway, 25th Floor (PSPMMB)
New York, NY 10007-1866
Phone: 212-637-3758
E-mail address: peck.alex@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 3


Maryann Helferty - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
1650 Arch Street (3EA40)
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
Phone: 215-814-3299
E-mail: helferty.maryann@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 4


Dan Ahern - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
61 Forsyth Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-562--9028
E-mail: ahern.dan@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 5


Phil Kaplan - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
77 West Jackson Boulevard (DW-8J)
Chicago, IL 60604-3590
Phone: 312-353-4669
E-mail: kaplan.phil@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 6


David Bond - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200 (6EN-XP)
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-665-6431
E-mail: bond.david@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 7


Gary Schlicht - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
901 N. 15th Street (ARTD/SWPP)
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913- 551-7097
E-mail: schlicht.gary@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 8


Linda Walters - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
1595 Wynkoop Street Attn: 8P-P3T
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-312-6385
E-mail: walters.linda@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 9


Jessica Counts - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
75 Hawthorne Street (WST-7)
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-972-3288
E-mail: counts.jessica@epa.gov
Web site:

Region 10


Robert Drake - Pollution Prevention Coordinator
1200 Sixth Avenue (OEA-095)
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206-553-4803
E-mail: drake.robert@epa.gov
Web site:


I. Instructions for applying through Grants.gov. The electronic submission of your application must be made by an official representative (AOR) of your institution who is registered with Grants.gov and is authorized to sign applications for Federal assistance. For more information, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on "Get Registered" on the left side of the page. Note that the registration process may take a week or longer to complete. If your organization is not currently registered with Grants.gov, please encourage your office to designate an AOR and ask that individual to begin the registration process as soon as possible.

To begin the application process go to http://www.grants.gov and click on the "Apply for Grants" tab on the left side of the page. Then click on "Apply Step 1: Download a Grant Application Package and Instructions" to download the PureEdge viewer and obtain the application package for the announcement. Once you have downloaded the viewer, you may retrieve the application package by entering the Funding Opportunity Number, EPA-OPPT- 06-51 or the CFDA number (CFDA 66.708) in the appropriate field. You will find both of these numbers at the beginning of this announcement.

You may also be able to access the application package by clicking on the button "How To Apply" at the top right of the synopsis page for this announcement on http://www.grants.gov (to find the synopsis page, go to http://www.grants.gov and click on the "Find Grant Opportunities" button on the left side of the page and then go to Search Opportunities and use the Browse by Agency feature to find EPA opportunities).

II. Proposal Submission Deadline. Your organization's AOR must submit your complete proposal electronically to EPA through Grants.gov (http://www.grants.gov) no later than April 2, 2007. Please submit all proposal materials as described below.

III. Proposal Materials

The following forms and documents are required to be submitted under this announcement as specified in Section IV, Part A and as described below:

  1. Cover Page. The cover page should contain the title, the funding opportunity number and the applicant's contact information (i.e., name of applicant, name of the organization, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address and fax number). The cover page does not count toward the page limit requirement.
  2. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424). Complete the form. There are no attachments. Please be sure to include organization fax number and email address in Block 5 of the Standard Form SF 424. Please note: The organizational Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number must be included on the SF-424. Organizations may obtain a DUNS number at no cost by calling the toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711. This option may take up to 30 business days and there is no cost unless the organization requests expedited (1-day) processing, which requires a payment of $40.
  3. Proposal Narrative must be prepared as described in Section IV, Part B of this announcement. The narrative needs to describe how the project addresses the threshold requirements identified in Section III, Part C 1 of this announcement; describe how the project addresses all four national requirements identified in Section I, Part E of this announcement, the environmental past performance language, and describe how the project addresses one or more of the region-specific activities, if provided, that apply to the region in which the applicant is physically located and submitting its proposal to. Proposal narratives should be no more than 9 pages when printed (i.e., a page equals one side). Proposal narratives longer than 9 pages will only be reviewed up to the page limit. Applicants must use no less than 11 point font on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. The page limit applies only to the proposal narrative; the cover page and letters of support do not count toward the page limit requirement. Narratives should be readable in PDF, MS Word or Word Perfect WP6/7/8 for Windows and consolidated into a single file.
  4. Detailed Budget. A detailed budget includes estimates on the costs for labor (by labor category), fringe benefits, travel, equipment, supplies, contractors, and for other direct costs and indirect costs. Your budget must itemize these costs under each task identified in the work plan as well as for the entire proposed project, and must identify the activities (and corresponding estimated costs) covered by the 50% match.
  5. Work Plan. 40 CFR '' 35.107 outlines the required contents of a work plan. At a minimum, the work plan should include:
    • Detailed description of Work Plan components to be funded under the grant;
    • Estimated work years or Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and funding amounts for each Work Plan component;
    • Work Plan commitments for each Work Plan component and time frames for their accomplishment;
    • Performance evaluation process and reporting schedule in accordance with Part 35;
    • Roles and responsibilities of recipient and EPA in carrying out work plan commitments.
  6. Letters of Support.

