Title 26--Internal Revenue



TEXT PDF1.61-1 Gross income.
TEXT PDF1.61-2 Compensation for services, including fees, commissions, and similar items.
TEXT PDF1.61-2T Taxation of fringe benefits--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.61-3 Gross income derived from business.
TEXT PDF1.61-4 Gross income of farmers.
TEXT PDF1.61-5 Allocations by cooperative associations; per-unit retain certificates--tax treatment as to cooperatives and patrons.
TEXT PDF1.61-6 Gains derived from dealings in property.
TEXT PDF1.61-7 Interest.
TEXT PDF1.61-8 Rents and royalties.
TEXT PDF1.61-9 Dividends.
TEXT PDF1.61-10 Alimony and separate maintenance payments; annuities; income from life insurance and endowment contracts.
TEXT PDF1.61-11 Pensions.
TEXT PDF1.61-12 Income from discharge of indebtedness.
TEXT PDF1.61-13 Distributive share of partnership gross income; income in respect of a decedent; income from an interest in an estate or trust.
TEXT PDF1.61-14 Miscellaneous items of gross income.
TEXT PDF1.61-15 Options received as payment of income.
TEXT PDF1.61-21 Taxation of fringe benefits.
TEXT PDF1.61-22 Taxation of split-dollar life insurance arrangements.
TEXT PDF1.62-1 Adjusted gross income.
TEXT PDF1.62-1T Adjusted gross income (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.62-2 Reimbursements and other expense allowance arrangements.
TEXT PDF1.63-1 Change of treatment with respect to the zero bracket amount and itemized deductions.
TEXT PDF1.63-2 Cross reference.
TEXT PDF1.66-1 Treatment of community income.
TEXT PDF1.66-2 Treatment of community income where spouses live apart.
TEXT PDF1.66-3 Denial of the Federal income tax benefits resulting from the operation of community property law where spouse not notified.
TEXT PDF1.66-4 Request for relief from the Federal income tax liability resulting from the operation of community property law.
TEXT PDF1.66-5 Effective date.
TEXT PDF1.67-1T 2-percent floor on miscellaneous itemized deductions (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.67-2T Treatment of pass-through entities (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.67-3 Allocation of expenses by real estate mortgage investment conduits.
TEXT PDF1.67-3T Allocation of expenses by real estate mortgage investment conduits (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.71-1 Alimony and separate maintenance payments; income to wife or former wife.
TEXT PDF1.71-1T Alimony and separate maintenance payments (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.71-2 Effective date; taxable years ending after March 31, 1954, subject to the Internal Revenue Code of 1939.
TEXT PDF1.72-1 Introduction.
TEXT PDF1.72-2 Applicability of section.
TEXT PDF1.72-3 Excludable amounts not income.
TEXT PDF1.72-4 Exclusion ratio.
TEXT PDF1.72-5 Expected return.
TEXT PDF1.72-6 Investment in the contract.
TEXT PDF1.72-7 Adjustment in investment where a contract contains a refund feature.
TEXT PDF1.72-8 Effect of certain employer contributions with respect to premiums or other consideration paid or contributed by an employee.
TEXT PDF1.72-9 Tables.
TEXT PDF1.72-10 Effect of transfer of contracts on investment in the contract.
TEXT PDF1.72-11 Amounts not received as annuity payments.
TEXT PDF1.72-12 Effect of taking an annuity in lieu of a lump sum upon the maturity of a contract.
TEXT PDF1.72-13 Special rule for employee contributions recoverable in three years.
TEXT PDF1.72-14 Exceptions from application of principles of section 72.
TEXT PDF1.72-15 Applicability of section 72 to accident or health plans.
TEXT PDF1.72-16 Life insurance contracts purchased under qualified employee plans.
TEXT PDF1.72-17 Special rules applicable to owner-employees.
TEXT PDF1.72-17A Special rules applicable to employee annuities and distributions under deferred compensation plans to self-employed individuals and owner-employees.
TEXT PDF1.72-18 Treatment of certain total distributions with respect to self-employed individuals.
TEXT PDF1.72(e)-1T Treatment of distributions where substantially all contributions are employee contributions (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.72(p)-1 Loans treated as distributions.
TEXT PDF1.73-1 Services of child.
TEXT PDF1.74-1 Prizes and awards.
