Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF800.0 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF800.1 Mission.
TEXT PDF800.2 Administrator.
TEXT PDF800.3 Nondiscrimination--policy and provisions.
TEXT PDF800.4 Procedures for establishing regulations, official standards, and official criteria.
TEXT PDF800.5 Complaints and reports of alleged violations.
TEXT PDF800.6 Provisions for hearings.
TEXT PDF800.7 Information about the Service, Act, and regulations.
TEXT PDF800.8 Public information.
TEXT PDF800.15 Services.
TEXT PDF800.16 Certification requirements for export grain.
TEXT PDF800.17 Special inspection and weighing requirements for sacked export grain.
TEXT PDF800.18 Waivers of the official inspection and Class X weighing requirements.
TEXT PDF800.25 Required elevator and merchandising records.
TEXT PDF800.26 Access to records and facilities.
TEXT PDF800.30 Foreign commerce grain business.
TEXT PDF800.31 Who must register.
TEXT PDF800.32 When to register.
TEXT PDF800.33 How to register.
TEXT PDF800.34 Registration fee.
TEXT PDF800.35 Review of applications.
TEXT PDF800.36 Certificates of registration.
TEXT PDF800.37 Notice of change in information.
TEXT PDF800.38 Termination and renewal of registration.
TEXT PDF800.39 Suspension or revocation of registration for cause.
TEXT PDF800.45 Availability of official services.
TEXT PDF800.46 Requirements for obtaining official services.
TEXT PDF800.47 Withdrawal of request for official services.
TEXT PDF800.48 Dismissal of request for official services.
TEXT PDF800.49 Conditional withholding of official services.
TEXT PDF800.50 Refusal of official services and civil penalties.
TEXT PDF800.51 Expenses of agency, field office, or Board of Appeals and Review.
TEXT PDF800.52 Official services not to be denied.
TEXT PDF800.55 Descriptions by grade.
TEXT PDF800.56 Requirements on descriptions.
TEXT PDF800.60 Deceptive actions and practices.
TEXT PDF800.61 Prohibited grain handling practices.
TEXT PDF800.70 Fees for official services performed by agencies.
TEXT PDF800.71 Fees assessed by the Service.
TEXT PDF800.72 Explanation of additional service fees for services performed in the United States only.
TEXT PDF800.73 Computation and payment of service fees; general fee information.
TEXT PDF800.75 Kinds of official inspection and weighing services.
TEXT PDF800.76 Prohibited services; restricted services.
TEXT PDF800.80 Methods and order of performing official inspection services.
TEXT PDF800.81 Sample requirements; general.
TEXT PDF800.82 Sampling provisions by level of service.
TEXT PDF800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement.
TEXT PDF800.84 Inspection of grain in land carriers, containers, and barges in single lots.
TEXT PDF800.85 Inspection of grain in combined lots.
TEXT PDF800.86 Inspection of shiplot, unit train, and lash barge grain in single lots.
TEXT PDF800.86 Inspection of shiplot, unit train and lash barge grain in single lots.
TEXT PDF800.87 New inspections.
TEXT PDF800.88 Loss of identity.
TEXT PDF800.95 Methods and order of performing weighing services.
TEXT PDF800.96 Weighing procedures.
TEXT PDF800.97 Weighing grain in containers, land carriers, barges, and shiplots.
TEXT PDF800.98 Weighing grain in combined lots.
TEXT PDF800.99 Checkweighing sacked grain.
TEXT PDF800.115 Who may request original services.
TEXT PDF800.116 How to request original services.
TEXT PDF800.117 Who shall perform original services.
TEXT PDF800.118 Certification.
TEXT PDF800.125 Who may request reinspection services or review of weighing services.
TEXT PDF800.126 How to request reinspection or review of weighing services.
TEXT PDF800.127 Who shall perform reinspection or review of weighing services.
TEXT PDF800.128 Conflicts of interest.
TEXT PDF800.129 Certificating reinspection and review of weighing results.
TEXT PDF800.135 Who may request appeal inspection services.
TEXT PDF800.136 How to request appeal inspection services.
TEXT PDF800.137 Who shall perform appeal inspection services.
TEXT PDF800.138 Conflict of interest.
TEXT PDF800.139 Certificating appeal inspections.
TEXT PDF800.145 Maintenance and retention of records--general requirements.
TEXT PDF800.146 Maintenance and retention of records issued by the Service under the Act.
TEXT PDF800.147 Maintenance and retention of records on delegations, designations, contracts, and approval of scale testing organizations.
TEXT PDF800.148 Maintenance and retention of records on organization, staffing, and budget.
TEXT PDF800.149 Maintenance and retention of records on licenses and approvals.
TEXT PDF800.150 Maintenance and retention of records on fee schedules.
TEXT PDF800.151 Maintenance and retention of records on space and equipment.
TEXT PDF800.152 Maintenance and retention of file samples.
TEXT PDF800.153 Maintenance and retention of records on official inspection, Class X or Class Y weighing, and equipment testing service.
TEXT PDF800.154 Availability of official records.
TEXT PDF800.155 Detailed work records--general requirements.
TEXT PDF800.156 Official inspection records.
TEXT PDF800.157 Official weighing records.
TEXT PDF800.158 Equipment testing work records.
TEXT PDF800.159 Related official records.
TEXT PDF800.160 Official certificates; issuance and distribution.
TEXT PDF800.161 Official certificate requirements.
TEXT PDF800.162 Certification of grade; special requirements.
TEXT PDF800.163 Divided-lot certificates.
TEXT PDF800.164 Duplicate certificates.
TEXT PDF800.165 Corrected certificates.
TEXT PDF800.166 Reproducing certificates.
TEXT PDF800.170 When a license or authorization or approval is required.
TEXT PDF800.171 Who may be licensed or authorized.
TEXT PDF800.172 Applications for licenses.
TEXT PDF800.173 Examinations and reexaminations.
TEXT PDF800.174 Issuance and possession of licenses and authorizations.
TEXT PDF800.175 Termination of licenses.
TEXT PDF800.176 Voluntary cancellation or suspension of licenses.
TEXT PDF800.177 Automatic suspension of license by change in employment.
TEXT PDF800.178 Summary revocation of licenses.
TEXT PDF800.179 Refusal of renewal, suspension, or revocation of licenses for cause.
TEXT PDF800.180 Summary cancellation of licenses.
TEXT PDF800.185 Duties of official personnel and warehouse samplers.
TEXT PDF800.186 Standards of conduct.
TEXT PDF800.187 Conflicts of interest
TEXT PDF800.188 Crop year, variety, and origin statements.
TEXT PDF800.189 Corrective actions for violations.
TEXT PDF800.195 Delegations.
TEXT PDF800.196 Designations.
TEXT PDF800.197 Approval as a scale testing and certification organization.
TEXT PDF800.198 Contracts.
TEXT PDF800.199 Conflict-of-interest provisions.
TEXT PDF800.215 Activities that shall be supervised.
TEXT PDF800.216 Activities that shall be monitored.
TEXT PDF800.217 Equipment that shall be tested.
TEXT PDF800.218 Review of rejection or disapproval of equipment.
TEXT PDF800.219 Conditional approval on use of equipment.
