Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF1430.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1430.2 Price support levels and purchase conditions.
TEXT PDF1430.200 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1430.201 Administration.
TEXT PDF1430.202 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1430.203 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF1430.204 Requesting benefits.
TEXT PDF1430.205 Selection of starting month.
TEXT PDF1430.206 Transition payments.
TEXT PDF1430.207 Dairy operation payment quantity.
TEXT PDF1430.208 Payment rate and dairy operation payment.
TEXT PDF1430.209 Proof of marketings.
TEXT PDF1430.210 MILC agents.
TEXT PDF1430.211 Duration of contracts.
TEXT PDF1430.212 Contract modifications.
TEXT PDF1430.213 Reconstitutions.
TEXT PDF1430.214 Violations.
TEXT PDF1430.216 Contracts not in conformity with regulations.
TEXT PDF1430.217 Offsets and withholdings.
TEXT PDF1430.218 Assignments.
TEXT PDF1430.219 Appeals.
TEXT PDF1430.220 Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
TEXT PDF1430.221 Estates, trusts, and minors.
TEXT PDF1430.222 Death, incompetency, or disappearance.
TEXT PDF1430.223 Maintenance and inspection of records.
TEXT PDF1430.224 Refunds; joint and several liability.
TEXT PDF1430.225 Violations of highly erodible land and wetland conservation provisions.
TEXT PDF1430.226 Violations regarding controlled substances.
TEXT PDF1430.500 Applicability.
TEXT PDF1430.501 Administration.
TEXT PDF1430.502 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1430.503 Time and method for application.
TEXT PDF1430.504 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF1430.505 Proof of production.
TEXT PDF1430.506 Payment rate and dairy operation payment.
TEXT PDF1430.507 Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
TEXT PDF1430.508 Maintaining records.
TEXT PDF1430.509 Refunds; joint and several liability.
TEXT PDF1430.510 New producers.
TEXT PDF1430.511 Supplemental payments.