TEXT PDF1.75-1 Treatment of bond premiums in case of dealers in tax-exempt securities.
TEXT PDF1.77-1 Election to consider Commodity Credit Corporation loans as income.
TEXT PDF1.77-2 Effect of election to consider commodity credit loans as income.
TEXT PDF1.78-1 Dividends received from certain foreign corporations by certain domestic corporations choosing the foreign tax credit.
TEXT PDF1.79-0 Group-term life insurance--definitions of certain terms.
TEXT PDF1.79-1 Group-term life insurance--general rules.
TEXT PDF1.79-2 Exceptions to the rule of inclusion.
TEXT PDF1.79-3 Determination of amount equal to cost of group-term life insurance.
TEXT PDF1.79-4T Questions and answers relating to the nondiscrimination requirements for group-term life insurance (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.82-1 Payments for or reimbursements of expenses of moving from one residence to another residence attributable to employment or self-employment.
TEXT PDF1.83-1 Property transferred in connection with the performance of services.
TEXT PDF1.83-2 Election to include in gross income in year of transfer.
TEXT PDF1.83-3 Meaning and use of certain terms.
TEXT PDF1.83-4 Special rules.
TEXT PDF1.83-5 Restrictions that will never lapse.
TEXT PDF1.83-6 Deduction by employer.
TEXT PDF1.83-7 Taxation of nonqualified stock options.
TEXT PDF1.83-8 Applicability of section and transitional rules.
TEXT PDF1.84-1 Transfer of appreciated property to political organizations.
TEXT PDF1.85-1 Unemployment compensation.
TEXT PDF1.88-1 Nuclear decommissioning costs.
TEXT PDF1.101-1 Exclusion from gross income of proceeds of life insurance contracts payable by reason of death.
TEXT PDF1.101-2 Employees' death benefits.
TEXT PDF1.101-3 Interest payments.
TEXT PDF1.101-4 Payment of life insurance proceeds at a date later than death.
TEXT PDF1.101-5 Alimony, etc., payments.
TEXT PDF1.101-6 Effective date.
TEXT PDF1.101-7 Mortality table used to determine exclusion for deferred payments of life insurance proceeds.
TEXT PDF1.102-1 Gifts and inheritances.
TEXT PDF1.103-1 Interest upon obligations of a State, territory, etc.
TEXT PDF1.103-2 Dividends from shares and stock of Federal agencies or instrumentalities.
TEXT PDF1.103-3 Interest upon notes secured by mortgages executed to Federal agencies or instrumentalities.
TEXT PDF1.103-4 Interest upon United States obligations.
TEXT PDF1.103-5 Treasury bond exemption in the case of trusts or partnerships.
TEXT PDF1.103-6 Interest upon United States obligations in the case of nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, not engaged in business in the United States.
TEXT PDF1.103-7 Industrial development bonds.
TEXT PDF1.103-8 Interest on bonds to finance certain exempt facilities.
TEXT PDF1.103-9 Interest on bonds to finance industrial parks.
TEXT PDF1.103-10 Exemption for certain small issues of industrial development bonds.
TEXT PDF1.103-11 Bonds held by substantial users.
TEXT PDF1.103-16 Obligations of certain volunteer fire departments.
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-1T Limitation on aggregrate amount of private activity bonds (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-2T Private activity bond defined (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-3T Private activity bond limit (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-4T Elective carryforward of unused private activity bond limit (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-5T Certification of no consideration for allocation (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-6T Determinations of population (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103(n)-7T Election to allocate State ceiling to certain facilities for local furnishing of electricity (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.103A-2 Qualified mortgage bond.
TEXT PDF1.104-1 Compensation for injuries or sickness.
TEXT PDF1.105-1 Amounts attributable to employer contributions.
TEXT PDF1.105-2 Amounts expended for medical care.
TEXT PDF1.105-3 Payments unrelated to absence from work.
TEXT PDF1.105-4 Wage continuation plans.
TEXT PDF1.105-5 Accident and health plans.
TEXT PDF1.105-6 Special rules for employees retired before January 27, 1975.
TEXT PDF1.105-11 Self-insured medical reimbursement plan.
TEXT PDF1.106-1 Contributions by employer to accident and health plans.
TEXT PDF1.107-1 Rental value of parsonages.
TEXT PDF1.108-1 Stock-for-debt exception not to apply in de minimis cases.