IV. Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions

Documents in Section III listed under Proposal Materials above should appear in the "Mandatory Documents" box on the Grants.gov Grant Application Package page.

For documents 2 above, click on the appropriate form and then click "Open Form" below the box. The fields that must be completed will be highlighted in yellow. Optional fields and completed fields will be displayed in white. If you enter an invalid response or incomplete information in a field, you will receive an error message. When you have finished filling out each form, click "Save." When you return to the electronic Grant Application Package page, click on the form you just completed, and then click on the box that says, "Move Form to Submission List." This action will move the document over to the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."

For documents 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, you will need to attach electronic files. Prepare your proposal narrative as described above in Section III and save the document to your computer as an MS Word, PDF or WordPerfect file. When you are ready to attach your proposal narrative to the application package, click on "Project Narrative Attachment Form," and open the form. Click "Add Mandatory Project Narrative File," and then attach your proposal (previously saved to your computer) using the browse window that appears. You may then click "View Mandatory Project Narrative File" to view it. Enter a brief descriptive title of your project in the space beside "Mandatory Project Narrative File Filename;" the filename should be no more than 40 characters long. For other attachments you need to click "Add Optional Project Narrative File" and proceed as before. When you have finished attaching the necessary documents, click "Close Form." When you return to the "Grant Application Package" page, select the "Project Narrative Attachment Form" and click "Move Form to Submission List." The form should now appear in the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."

V. Saving Your Work

Once you have finished filling out all of the forms/attachments and they appear in one of the "Completed Documents for Submission" boxes, click the "Save" button that appears at the top of the Web page. It is suggested that you save the document a second time, using a different name, since this will make it easier to submit an amended package later if necessary. Please use the following format when saving your file: "Applicant Name - FY07 - Assoc Prog Supp - 1st Submission" or "Applicant Name - FY 07 Assoc Prog Supp - Back-up Submission." If it becomes necessary to submit an amended package at a later date, then the name of the 2nd submission should be changed to "Applicant Name - FY07 Assoc Prog Supp - 2nd Submission."

Once your proposal package has been completed and saved, send it to your AOR for submission to U.S. EPA through Grants.gov. Please advise your AOR to close all other software programs before attempting to submit the proposal package through Grants.gov.

In the "Application Filing Name" box, your AOR should enter your organization's name (abbreviate where possible), the fiscal year (e.g., FY07), and the grant category (e.g., Assoc Prog Supp). The filing name should not exceed 40 characters. From the "Grant Application Package" page, your AOR may submit the application package by clicking the "Submit" button that appears at the top of the page. The AOR will then be asked to verify the agency and funding opportunity number for which the application package is being submitted. If problems are encountered during the submission process, the AOR should reboot his/her computer before trying to submit the application package again. [It may be necessary to turn off the computer (not just restart it) before attempting to submit the package again.] If the AOR continues to experience submission problems, he/she may contact Grants.gov for assistance by phone at 1-800-518-4726 or email at http://www.grants.gov/help/help.jsp or contact the regional contact listed in Section VII of this announcement.

Proposal packages submitted through grants.gov will be time/date stamped electronically.

If you have not received a confirmation of receipt from EPA (not from grants.gov) within 30 days of the application deadline, please contact regional contact listed in Section VII. Failure to do so may result in your application not being reviewed. Grants.gov is a new system, thus, applicants are strongly advised to send an e-mail notification to their regional contact noting that a P2 Grant proposal was submitted via Grants.gov.

VI. Instructions for Submitting an Application through Grants.gov

Applicants who submit proposals that merit further consideration based on the evaluation described in Section V will be asked by the applicable regional P2 program office to submit a grant application package to complete the submission process. Only those applicants who are asked to complete an application will be considered for an award. Applicants who are contacted by the region will receive an e-mail containing the application deadline and instructions for submitting a complete application through http://www.grants.gov. Only completed applications will be considered for funding.

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