Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF766.1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF766.2 Abbreviations and definitions.
TEXT PDF766.51 General.
TEXT PDF766.52 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF766.53 Disaster Set-Aside amount limitations.
TEXT PDF766.54 Borrower application requirements.
TEXT PDF766.55 Eligibility determination.
TEXT PDF766.56 Security requirements.
TEXT PDF766.57 Borrower acceptance of Disaster Set-Aside.
TEXT PDF766.58 Installment to be set aside.
TEXT PDF766.59 Payments toward set-aside installments.
TEXT PDF766.60 Canceling a Disaster Set-Aside.
TEXT PDF766.61 Reversal of a Disaster Set-Aside.
TEXT PDF766.101 Initial Agency notification to borrower of loan servicing programs.
TEXT PDF766.102 Borrower application requirements.
TEXT PDF766.103 Borrower does not respond or does not submit a complete application.
TEXT PDF766.104 Borrower eligibility requirements.
TEXT PDF766.105 Agency consideration of servicing requests.
TEXT PDF766.106 Agency notification of decision regarding a complete application.
TEXT PDF766.107 Consolidation and rescheduling.
TEXT PDF766.108 Reamortization.
TEXT PDF766.109 Deferral.
TEXT PDF766.110 Conservation Contract.
TEXT PDF766.111 Writedown.
TEXT PDF766.112 Additional security for restructured loans.
TEXT PDF766.113 Buyout of loan at current market value.
TEXT PDF766.114 State-certified mediation or voluntary meeting of creditors.
TEXT PDF766.115 Challenging the Agency appraisal.
766.116-766.150 [Reserved]
TEXT PDF Appendix A Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 766
TEXT PDF Appendix B Appendix B to Subpart C of Part 766--FSA-2512, Notice of Availability of Loan Servicing to Borrowers Who are Current, Financially Distressed, or Less than 90 Days Past Due.
TEXT PDF Appendix C Appendix C to Subpart C of Part 766--FSA-2514, Notice of Availability of Loan Servicing to Borrowers in Non-Monetary Default.
TEXT PDF766.151 Applying for Homestead Protection.
TEXT PDF766.152 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF766.153 Homestead Protection transferability.
TEXT PDF766.154 Homestead Protection leases.
TEXT PDF766.155 Conflict with State law.
TEXT PDF766.201 Shared Appreciation Agreement.
TEXT PDF766.202 Determining the shared appreciation due.
TEXT PDF766.203 Payment of recapture.
TEXT PDF766.204 Amortization of recapture.
TEXT PDF766.205 Shared Appreciation Payment Agreement rates and terms.
TEXT PDF766.206 Net Recovery Buyout Recapture Agreement.
TEXT PDF766.251 Repayment of unauthorized assistance.
TEXT PDF766.252 Unauthorized assistance resulting from submission of false information.
TEXT PDF766.253 Unauthorized assistance resulting from submission of inaccurate information by borrower or Agency error.
TEXT PDF766.301 Notifying borrower in bankruptcy of loan servicing.
TEXT PDF766.302 Loan servicing application requirements for borrowers in bankruptcy.
TEXT PDF766.303 Processing loan servicing requests from borrowers in bankruptcy.
TEXT PDF766.351 Liquidation.
TEXT PDF766.352 Voluntary sale of real property and chattel.
TEXT PDF766.353 Voluntary conveyance of real property.
TEXT PDF766.354 Voluntary conveyance of chattel.
TEXT PDF766.355 Acceleration of loans.
TEXT PDF766.356 Acceleration of loans to American Indian borrowers.
TEXT PDF766.357 Involuntary liquidation of real property and chattel.
TEXT PDF766.401 Agency exception authority.