TEXT PDF1.108-2 Acquisition of indebtedness by a person related to the debtor.
TEXT PDF1.108-3 Intercompany losses and deductions.
TEXT PDF1.108-4 Election to reduce basis of depreciable property under section 108(b)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code .
TEXT PDF1.108-5 Time and manner for making election under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.
TEXT PDF1.108-6 Limitations on the exclusion of income from the discharge of qualified real property business indebtedness.
TEXT PDF1.108-7 Reduction of attributes.
TEXT PDF1.109-1 Exclusion from gross income of lessor of real property of value of improvements erected by lessee.
TEXT PDF1.110-1 Qualified lessee construction allowances.
TEXT PDF1.111-1 Recovery of certain items previously deducted or credited.
TEXT PDF1.112-1 Combat zone compensation of members of the Armed Forces.
TEXT PDF1.113-1 Mustering-out payments for members of the Armed Forces.
TEXT PDF1.117-1 Exclusion of amounts received as a scholarship or fellowship grant.
TEXT PDF1.117-2 Limitations.
TEXT PDF1.117-3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.117-4 Items not considered as scholarships or fellowship grants.
TEXT PDF1.117-5 Federal grants requiring future service as a Federal employee.
TEXT PDF1.118-1 Contributions to the capital of a corporation.
TEXT PDF1.118-2 Contribution in aid of construction.
TEXT PDF1.119-1 Meals and lodging furnished for the convenience of the employer.
TEXT PDF1.120-1 Statutory subsistence allowance received by police.
TEXT PDF1.120-3 Notice of application for recognition of status of qualified group legal services plan.
TEXT PDF1.121-1 Exclusion of gain from sale or exchange of a principal residence.
TEXT PDF1.121-2 Limitations.
TEXT PDF1.121-3 Reduced maximum exclusion for taxpayers failing to meet certain requirements.
TEXT PDF1.121-4 Special rules.
TEXT PDF1.121-5 Suspension of 5-year period for certain members of the uniformed services and Foreign Service.
TEXT PDF1.122-1 Applicable rules relating to certain reduced uniformed services retirement pay.
TEXT PDF1.123-1 Exclusion of insurance proceeds for reimbursement of certain living expenses.
TEXT PDF1.125-2T Question and answer relating to the benefits that may be offered under a cafeteria plan (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.125-3 Effect of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) on the operation of cafeteria plans.
TEXT PDF1.125-4 Permitted election changes.
TEXT PDF1.125-4T Permitted election changes (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.127-1 Amounts received under a qualified educational assistance program.
TEXT PDF1.127-2 Qualified educational assistance program.
TEXT PDF1.132-0 Outline of regulations under section 132.
TEXT PDF1.132-1 Exclusion from gross income for certain fringe benefits.
TEXT PDF1.132-1T Exclusion from gross income of certain fringe benefits--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-2 No-additional-cost services.
TEXT PDF1.132-2T No-additional-cost service--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-3 Qualified employee discounts.
TEXT PDF1.132-3T Qualified employee discount--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-4 Line of business limitation.
TEXT PDF1.132-4T Line of business limitation--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-5 Working condition fringes.
TEXT PDF1.132-5T Working condition fringe--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-6 De minimis fringes.
TEXT PDF1.132-6T De minimis fringe--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-7 Employer-operated eating facilities.
TEXT PDF1.132-7T Treatment of employer-operated eating facilities--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-8 Fringe benefit nondiscrimination rules.
TEXT PDF1.132-8T Nondiscrimination rules--1985 through 1988 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.132-9 Qualified transportation fringes.
TEXT PDF1.133-1T Questions and answers relating to interest on certain loans used to acquire employer securities (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.141-0 Table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.141-1 Definitions and rules of general application.
TEXT PDF1.141-2 Private activity bond tests.
TEXT PDF1.141-3 Definition of private business use.
TEXT PDF1.141-4 Private security or payment test.
TEXT PDF1.141-5 Private loan financing test.
TEXT PDF1.141-6 Allocation and accounting rules.
TEXT PDF1.141-7 Special rules for output facilities.
TEXT PDF1.141-8 $15 million limitation for output facilities.
TEXT PDF1.141-9 Unrelated or disproportionate use test.
TEXT PDF1.141-12 Remedial actions.
TEXT PDF1.141-13 Refunding issues.
TEXT PDF1.141-14 Anti-abuse rules.
TEXT PDF1.141-15 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF1.141-16 Effective dates for qualified private activity bond provisions.
TEXT PDF1.142-0 Table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.142-1 Exempt facility bonds.
TEXT PDF1.142-2 Remedial actions.
TEXT PDF1.142-4 Use of proceeds to provide a facility.
TEXT PDF1.142(a)(5)-1 Exempt facility bonds: Sewage facilities.
TEXT PDF1.142(f)(4)-1 Manner of making election to terminate tax-exempt bond financing.
TEXT PDF1.143(g)-1 Requirements related to arbitrage.
TEXT PDF1.144-0 Table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.144-1 Qualified small issue bonds, qualified student loan bonds, and qualified redevelopment bonds.
TEXT PDF1.144-2 Remedial actions.
TEXT PDF1.145-0 Table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.145-1 Qualified 501(c)(3) bonds.
TEXT PDF1.145-2 Application of private activity bond regulations.
TEXT PDF1.147-0 Table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.147-1 Other requirements applicable to certain private activity bonds.
TEXT PDF1.147-2 Remedial actions.
TEXT PDF1.147(b)-1 Bond maturity limitation-treatment of working capital.
TEXT PDF1.148-0 Scope and table of contents.
TEXT PDF1.148-1 Definitions and elections.
TEXT PDF1.148-2 General arbitrage yield restriction rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-3 General arbitrage rebate rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-4 Yield on an issue of bonds.
TEXT PDF1.148-5 Yield and valuation of investments.
TEXT PDF1.148-6 General allocation and accounting rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-7 Spending exceptions to the rebate requirement.
TEXT PDF1.148-8 Small issuer exception to rebate requirement.
TEXT PDF1.148-9 Arbitrage rules for refunding issues.
TEXT PDF1.148-10 Anti-abuse rules and authority of Commissioner.
TEXT PDF1.148-11 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF1.149(b)-1 Federally guaranteed bonds.
TEXT PDF1.149(d)-1 Limitations on advance refundings.
TEXT PDF1.149(e)-1 Information reporting requirements for tax-exempt bonds.
TEXT PDF1.149(g)-1 Hedge bonds.
TEXT PDF1.150-1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.150-2 Proceeds of bonds used for reimbursement.
TEXT PDF1.150-4 Change in use of facilities financed with tax-exempt private activity bonds.
TEXT PDF1.150-5 Filing notices and elections.
TEXT PDF1.148-1A Definitions and elections.
TEXT PDF1.148-2A General arbitrage yield restriction rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-3A General arbitrage rebate rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-4A Yield on an issue of bonds.
TEXT PDF1.148-5A Yield and valuation of investments.
TEXT PDF1.148-6A General allocation and accounting rules.
TEXT PDF1.148-9A Arbitrage rules for refunding issues.
TEXT PDF1.148-10A Anti-abuse rules and authority of Commissioner.
TEXT PDF1.148-11A Effective dates.
TEXT PDF1.149(d)-1A Limitations on advance refundings.
TEXT PDF1.150-1A Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.151-1 Deductions for personal exemptions.
TEXT PDF1.151-2 Additional exemptions for dependents.
TEXT PDF1.151-3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.151-4 Amount of deduction for each exemption under section 151.
TEXT PDF1.152-1 General definition of a dependent.
TEXT PDF1.152-2 Rules relating to general definition of dependent.
TEXT PDF1.152-3 Multiple support agreements.
TEXT PDF1.152-4 Support test in case of child of divorced or separated parents.
TEXT PDF1.152-4T Dependency exemption in the case of a child of divorced parents, etc. (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.153-1 Determination of marital status.
TEXT PDF1.154 Statutory provisions; cross references.
TEXT PDF1.161-1 Allowance of deductions.
TEXT PDF1.162-1 Business expenses.
TEXT PDF1.162-2 Traveling expenses.
TEXT PDF1.162-3 Cost of materials.
TEXT PDF1.162-4 Repairs.
TEXT PDF1.162-5 Expenses for education.
TEXT PDF1.162-6 Professional expenses.
TEXT PDF1.162-7 Compensation for personal services.
TEXT PDF1.162-8 Treatment of excessive compensation.
TEXT PDF1.162-9 Bonuses to employees.
TEXT PDF1.162-10 Certain employee benefits.
TEXT PDF1.162-10T Questions and answers relating to the deduction of employee benefits under the Tax Reform Act of 1984; certain limits on amounts deductible (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.162-11 Rentals.
TEXT PDF1.162-12 Expenses of farmers.
TEXT PDF1.162-13 Depositors' guaranty fund.
TEXT PDF1.162-14 Expenditures for advertising or promotion of good will.
TEXT PDF1.162-15 Contributions, dues, etc.
TEXT PDF1.162-16 Cross reference.
TEXT PDF1.162-17 Reporting and substantiation of certain business expenses of employees.
TEXT PDF1.162-18 Illegal bribes and kickbacks.
TEXT PDF1.162-19 Capital contributions to Federal National Mortgage Association.
TEXT PDF1.162-20 Expenditures attributable to lobbying, political campaigns, attempts to influence legislation, etc., and certain advertising.
TEXT PDF1.162-21 Fines and penalties.
TEXT PDF1.162-22 Treble damage payments under the antitrust laws.
TEXT PDF1.162-25 Deductions with respect to noncash fringe benefits.
TEXT PDF1.162-25T Deductions with respect to noncash fringe benefits (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.162-27 Certain employee remuneration in excess of $1,000,000.
TEXT PDF1.162-28 Allocation of costs to lobbying activities.
TEXT PDF1.162-29 Influencing legislation.
TEXT PDF1.163-1 Interest deduction in general.
TEXT PDF1.163-2 Installment purchases where interest charge is not separately stated.
TEXT PDF1.163-3 Deduction for discount on bond issued on or before May 27, 1969.
TEXT PDF1.163-4 Deduction for original issue discount on certain obligations issued after May 27, 1969.
TEXT PDF1.163-5 Denial of interest deduction on certain obligations issued after December 31, 1982, unless issued in registered form.
TEXT PDF1.163-5T Denial of interest deduction on certain obligations issued after December 31, 1982, unless issued in registered form (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.163-6T Reduction of deduction where section 25 credit taken (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.163-7 Deduction for OID on certain debt instruments.
TEXT PDF1.163-8T Allocation of interest expense among expenditures (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.163-9T Personal interest (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.163-10T Qualified residence interest (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.163-12 Deduction of original issue discount on instrument held by related foreign person.
TEXT PDF1.163-13 Treatment of bond issuance premium.
TEXT PDF1.163(d)-1 Time and manner for making elections under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.
TEXT PDF1.164-1 Deduction for taxes.
TEXT PDF1.164-2 Deduction denied in case of certain taxes.
TEXT PDF1.164-3 Definitions and special rules.
TEXT PDF1.164-4 Taxes for local benefits.
TEXT PDF1.164-5 Certain retail sales taxes and gasoline taxes.
TEXT PDF1.164-6 Apportionment of taxes on real property between seller and purchaser.
TEXT PDF1.164-7 Taxes of shareholder paid by corporation.
TEXT PDF1.164-8 Payments for municipal services in atomic energy communities.
TEXT PDF1.165-1 Losses.
TEXT PDF1.165-2 Obsolescence of nondepreciable property.
TEXT PDF1.165-3 Demolition of buildings.
TEXT PDF1.165-4 Decline in value of stock.
TEXT PDF1.165-5 Worthless securities.
TEXT PDF1.165-6 Farming losses.
TEXT PDF1.165-7 Casualty losses.
TEXT PDF1.165-8 Theft losses.
TEXT PDF1.165-9 Sale of residential property.
TEXT PDF1.165-10 Wagering losses.
TEXT PDF1.165-11 Election in respect of losses attributable to a disaster.
TEXT PDF1.165-12 Denial of deduction for losses on registration-required obligations not in registered form.
TEXT PDF1.165-13T Questions and answers relating to the treatment of losses on certain straddle transactions entered into before the effective date of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, under section 108 of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.166-1 Bad debts.
TEXT PDF1.166-2 Evidence of worthlessness.
TEXT PDF1.166-3 Partial or total worthlessness.
TEXT PDF1.166-4 Reserve for bad debts.
TEXT PDF1.166-5 Nonbusiness debts.
TEXT PDF1.166-6 Sale of mortgaged or pledged property.
TEXT PDF1.166-7 Worthless bonds issued by an individual.
TEXT PDF1.166-8 Losses of guarantors, endorsers, and indemnitors incurred on agreements made before January 1, 1976.
TEXT PDF1.166-9 Losses of guarantors, endorsers, and indemnitors incurred, on agreements made after December 31, 1975, in taxable years beginning after such date.
TEXT PDF1.166-10 Reserve for guaranteed debt obligations.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-1 Depreciation in general.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-2 Tangible property.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-3 Intangibles.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-4 Leased property.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-5 Apportionment of basis.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-5T Application of section 1060 to section 167 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-6 Depreciation in special cases.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-7 Accounting for depreciable property.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-8 Retirements.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-9 Obsolescence.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-10 When depreciation deduction is allowable.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-11 Depreciation based on class lives and asset depreciation ranges for property placed in service after December 31, 1970.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-12 Depreciation based on class lives for property first placed in service before January 1, 1971.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-13T Certain elections for intangible property (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-14 Treatment of certain intangible property excluded from section 197.
TEXT PDF1.167(a)-14T Treatment of certain intangible property excluded from section 197 (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.167(b)-0 Methods of computing depreciation.
TEXT PDF1.167(b)-1 Straight line method.
TEXT PDF1.167(b)-2 Declining balance method.
TEXT PDF1.167(b)-3 Sum of the years-digits method.
TEXT PDF1.167(b)-4 Other methods.
TEXT PDF1.167(c)-1 Limitations on methods of computing depreciation under section 167(b) (2), (3), and (4).
TEXT PDF1.167(d)-1 Agreement as to useful life and rates of depreciation.
TEXT PDF1.167(e)-1 Change in method.
TEXT PDF1.167(e)-1T Change in method (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.167(f)-1 Reduction of salvage value taken into account for certain personal property.
TEXT PDF1.167(g)-1 Basis for depreciation.
TEXT PDF1.167(h)-1 Life tenants and beneficiaries of trusts and estates.
TEXT PDF1.167(i)-1 Depreciation of improvements in the case of mines, etc.
TEXT PDF1.167(l)-1 Limitations on reasonable allowance in case of property of certain public utilities.
TEXT PDF1.167(l)-2 Public utility property; election as to post-1969 property representing growth in capacity.
TEXT PDF1.167(l)-3 Multiple regulation, asset acquisitions, reorganizations, etc.
TEXT PDF1.167(l)-4 Public utility property; election to use asset depreciation range system.
TEXT PDF1.167(m)-1 Class lives.
TEXT PDF1.168-5 Special rules.
TEXT PDF1.168(a)-1T Modified accelerated cost recovery system (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(b)-1T Definitions (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(d)-0 Table of contents for the applicable convention rules.
TEXT PDF1.168(d)-1 Applicable convention--Half-year and mid-quarter conventions.
TEXT PDF1.168(d)-1T Applicable conventions--Half-year and mid-quarter conventions (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(f)(8)-1T Safe-harbor lease information returns concerning qualified mass commuting vehicles (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(h)-1 Like-kind exchanges involving tax-exempt use property.
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-0 Table of contents for the general asset account rules.
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-0T Table of contents for the general asset account rules (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-1 General asset accounts.
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-1T General asset accounts (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-2 Lease term.
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-4 Changes in use.
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-5T Table of contents (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(i)-6T Like-kind exchanges and involuntary conversions (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(j)-1T Questions and answers concerning tax-exempt entity leasing rules (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(k)-0T Table of contents (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168(k)-1T Additional first year depreciation deduction (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.168A-1 Amortization of emergency facilities; general rule.
TEXT PDF1.168A-2 Election of amortization.
TEXT PDF1.168A-3 Election to discontinue amortization.
TEXT PDF1.168A-4 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.168A-5 Adjusted basis of emergency facility.
TEXT PDF1.168A-6 Depreciation of portion of emergency facility not subject to amortization.
TEXT PDF1.168A-7 Payment by United States of unamortized cost of facility.
TEXT PDF1.169-1 Amortization of pollution control facilities.
TEXT PDF1.169-2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.169-3 Amortizable basis.
TEXT PDF1.169-3T Amortizable basis (temporary).
TEXT PDF1.169-4 Time and manner of making elections.



TEXT PDF602.101 OMB Control numbers.